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RE: Flagging Could Destroy Steemit by Monopolising Tag Whales

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

You keep saying @sterlinluxan has lied about you, but fail to give details what it is that he said about you which is not true. He argues with your opinions but it does not mean he lies.

You could turn this into an interesting debate but you chose to stay being bitter, act as a victim and spread baseless accusations about @sterlinluxan lying about you. Lies refer to actual facts, not opinions. No fun reading this.


Dude. Seriously. For the 3rd time. Here is the article with every point he made outlined. He paraphrased my words. He said things I never said. He didn't even offer a link to my post our of sheer fear for being exposed.

I could turn this into a debate if they both had the calliber to make comments underneath my original post. They didn't @innuendo. Look how much time I am taking explaining over and over my position while his posts does not even have a single argument based on the premises I outlined.

I can't understand how you can be so thick

He paraphrased my words.

This is what I also do when I make an argument and want to unmask what I think are the actual intentions behind words. My favorite subject is revealing totalitarian mindsets in people who declare to be freedom lovers. This misalignment is in most cases unconscious - the author is being manipulative but s/he is not aware of this fact and honestly thinks their intentions are good.

Let the reader make the ultimate judgment if this unmasking by @sterlinluxan, is valid or not. This is not an act of lying, this is the art of arguing. Please open up to this and I'm sure you'll find this very refreshing.

If your arguments are solid they will survive, no matter what @sterlinluxan says. But if there is some truth in his argument, you can learn a lot by engaging in a discussion and, as a result, revise your stance and make it even stronger.

We all have our demons (also known as our egos) that try to trick us. Nobody holds the ultimate truth. And this refers to all of us: me, you and @sterlinluxan.

Dude he made references that I am anarcho-communist and similar bullshit. If you are such an expert in "unmasking" manipulation then go check his "compassion" references with hearts and angels that appeal to emotion. You radar is not as high there huh?

I copy and pasted almost everything he wrote in order to clarify. We are on Steemit. You can actually copy and paste what the other person said. He didn't do it. He chose to lie.

My argument is simple. An anarchist IS NOT a product of state opposition. An anarchist can accept the state and live anarchic in his own terms by manipulating the state.

I don't have demons don't worry. I am pretty honest with myself. Too bad I can't say the same thing with about your psychologic-bullshiter

I don't have demons don't worry.

Saying this is a clear sign you actually do.

OK, do what you want. As it is, right now I don't even need to dig into @sterlinluxan's post to conclude his diagnosis about you was pretty much spot on.

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