Trends - Steemit Exponential Growth --- Foresee the Future

in #steemit7 years ago

Whatever you do in life - watch for trends. Whether it's investments, education, work or habits, trends allow- at least sometimes - to foresee the future. Trends are reliable, as they emerge from the fundamental laws of the Universe. The basis of trends is the law of inertia (Newton's first law of motion). What is says is that if something is in motion you need to apply external force to change its direction, to slow it down or speed it up.

But what is a trend? One definition is

a general direction in which something is developing or changing

Other words to describe this phenomenon are flow, vector, gradient, tendency and current.

There are three basic types of trends:

  • up / growth
  • sideway / stagnation
  • down / decline

Some trends have short lifespan, liek fireworks fire, some very long one, like the Sun fire. Some vague, undefined, like love. Trends tend to have blips, abrupt births and deaths.

Thus from the trends in general lets suddenly move to steemit trends. There are many posts about steem price trends, some about steemit user base changes. Here we can analyze some Google Trends. More or less this tool shows interest in a particular topic. Let's start with the term steem.


There was a side-ways trend until it picked up in mid 2016. But wait, nobody dreamed about steem (blockchain) in 2010, less in 2004! I suspect that Google considered steem as a misspelled word steam. Lesson: it's easy to make a mistake reading trends!


We get some more reliable results after including the term steemit. According to Google, interest in the term steemit was trailing interest in steem until mid 2017.


First days of 2018 are welcoming us with the All Time High (ATH) level of interest in steemit on Internet.

Why is this so important? At least in theory, number of new accounts, activity and prices can be manipulated. Google Trends is an independent tool that can bring (even if not definite) confirmation to your observations. As a bonus - world map of interest:

Steem and Steemit are best way to get into the cryptoworld / blockchain technology / decentralized banking. It is great to see South America almost all in red and so many countries in Africa. Keep it up!


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62864.56
ETH 2538.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.93