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RE: The State of Steem - August Expansion

in #steemit7 years ago

Cost of creating new accounts and having to do some checking up on new accounts to try and limit bots being created. Some people here have created thousands of accounts before Steemit Inc had to put a stop to it and make it manual.


exactly its people like noganoo and others who basically ruind it for everyone else...but all they did was sytrengthen our system, what doesnt kill it only makes it stronger unlike biologial life...the AI that is the steemit blokchain only grows more resiliant as steemit whitehats and black hats build up defenses and try to break them down like noganoo, and the devs then go and fix things and then blachats go and make botnets and just reemmber everyione

icertain people have made thousands of accounts before most peopel couyld make 1! and they dont take any responsibility! they will claim it was their right to create that many accounts, when actualy it was very unethical to make that manya ccoiunts (And theres no reason for them EXCEPt for stealing money) because you can do everything from ONE account awith bots! u dont need multipel accounts to run multiple functions u can make ONE botthat does al the functions of multiple bots, u dont need a new account for every new function....and i HIGHLY doybt that anyone is going to really NEED to make more than 50 bots ad i doubt they could make 50 useful bots that are actualy used a lot

otherwise bot armies are stuipid bcause u gt same result of flagging or upvoting frm ONE account with all the combined steempower!

so one of the tonly things hcreating multipel accounts would be for is to get all the free steempower they come with even delegated steempower allos somkeone to upvote themse;vs and their own posts, u see? Its fucked, its kjust theft or money thatssuposed to go to other people! to the masses!

Anyway thank you @igster your post was very inciteful and seemslike we have a lot of un fgrateful spoiled brats here on steemit! entotlement is a massive issue on steemit!

Minnows logve to act like thre is a problem with teh whales when honestly the whales are angels compared to minnows! Itsthe minnows who have MOST of the problems here on steemit haha so if pepel ant to generalize then lets be honest about where all the problems on steemit come from! so many minnows quick to jump onto apeals yto emotion posts about how steemit whales are somehow stealing from the 'community"n (that THEY created lol) its like hey u cant steal from a blockchain that you fuickin helped creatye AND any upvotres steemitusers get are FAIR by DEFAILT becauseits a blockchgaiN!ok im getting too heated! Steemit is about to grow so much peopel will make so much money they wont be upset!

MOST of the people upset on steemit are people not making much money, and they see othe rpeoples posts and think "Wellmy posts are just lik their posts! I SHOULD GET that much money too! Wah Wah 'And they dont get that its because they jusr dont have the folowers! an ALSO even if you DO have the same number of followers, ome followers are created more equal than others! some followers are high steempower followers!

exactly its people like noganoo and others who basically ruind it for everyone else


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