Tried and trusted methods on how to do Steemit fulltime and make money while doing it. ( Part 1 of 3 )

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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So hopefully the article title got your attention. If it didn't, and you misclicked on this, then that's also okay. It'll be the best misclick you've had in a long time. ;P

I am here today to drop some knowledge on How to do Steemit fulltime. Yup, yup, you read correctly. Fulltime baby! As in a fulltime job!. I'm sorry, you're unemployed? Then you have come to the right place. Now before we get started this will be a 3 ( three ) part series and the reason for that is because I don't want to make one extremely long post and cram everything together. Otherwise after a while I won't have your full attention & I'm afraid you might miss something.

These methods have worked for me. This is not just something I'm putting down on the blockchain without experience. These methods work ( for me at least ), and I have full confidence that they'll work for you too. So grab a cuppa Joe and let's get started shall we?


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Aaaah yes, you knew this was going to be mentioned. C'mon, be honest. Discord whether you want to do Steemit fulltime or not is your greatest tool. If you aren't using it then stop what you're doing right now & go download it. You can download it HERE.

I started Steemit back in July 2017 & trust me using Discord has and is really paying off. You see, if you want to make any kind of progress on here, you have to network. It's not an option, it's a must. Now whether you're great at public speaking or whether you're an introvert, you have to network. It's cool if you're shy, or not great at networking. That's ok. My advice, LEARN. I'm sorry if that came across as a bit harsh, but you have to hear it.

Once downloaded join a few Discord servers. Just hop in and start mingling. Just remember the following:

  • Always make sure Push-To-Talk is enabled. ( So we don't hear you eating salad like a goat ).
  • Be respectful when entering a channel on a server. Yelling at the top of your lungs, "Wazzzuuuup!" isn't recommended.
  • Listen to the conversations. Soak up any knowledge heard. Give valuable input when needed and in turn people will recognise your presence.
  • Be consistant. Join everyday if you can. It's not recommended to join today and then afk for a month. Try and be active in the channels daily, even for a short time just to greet.

Here are some servers I can recommend for you as a beginner. ( Remember the points mentioned above ).


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This goes without saying. If you don't have a passion for something you're going to hate what you do and you're going to be miserable. Ever heard people say, "Ugh, I have to go work today". Do you want to be that person where you hate / dislike what you do for a living? I sure don't. Passion makes you say, "Today is going to be great because I get to make a living on Steemit!". Immediately you're in a positive mindset and that sparks creativity, it sparks excitement, it sparks joy.

You don't have to know everything about crypto or whatever whomever is doing in the trading markets. Your focus / passion should be getting followers, interacting with people on Steemit, commenting, following people etc. For instance, my passion is adding value to the blockchain via my posts, be it with humor where I can make someone laugh, life lessons I've learned along the way, or how-to guides to help others. ( Ed - You add value to the blockchain? Erm, ok )

Get excited about Steemit and the possibilities, get excited about meeting new & interesting people today, get excited that you're going to make money today! GET EXCITED and the rest will follow. Without passion, without a vision, you won't make it very far I believe.


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Ok, let's just get this out of the way... I am guilty of this. It is so important but there are days when I don't post. You see, as I'm doing this for a living, I post once a day. Sure I can post twice a day, but I prefer once a day. And that requires, yup, consistency. I'm going to be honest, when I don't post some days it's because I don't know what to blog / vlog about. For me, personally, I'd rather blog about something I'm passionate about, than create an article that's just there for the fact of being there to meet my daily "one post a day" quota.

So what I do is I train myself to always be on the lookout for content. Be it a trip to the supermarket, paying bills, my experience on Discord that day, anything. I'm always open to ideas on what to write about. Some days nothing exciting happens ( lol because you spend your life in front of the PC )... shut your mouth you voice in my head!. I swear one of these days I'm going to....

Sorry about that. Where were we? Oh yes, sometimes you'll have an off day, that's fine. Just make sure that off day doesn't turn into an off week or month. Because in my experience, you lose focus. You lose momentum. You lose passion. So try your best to remain constant in your posts. But make sure they're quality posts, Quality over quantity. What I do is I try and post a certain time. When that's done I tell myself I have 24-hrs to come up with my next post.

That way mentally I'm on the clock and it puts me into "creative / thinking" mode to come up with ym next post. Kinda like me pushing myself mentally to remain constant and be aware that tomorrow my next post is due. You see, being constant isn't just for you, it's for your followers. If I decide to follow you because I enjoy your content, I'm going to look forward to your posts if you post everyday. Kinda like looking forward to your favorite soap opera everyday.

So, in a nutshell, remain constant. Be it in posting, commenting or even networking. Remain constant to the best of your ability.

Ok, that's the first part of my "How-to do Steemit fulltime and make money" series. I'll do it in a 3-part series. I've given you 3-points today... Put them to good use.

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  • Voting and getting votes
  • Getting followers
  • Targetting your demographic

Disclaimer: The information in this post is what worked for me. Every person is different but the information listed is a good foundation to build upon.


This is a good info mention. Thanks for this @iamnotageek.

Thank you and you are welcome.

Raw Honesty...feels so damn good to have this artistic veil yet be more real in some ways on here then in "real life"

Thank you Mary


Aaaah man that image brings back memories..... Thank you my friend, and thank you for your support!

insightful indeed :) thanks

You are most welcome.

So glad you're doing well, @iamnotageek! I've missed your face...and this time it was me that has been away.
These are all great tips that really work for those who can commit the time to being successful on Steemit. Keep up the great work!
x x

Thank you so much :-). It's hard work though. Aint easy. But worth it!

Thanks for sharing this post. I've been a bit affected lately for being away from Steemit due to studies and coming back feels like I'm starting all over. After reading this post, I feel inspired once again. I'm glad I stumbled on it.

Glad I inspired you! Thank you.

@iamnotageek this post was presented at the morning session of Pimp Your Post Thursday on the Steemit Ramble Discord. It was one of five choosen for the video report on the session. Just stopping back to let you know that you can see your name in lights right here. (Just kidding about the lights :)

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