STEEM TIPS: How to get paid more frequently, and make more MONEY! - LESSON #2: ENGAGEMENT

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I'm going to divulge some secrets how to make more money as an author and curator of steem. #2 of a 5 Part Series




Being SEEN is the hardest part of being a STEEM blogger. How do you become seen? How to you rise to the top among hundreds of thousands of other bloggers?


What do most people do? They write blogs. They go to and promote those blogs. They might even feed SBD money to @null like I've done many times, and get your post ranked high on the "promoted" post feed for that category.

...and then they wait "to be seen"

Being seen means, you're repetitively in people's faces. You keep popping up on their screen. Like a person waving a flag. "Hey!! I'm here? Do you see me?"

I have one thing figured out about how the most predominate steemians got seen (like @stellabelle, @papa-pepper, etc).

They ran around non-stop commenting on people's blogs. @stellabelle did youtubes with people. They put themselves out on center stage. Not afraid to talk in audio, video, or spending the time commenting on other people's blogs.

Back then, I saw them lots. I replied to them. They replied to me. I upvoted them, and they upvoted me back. Then something happened. They spent more time, and got more popular that I had time, and next thing I know, I'm stuck at level 65 and they're reputation level 72, level 74 and skyward.

They did the work "to be seen" and I didn't. That's why they are more successful than me and I admire them for it.

7. Engage your commenters

Someone shows up on your blog post, writes a meaningful comment. They read and liked what you wrote. What do you do?

A: Most people reply and say "thanks"


The people visiting your blog, upvoting your post, and spending the time to comment are looking for two things usually:

  • They want an upvote from you, for a good comment
  • They are hoping you'll either follow them for their insightful comment, or at the minimum visit their blog too and upvote one of their posts

The worst thing you could do is NOT recognize your comments, and NOT upvote good comments and NOT go visit their blogs.

You can get 100 upvotes, but only 12 commenters. Those that take time out of their day to comment on your stuff, if it is a good comment totally deserve an upvote and reply for doing so.

These same commenters visit lots of blogs, and give lots up upvotes. It is only when you strike a special chord or emotion in them, that they want to push the reply button and say something to you. When they do, reward them for their efforts and go see what they've been doing on their own blog.


Don't do this... it is very tempting to write blog post, after blog post, and see how many upvoter fish you can catch.

People see through it. They might upvote 5 of your blog posts and if you churn them out too frequently, they'll soon realize "why do I keep upvoting this person? They never visit my blog. They never reply to me, or upvote me. Screw them. I'll spend time upvoting someone else!"

If you forget rule #7 (Engage your commenters) and you keep posting things without roaming around curating other people's content, you are seen as a competitor for pool rewards who only wants to make money.

9. Discord, mumble, twitter, facebook, and more

What off-chain websites and communication methods are you using? Do you use any of them in a regular basis?

Don't know about it? Never tried it? Well most of the dolphins and whales of STEEM have. They spend the time to create social media accounts that allows them to talk live or make special appreciation for their twitter followers, or people who can use a microphone to talk to them on the voice channels of discord.

Yes, it is true. You can't "just" promote who you are, or what you write on steem / steemit alone. You need to socialize with people on discord or other systems outside of steemit.

10. Being present on website forums like or et al..

Your steemit alias is transportable. This means, if you're known as @intelliguy on steemit, and you show up at with the same name, talking about similar things, you're going to get noticed off-chain by people.

When you close your steem windows and browser because you are done posting and curating for the day. Where ELSE on the internet is your name seen? Do people know you? Have they seen you in multiple venues? That helps you.

I'm on day 16/30 of my positivity challenge.

I have more to divulge in my next post... wait and see. Only one way to get notified when I do... you probably know how.


So true @intelliguy, this is what I am missing as steemit blogger. I shall do this tips to grow larger. I am really excited for 3/5 post.

Very useful an insightful. I did not realize until you mentioned that I too should respectfully review other's blogs when they have given my upvotes or comments. It should work both ways. Thanks.

This is a well written post. I wrote some about this topic myself and I am always looking for similar content.

You are mention true things. If you want to stand out from the crowd you need to do something what other aren't doing. And that on a regular basis.

I really enjoyed this post.

Kind regards

Very handy advice, nice to know writing meaningful comments on blogs and commenting on a lot isn't going to waste!

I comment on posts that I have interest in and I look to build up relationship with people in the niches that I am focusing on. I will check out your profile to read part 1 of this :)

great post. this can help me as a new member of this community. thanks..

followed upvoted.

I am pretty new here and your post give some useful information. Good work here.

The post is really helpful for those who want to earn through steem , thanks

Yeah! Comment and reply engagement is the most exciting thing about this, communicating with people. The most fulfilling thing about being on here on a regular basis is getting to talk to people and relate on subjects, get perspectives, and learn new things and build on all those aspects for future posts. Such a cool thing if you just stay true to being yourself while interacting with the world, which is unique to this platform and in my opinion its strong point.

The interesting thing for me is, that people with 1k+ followers don't even get 100 views, looks like some people are not often present here. But that might not be true, I think that the posts get lost too quickly, therefore not getting the attention desired.
Now how am I going to get views, likes... with only 60 followers even though that I might have done a great post :D

Start learning by reading my blog. Just two posts ago I addressed the 1k+ follower thing and already answered that question. :)

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