I have GOOD NEWS about STEEMIT and more GOOD NEWS about STEEMIT

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

This involves @steemitblog and @ned and @lukestokes - all three impressed me today.


Recent slowness and errors when trying to use STEEMIT

Events happened in this chronological order:

...and then....

Some important GOOD NEWS items were discovered. (you can click all the links and do your own research, or let me save you some time and summarize it for you):

(in no particular order)

  1. Steemit's team was fully aware of the slowness and unresponsive website. You all probably kind of expected it, but everyone wondered why they didn't really say anything.

  2. Steemit's team was deploying a newly developed a backend service called jussi which creates a layer between the website and blockchain allowing queries to be cached and processed in a much more effective way.

  3. Lukestokes was concerned that Steemit, Inc employees were not following the industry practice of "Eating Your own Dog Food" which basically was a term echoed by Microsoft in the 1980's which means that steemit developers should use the website with the same slowness as regular users so they can feel and experience the website like a regular user.

  4. Both @intelliguy and @lukestokes were concerned prior to hearing anything, specifically

  • @lukestokes quote "If the Steemit team used Steemit as much as the rest of us, they might reprioritize fixing the issues we're seeing and put a higher level of importance on communicating about those issues so we can set better expectations. If Steemit knows what's going on and are actively working towards a solution, great! Please let us know all about it!"

  • @intelliguy quote "We're not resilient enough to withstand every type of storm that will hit us at one time or another. Let's build a stronger [steemit] ship, before we set sail in unchartered territories with SMT. [Smart Media Tokens]"


Everyone involved, including @steemitblog, @ned, @intelliguy, @lukestokes, AND ALL COMMENTERS who replied, had one thing in common:


...and so I was happy to hear that Steemit, Inc, was already testing out a solution. I'm glad both @ned @steemitblog communicated (albeit a bit late).

I'm glad to hear @lukestokes a #21 witness is hoping to meet @ned in Lisbon for SteemFest this year and discuss important issues. I hope they get the opportunity.

Most of all, I now know why @ned doesn't sit on his computer all day long, just replying to everyone who tries to pull him into a discussion and explain himself and his team on a blog:


To describe my thought process anecdotally, I initially wrote a follow up comment here for [lukestokes] explaining the myopia of the arguments made in the the Eat Your Own Dog Food article and gave way to better judgment - which is to make sure wheels are oiled proportionately and efficiently, while not giving all the oil to the squeaky ones in particular.

Now I have to agree with @ned. A CEO's job is to pay attention to all things going on, not just who yells the loudest or demands the most attention. Speaking of myself and anyone else, we can't actually expect @ned to show up whenever we summon him with a question. He's busy gettting things done.

...and the important words from Team Steemit are here:

We also appreciate the many alerts that we receive from users when they notice something that could be wrong. We may not always communicate publicly about every challenge we face, but you can rest assured that we are actively working to resolve all issues as quickly as possible.

Last words by @intelliguy:

So let's learn to be a little more patient and happy that we have this many eyeballs watching the same ball together. :)

LET US KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ....and just maybe... @lukestokes, Team Steemit, or @ned will read it. "MAYBE"

..You know one thing for sure... @intelliguy will. :)


Great run down of what's going on and how things are being handled. I too saw @lukestokes post. I think he is great, and was not out of line speaking up being in his position and with his expertise.

How are you doing my brother ? As usual you have content of a different caliber that most places on @steemit can only plagiarize haha... well my friend it's comforting to know that the ball is rolling , issues are being addressed , and future issues are being prevented by the Team taking the necessary measures to make this community the most sought after social media platform on Earth !!! Its not going take much more action to accomplish this considering that we already provide a propaganda free , non agenda based , 1rst Amendment promoting platform ,
This is the ideal way to let people experience what its like to be able to not only socialize , gossip , and get/give information , but to be apart of something that has never been available in our history .
Other social media platforms have a goal and agenda,s that includes limiting freedom of speech , removing politically adverse content , and promoting content that is in line with their extreme liberal/communist viewpoints and agenda,s . Bottom line , ? You cant turn on a T.V , Radio , or a Computer without being spoon fed a ideology that is based on demonizing , shaming , and convincing a whole culture that they are privileged and all the things that you or your family members accomplished in their lives was because of White - Privilege and hand outs or free passes because of your racist white roots that run deep enough in our genes to have permanently tainted our whole race with bigotry , hate , racism , and lets not forget the worst trait of all " White Privilege."
To clarify , by no means do I think that these horrific behaviors and this mentally ill way of thinking has anything to do with our history or culture , when logged into @facebook or @twitter that's all you get , from the content and if you are brave enough or dumb enough to disagree and voice your opinions in posts and comments , you will not only be harassed by fellow members , you will be forced to remove the post by your peers using intimidation , threats , and public humiliation, and if that doesn't work facebook will gladly do it for you !
When people realize that it's okay to have different thoughts , ideas , and belief systems , platforms like facebook might work .As of right now we are not even on a path to get to that destination , let alone a path that will show us that no matter your skin color , where your from, the education you received , or how much money you have , you can still be a ignorant , uneducated , close minded , miserable excuse of an existence , that floats through life accomplishing little and contributing nothing sucking everyone and everything dry around you .
@Steemit is the leading example of what social media should be , I know that it will prevail , our society has always thrived based on positive , hard working , ideals that teach us morals and values based on teachings that have been beneficial and successful in keeping our wonderful community's and our country as a whole strong , honest , compassionate , and successful....
Thanks again @intelliguy I can always count on you to have bad ass content waiting for me when I get off work an finally get home to the family.

Quote of the week = "We're not resilient enough to withstand every type of storm that will hit us at one time or another. Let's build a stronger [steemit] ship, before we set sail in uncharted territories with SMT."
Sorry about the long comment , but I need advice and your the most reliable in that field , what do you think about this ? Good ? Bad ? https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@elear/utopian-now-800k-sp-github-utopian-ready-and-much-more

Well A for effort on such a lengthy comment. :)

However what I would have recommended is you make this a blog post (IF IT IS SO LONG) next time (so you are the author and can get more people to read it)...and then write a 3-4 sentence comment here, and then say "I had a lot more to say, so I wrote a blog post and linked to your post"

..I would then go there and upvote you there, and other people would upvote you too. Especially if you want to deviate into things like utopian.io (which is a completely different topic I can't address here.)

One thing I will tell you is that Utopian project a as LOT of people listed that support that project. That's all I know about it. But with that many people listed, anyone would have be crazy to talk against it. Look at how many enemies you'd have... really.. lol.

@Steemit is the leading example of what social media should be , I know that it will prevail , our society has always thrived based on positive , hard working , ideals that teach us morals and values based on teachings that have been beneficial and successful in keeping our wonderful community's and our country as a whole strong , honest , compassionate , and successful....

Yes, steemit is the best example of its kind to date... and its still early. I want to see where it goes next. It is my first and most favorite!

haha I know I get carried away sometimes when it comes to my comments , thanks for the tip on making it a post and then link it to yours . so if I want to see how your doing , for example right now If I wanted to talk to you about something I would have to either go to your blog and use the comment for one of your posts to ask you like that , or write a post and attach the link to one of your posts and say " hey how ya goin , here's the link " . Basically make it brief with a link to what I want to talk about ... Thanks brother , you always respond and give answer's that allow the person /people who read it to learn more than what they were even asking in the first place .

I ended up showcasing you and two other steemians today. Come see my blog. :)

You have made the list of my favorite steemians :) throwing some hairshares at this post ...keep being you <3

"Speaking of myself and anyone else, we can't actually expect @ned to show up whenever we summon him with question. He's busy getting things done."


However you may also agree that it is reasonable for there to at least be an established proxy (or pool of proxies) who 'can' be summoned with questions. For as long as these proxies aren't themselves kept in the dark - things will move smoothly.

Thank you kindly for writing about this matter @intelliguy.

....even another website with new domain name, that lists the current network status will help. This way if we go there to check, and it says "busy systems. try later" and it's all RED, I will go do something else for 10 or 20 minutes, and then come back and see if it is any better.

Yep, thanks for sharing, it is good that they already have a new backend, hope a more powerful one! I have been following @lukestokes and appreciated that he was bringing to light the problems of this site, and I am very glad that the Steemit team took this into consideration and already found solutions to these problems. Hope it will all get better!

Thanks for the article/post. The website looks different and feels efficient. Still going to test it out today. One point I like to make is that, a CEO must check at which common complaint raised by all commentators and then fix that issue then go down the list of complaints and fix the smaller issues. This is the methodical way most businesses are run. Priority is given to the issue that effects revenue flow to the business first. Basically you want the business model running efficiently with less complaints from clients.

So let's learn to be a little more patient and happy that we have this many eyeballs watching the same ball together.

I agree we all need to be patient atimes,because a little patience can turn things around,and concernig the eyes watching us i must say you all have done a great job for us and still doing,God bless you all.

People need to realise that while sime communication is good, expecting it all the time halts/slows the progress of the team and it is good to know they worked hard and addressed the issues.

Steemit team is doing good, yes agreed, some issues of slowness and others are there but they are working hard. Thanks for your informative post.

This is good news! This is reassuring to many of us. Thanks for taking the time to put this together!

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