There is 4 divides on STEEMIANS. You know who you are.. and no it is not minnows, dolphins, and whales.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

STEEMIT (in my lifetime) is one of the best creations, even better than facebook. Let me tell you about the 4 divides.


Many of you just got here 3-4 months ago. Some of you got here 6 months ago.

There's 4 distinctive divides I've watched and learned about.

What is a divide?

A divide to me, is 4 distinct groups of people. I'm not complaining.. it's just acknowledgement and appreciation of the distinct divides...


  • These are the early birds. Those that amassed steem power and followers, simply because they were here first. They either witnessed their steem via witness (mining) nodes, or they were the first bloggers on steemit. You all know who you are, and so do I...

Generally early birds have greater than $50,000 USD in their wallets, have more than 4,000 followers, and it doesn't matter what they write, they will get a $100+ payout for every post.

NOTICE TO READER: Don't fault them for this. They deserve it. They put in their time. That's just the way it goes.


  • These people have technological skill, and they were always around on the internet. They are the type of people who would send you a spam saying "Want 5,000 facebook likes? How about 1,000 twitter followers". They have botnets, skill, and they see the value in steemit, so they are here too.

(They will spam 1,000,000 people in email. Get 3 sales, and call that a success, because they made $10 USD in a day)

NOTICE TO READER: Ignore their get-followed schemes. Nothing worse than getting 5,000 followers of "bots" who don't even know what you wrote. lol. :)


  • These people have played the cryptocurrency markets for years before steemit was created. They're always paying attention to the newest thing that can earn funds. It is true. STEEM is a good long-term hold, a good long-term investment, so they are here. Most of them don't post. They just invest. They make money when steem falls stupidly, and when it goes back up to where it should be. For the entire steem system to work, we need investors.

DIVIDE #4/4: NEW PEOPLE. Bloggers who don't have funds. They don't spam. They like this place. They want to earn their reputation, fit in, and do well here.

That is the majority of steemit (DIVIDE #4)...

(now I hate this term "what gives", but most people say it, so I will say it too)


Ok, I'll tell you what gives:

  • Early birds have +70 reputation and +$50K USD of steem power. They're not going anywhere

  • Spammers, programmers, and get something for free are plaguing the entire internet. Steemit is on the internet. They'll plague this place too. So that's not going to stop anytime soon

  • Investors are invested. They love money. They're making money. When there is a rush to sell cheap STEEM, they are the ones buying it back up. Lucky for all of us... investors do make good money even if the users of the system panic sell and don't buy cheap STEEM during obvious opportunities

That leaves us to the rest of the 85% of steemit users:

DIVIDE #4/4: NEW PEOPLE. Bloggers who don't have funds. They don't spam. They like this place. They want to earn their reputation, fit in, and do well here.

That's me, and you both. I wasn't an early bird. I am certainly not a spammer, nor do I have the funds to be an investor.

I am divide #4 like many of you.

We like this place. I want to earn my reputation, fit in, and do well here.

When some person level 45 with a loud mouth and nasty attitude goes to level 70+ reputation before me, and a larger wallet than I have... want to know what I really think?

  • I don't care. As long as I get there the right way, with morals intact. I'm happy.

It's the greater numbers of the public (divide #4) that keep this place alive the most.

So there. I said it. After being here a year, I've seen only 4 types of people. Which one are you?

  • and special question... if you are any of the 4 divides, do you care more about morals or money?

#4 and still learning, but have seen all of those, and just like you, I don't care if they earn big by writing nonsensical stuff, they must have worked hard in the beginning, but if that's what makes them tick, so be it! But still is disrespectful to the platform in my mind. I love writing and will continue to strive towards delivering good content, meeting awesome steemians along the way whilst learning & earning slowly. Great insight into the people & bots ;) in the steemit world :)

That's a great attitude to have. :)

I'm a little bit of 1 and 3. But I want to earn my reputation, fit in, and do well here too. So a little bit or 4 too.

Divide#4 has to be taken care of, because if they leave the other divides will lose their value.
And I will make a prediction that in the future posting-whatever-you-want-and-get-$100 will not work.
Having said all that, the majority of best posts that I have read came from divide#1.

Hey brother , how have you been lately ? I am just now getting back on my feet >since Irma slammed us head on . I just got your message today I responded with the info you asked for . Long time no talk but nothing has changed when it comes to your content , you really have a Gift @intelliguy , the way you format the post to reach through the screen and hijack your eye balls until they get your brain replenished with some actual content that basically describes the reasoning behind every single different faction that makes up this amazing community .
When it comes to #steemit , the 4 factions coexist together like spokes on a wheel , every "spoke " has a role in the wheel to keep it from failing . #steemit is no different , without Divide # 1" early birds " there wouldn't be the distribution of Steem Power on the wide scale it is right now , also " Early Birds " do contribute by (mining) nodes, creating steem , or they were the first bloggers on steemit. DIVIDE # 2 Programmers /Spammers , thankfully there is a small percentage of these guys on this platform and hopefully it stays that way . There has always been this class of scammers , spammers

Very nice post. I am 4

great write up...well written and easy to understand.. I am number 4 and eventually hope to be the other numbers somewhat...learning how to use bots to help in times of needs in investor because that would be fun..and when Steemit grows enough be known as one of the early birds...because if steem continutes to grow and evolve we can all be what we want...except of course a spammer or you would have only seen "nice post"... lol

keep posting :)

Nice post 😂🤣

Yeah I guess I'm in the forth category
I love this place I tell do
I want to be part of this great company and earn my reputation and make a living out of my contribution here

If you think so, there is the devide #5, people that are doing their best and don't earn even a dollar from their post, at least you earn a few dollars per post, look at me, I am posting everyday and earning cents and there are a lot of people like me that join steemit just a few months ago and they are suffering and they are not rewarded like they deserve.

Before that hardfork 19 everything was ok, and a lot of new people earned very good money but after that I see just cents earned by people invited by me, and they are posting everyday and they are doing everything to grow.

But the best way to grow on steemit is to buy a lot of steem power and nothing will help, I understand that now ! ! !

I'm only here 6 months but having a grand aul time and definitely in it for the long haul.

Spot on and very informative post.
This is nothing but the truth.

The early birds are the ones that enjoy steemit more and that's just it.

But that shouldn't deter anyone from believing and joining hands to better the Steemit community and make it grow.
In the future, you'll also be termed an early bird, and your investment here will surely pay off.

Happy Steeming

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