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RE: Steem is stuck in a underleveraged state

in #steemit6 years ago

(Partially directed towards: @booster916)

Whether or not it’s: an automated bot. Your whale friend. Or a combination of the two (your whale friend either automatically or manually always upvoting your content) — “abuse” or manipulation or capitalization of the platform will exist.

This is Steemit.

If people are here just to try and make money (some succeed some fail) — then that is what they’re gonna do, regardless of the quality of their content.

I’d like to hear from someone who’s using Steemit and was not AT ALL influenced by the potential for gaining real world valued rewards for their content. If you say yes that you were influenced, even in the slightest, then you can’t expect for bots to not exist, and you really can’t expect for people to not take advantage of something that is not disallowed.

I actually agree that bots make Steemit harder to: navigate, find good content, get your own stuff noticed, etc.

However... If you did your homework in the beginning or noticed the way it works you’d have left before you could, or should complain... you know why...Posts and comments are organized by THEIR REWARDS!

That’s like going to hell and complaining that it’s hot or that you keep finding the devil around every corner.

Or let’s flip it.

It’s like going to heaven and getting mad when Jesus scolds you for banging Mary Magdalene. Or when Jesus doesn’t scold your friend for bangin her when your dumb ass said no to her.

Disclaimer I’ve only been here since 2018. So maybe things were different in the third day according to the blockchain as opposed to the sixth.

If you’re interested in more analogies please send me a few SBD and your topics. I gotchu.

Peace that’s all I got for now.


First of all this is one of the most badass replies I ever got.

Of cause there will always be people abusing the system like in the real world. Might is right!
But these people should also care about the environment on steemit. The better it is, the higher the value of it. Not talking about the small fish, but the big whales. By making the Steemocean a better place they would make more money than by supporting abusement, scam and so on.

Looking at the best case steemit could be and the worst case scenario, which would you prefer?
We are somewhere between these two right now. The question, where do we want to be in the future?
Everyone trying to abuse the system which will make many people leave or everyone giving their best in a fair competition that will attract more and more people, because everyone can make it on steemit when investing hard work and effort?

The world is not perfect. We have to prepare for the worst. I agree that ideally bid bots don’t help the ideal functionality of Steemit. But at the same time, moving the blockchain and generating rewards while doing it is essentially one of the functions — whether or not it’s iseal is subjective.

I’ll repeat myself in concluding that since it’s a decentralized non officially regulated platform, there is no way to fully police it, and not in an objective way. Check out this post of mine, it also responds to this topic on a slight tangent.

Disclaimer I think I bought an upvote on it...

The whales bring their own private money onto this platform (or were here during the early years). Without them, steem would not exists because minnows would make zero earnings. By that same account the majority of the content here is produced by minnows.

One could say that if whales want to create a better place for their investment, that they should be the one to clean this mess up because it's in their own self interest. But instead they setup bots and sell their votes. Minnows gobble it up.

Who is the wrong here? The answer is thst it's double edged but the fault lies on No one. Here is why:

Steemit is not about letting people "make it" through hard work and effort.

It's about a platform to share ideas. That's it. The money part of it is an accessory for validation. And if people are driven away from the platform because money is the measure of success, then they missed the point in my opinion.

It works like in the real world. The few on the top of the pyramid hold tons of money while the most people have only a fraction of it.

Their is no real wrong or right, only decisions and consequences. And the decisions from the whales influence the SteemIt ocean a lot more than from an insignificant plankton.

So I think whales should do more for SteemIt instead of just running a bidbot and not contribute anything to the community.

Even if someone only wants to run a Bidbot, he should at least keep developing it. At least my impression is that most upvotebots simply upvote everything they put in.

There's so much you could do!

  • To avoid abuser a team could look at all posts after every bid-round and if someone mist upvoted more, he is blacklisted.
  • Certain tags (low value) like "meme" only get a maximum upvote of $10 or less for example.
  • Introduction of whitelists that only authors with appropriate articles can use bots.

I can think of a thousand things, but I don't see any of them. I honestly have no interest in it, even if I use bidbots. But I think I feel like most of the other users; we use them because everyone uses them

Why are you defending them so much? Are you planing to set one up yourself? ^^

I dont plan on setting one up, but I wanted to understand how they operate before using one.

For the most part, the bidbots have to pay their delegators. They also need to pay for server costs. Once you combine that with multiple bidbot services offering better and better returns, you end up with bidbots slaughtering each other for profit. At the end of the day, if you pay someone to review those posts, they will operate with no profit and disappear. But obviously, if they just let it run wild, the bot owner makes free profit with no effort.

There is a reason why they are the way they are, which is why their model is doomed.

My point in defending them is that people judge the way things work, but most people don't understand how it works nor do they care to make it better, but still want it to be better. So all people do is complain.

hence why i think steem is underleveraged. A lot of potential. but you don't want to do anything but complain about the service. Dont get me wrong, you have every right to do so, and you can use whatever service (or not) that you like, but I think what you are saying, believing and doing is a bit inconsistent and I've struggled to understand why the inconsistency exists (hence my probing).

edit: also to establish minimums and maximums for posts (which i think is fair for the bidbot), doesnt mean much to the grander scale of things because another bot service will just swallow up where the other lacks. The real solution is to create a more lucrative service for minnows to use, not to constrain them.

Of cause they have some costs but look at the big bots. Its their own problem that they are giving 95% of the delegations away, but they still make 600€ per 2,4hours or more. That is a huge amount of cash they generate and if they can't make a concept for taking wins with that it is just bad business imo. They could give the users "just 80% for doing nothing" and invest the other 10% into some projects that make steem a better place and so on. The possibilies are there but the human greed will always be one of the seven deadly sins

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