My 2 reasons why I am not gonna put Steempress on my website.(warning: a little bit of rant)

in #steemit6 years ago

Recently I read that Steempress got good progress with their first major update and it is true that it has potential to become huge. But honestly, I am a bit skeptical as well both from a reason that is more fundamentally wrong with steem and also a decision steempress made for themselves. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing to see people already are trying to bring steem to the people and I admire what they are doing. I just see a lot of problems that I personally see as a problem when it comes to integrating it into my own website.


10% of all rewards goes to Steempress?

This is at least, the information I managed to recieve.
It is the exact same reason for why I stopped using Dtube.
I read when I was looking into the plugin that 10% of all rewards go to Steempress. In my opinion, this is nothing but a move of greed. They did respond on a comment mentioning this and their explanation was "that Dtube and other Dapps also does it". To me, I think it is wrong anyone takes this much %(if any %). Dtube does have a better explanation they use it for curators. (although this is also not alright in my books). But Steempress explanation is just "they also do it". It sounds not only unprofessional but also it just is too much money to lose for a plugin to your website. IF steem would become big and take over the internet one day, I am sure many other plugins that will not require this coming to the surface.

10% is absurd. I rather pay 1 time for the plugin than for the rest of my websites life pay 10% of all steem income it might be making. Why don't I just go to Steemit itself and post my posts both there and without steem on my own website?(in fact that is what I intend to do). I know people should be paid for their work they are doing but this is a bit over the top considering how early we all are in this and I feel like they rather make some easy money than actually getting it into a bigger amount of adoption.

I believe few are gonna take this deal. At least it is keeping me away from doing it.

@steempeak is the only one who is doing this right in my books, giving you the OPTION to make them their beneficiary.

the "7 days limit" is still a problem.

To me, there's little incentive to make the extra effort because of this fact. But this is nothing to do with Steempress but more to do with steem as a whole. On a website, your posts have to be "timeless" and resourceful so it can into the future pay off. I know you can have both steem AND still whatever other revenue you are getting paid from. But is it really worth the extra effort you are requiring from your readers? to go to the steemit website to create an account in order to comment and vote with the 0 cents? I guess the 7 days is a fine extra little income if you are already big on Steemit but again, might as well post something on Steemit separately then.

Maybe with time this problem will be solved and again I cannot stress enough I am not bashing Steempress directly for this, I am just stating it is also a factor for why I will not install it.

Until then... I will keep waiting.

There's simply too little economic gain from adding Steempress to your website at this stage. Also the motivation of "advertising for Steem" is not really big with the current system anyway. I would rather just have a "donate through crypto/steem button" than the whole voting system applied into it.

I think the combination of 10% and the 7 days limit is just simply putting it off for me.

Staying realistic is healthy despite the hype. There's some fondamental problems to this idea of a plugin for wordpress and until they are fixed I don't see it happen.

Does that mean steempress should stop their work? Of course not! Progression is important and maybe one day it will be super attractive to plugin it into a website, it is just not the case right now.


Thanks for information on steem press.

@steempeak is the only one who is doing this right in my books, giving you the OPTION to make them their beneficiary.

Utopian has such a thing as well. You are invited to set as a 5% beneficiary, and if you do, the utopian upvote will get a bit higher.

That's also true! thanks for that one!;) Actually I was not aware utopian gives out votes like that!

Posted using Partiko Android

10% for ever from the topline revenue really is a lot. How much of your net profit will it be?
That's probably going to be a more dramatic number.

We are in the beginning and ideas need to be tested and adopted.
Possible changes could be a cap or a tiered system. There are many ways to charge for these kinds of services and we are about to find out which ones work best.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes it seems absurd if you think about it. As said, I love that we are seeing someone work on something like steempress, but feedback is needed for them to not go down this path. I do what I can and speak up about this concern!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, I hate the so and so does it excuse. That is what Trump says every time he does something questionable. You cannot build your entire character around other people's immorality and expect to be seen as good.


Wait, what's wrong with our dear Trump now?!

Look at the size of that brain

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I take your point about the 10% but the guys behind steempress deserve some credit and reward. They also tend to back their users with an upvote or 'tip' as they like to call it. This helps ease the 10% 'service charge'.

We need entrepreneurs to innovate on the steem platform and that's likely going to come with a small charge.

Also, the potential network effect that the steempress could create in terms of exposure for Steem is huge.

Posted using Partiko Android

this 10 % (actually they have put it at 15%) will not help much if people are not using it in the first place. If they are doing something great for the steem platform there are many other ways to get funded here on here.

But you are right, it's their project and they can fund it how they want of course. I just believe this "15%" charge is over the top.

Thanks for the insight. I haven't maintain my wordpress for years but i remember what it was like.
What is your outside steem link? Curious

I am building it as we speak! It's a community for tour cyclists! And I looked into steempress as a solid opportunity but currently it's not making the cut for me and there's better WordPress plugins currently!

Posted using Partiko Android

In a way, it sucks that they do that. But from their perspective though, it surely feels nice and I bet many of us would do the same if they had the chance or the determination to build such a plugin or something similar.

On the other hand, for me for example, steempress' plugin is a good start, as sometimes, the biggest vote on my posts is theirs, which makes me still want to use it despite that cut - which from what I know, is 15%.

I've noticed other apps or interfaces that take their cut and stopped using them if they didn't bring any other value. But so far it's been a good boost. Maybe later, if my account grows, I won't need that anymore, but for starters like me it feels like a good enough compromise.

Also, from what I know from other bloggers who use Patreon or things like that, donations aren't really consistent. And I guess this gets us pack to the first point. Most people would take a bigger share for themselves if they could. I guess history has proven that many times so far.

Cheers, and keep on rolling, man. ;)

P.S.: Forgot to mention their curation rewards, which almost doubles their fee.

Hey man! it's good to hear some people are using it still! That was actually my concern.
Yeah the "fee" is at 15% now, I dont know where I got the 10% from but I am too lazy to correct it now, the message is the same regardless!

Can I ask you, how much are the upvotes you are getting from them? and is it on every post you are making?
Just wondering!

Cheers man! :)

Depending on the post. If it's a small one - the last one was around 300+ words plus some photos, I got 11% of their full vote - that was around $5. If it's a long and more interesting one - 2000 words, travel related, nice photos, which got me also curie and travelfeed votes, it was 20%, and around $10-12, depending on the value of steem at that moment.

I know. It's not much, but it's the best way I found so far to monetize my blog. I'm more concerned about the SEO part and the duplicate content issues than about the 15% that steempress takes as a fee.

For me, it's alright so far. I mean, it makes a little difference.

Yes! the duplicate content issue is also something that was on my mind! Another reason I guess.
It's cool you are finding it useful though! and the votes you are getting seems to be quite big considering the low price of steem atm. :)

I had no idea Steempress took a cut, especially a 10% cut! The problem I have with Steempress, is when I hit publish on my blog, by the time it is published on Steemit and Busy, I find my posts rearranged and take away from the original layout, which makes the post look bad. I'm considering deactivating Steempress on my blog...

The seven day limit will always hold steemit or similar steem apps back. I hope it changes but steem has a long way to go before it shows it can be a top ten coin.

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