STEEM, It’s all about POWER!! (Part 2)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

When I started using Steemit around 2 months ago, there was one thing I struggled with from the outstep. How does Steem have any monetary value. Now I realise there are 2 very good reasons why Steem does have value, and why that value should appreciate (increase) moving forward…

How does Steem have a monetary value?

This all began to make sense to me (after using the platform and accruing Steem Power for a few weeks) when my up votes started allocating $0.01+ of Steem Power/Dollars to all content I upvoted. Steem's value is in the POWER it gives the holders to reward content and writers they like, and incentivise them to continue to provide this content.

Unit of Labour:
Steem also represents a unit of labour in the same way as the US Dollar, and any other national currency. Steem is paid out as rewards in exchange for Content Creation and Content Curation. At it's simplest form, users essentially donate labour to Steemit in exchange for payment in Steem. The economics of the Steem(it) system are set up very similar to the real world. You put time in, you get rewards out. Let's not forget, the gold standard doesn't exist anymore, £ $ pretty much only represent a trusting the central bank, and represent a transferable unit of labour...

The only difference is, this is a much more democratic version. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are born, what you look like… The level of compensation you receive is all about the quality (there is also a function of quantity of coarse) of your contribution, decided by a community of judges.

Why will Steem’s value appreciate over time?

As more and more users enter the Steemit experience, demand for ‘Power’ will increase. There will also be an increasing labour base chasing an amount of Steem that is (to all intensive purposes, considering 97% of Steem is Powered Up) inflating by only 10% per year. I also think that (short term) we will see average rewards per user fall (and this has happened over the past week with an increasing user base) until this finds a stable level. We have seen the unit of labour cost fluctuate wildly over the past month or so;

3 Weeks ago: $30m Mark Cap, $3m worth of Rewards per year, 4700 users, Average Payout per user per year = $638

2 Weeks ago: $120m Mark Cap, $12m worth of Rewards per Year, 7300 users, Average Payout per user per year = $1,643

1 Week ago: $400m Mark Cap, $40m worth of Rewards per year, 10,000 users, Average Payout per user per year = $4,000

Today: $300m Market Cap, $30m worth of Rewards per year, 25,000 users, Average Payout per user per year = $1,200

In the near to medium term, this will be the stabilising factor for Steem. I think we could see Average Reward Payouts per user be the function by which Steem as a ‘stable currency’ could be valued.. Eventually, if Steem succeeds as the founders hope, we will see a decoupling from all these measures, and it will be valued in it's on rights as a currency regardless of the Steemit platform, however we can leave that to another day..

Some further thoughts on Steem, Steemit and the Power it gives users (if you missed Part 1):

The ‘Power’ Steem gives it users is considerably democratic. The more Steem you have, the more power you have on the platform. You can accrue Steem in various way;

  1. You can buy Steem, this isn't democratic, however the fact that the inflation rate is so high, purchasers of Steem get penalised one way or another if they don't contribute to the Platform. Even Steem Power carries a inflation rate of 10%p.a. (Steam itself carries a 100% inflation rate p.a), but also locks that user in for 104 weeks whilst they cannot realise the investment.
  2. You can be a content creator. The better you are, the more your liked, the more rewards you get. High incentives to create great content and give users what they want.
  3. Engage with the content creators, you can earn $Steem if your contribution is deemed useful from the community, thus incentivising further engagement.
  4. Pick great content before everyone else, you get rewarded with $Steem

Generally social media and content delivery as it should be. Where there is big reward, content creators will come, if your contribution is deemed unnecessary, you will receive no $Steem and be encourage to adapt to what the community wants.

The other interesting thing is that, the more Steem you have, the more reputation (power) you have, and thus you can help content creators get more views with your up vote than they might do with someone with less Steem. This means that, the more Steem you have, the more Power you have to make or break content creators income. This incentivises community members to hoard Steem. Power is valuable, and could become ever more so valuable as the Steemit community grows.

Large amounts of Steem can influence community members to read a certain content creator, or read a certain subject more than others. It's no surprise that the most popular tags are 'steemit’ and 'introduce yourself'. This is where the value is for content creators, and this is where the large Steem holders are spending most of their time. This will of coarse change as the platform develops and builds a loyal and productive user base. It’s great that early users are being rewarded for their efforts at this juncture. Steemit would be nothing without them…

Could we see a future where corporate entities purchase large amounts of Steem in order to reward customers, or for subliminal brand advertising? Luckily the inflation rate means there is an ongoing cost to such activity that will only benefit Steemit. That is where the value for Steem is, the ability to influence a content network into a direction you prefer, the more Steem you have, the more influence, the more POWER.


It's all about value and connections.

All the power in the world won't get you to influence the network if all the others flag you or don't pitch in their vote for your content.

Steemit is probably one of the more transparent systems in this way - it's organic and decentralized, a far cry from sponsored content and ads posing as news stories on virtually every other social network.

I would suggest that, with a single upvote from some users worth between $200-$500, they have the power to make people listen, they have the power to guide content on Steemit, they have to power to encourage constructive engagement on a topic of their choice... It would take thousands of downvotes to silence that power... I would love to be able to reward my favourite content, one day with that kind of money, with just the click of a button!!!

This is an exciting trend:

3 Weeks ago: $30m Mark Cap, $3m worth of Rewards per year, 4700 users, Average Payout per user per year = $638

2 Weeks ago: $120m Mark Cap, $12m worth of Rewards per Year, 7300 users, Average Payout per user per year = $1,643

1 Week ago: $400m Mark Cap, $40m worth of Rewards per year, 10,000 users, Average Payout per user per year = $4,000

Today: $300m Market Cap, $30m worth of Rewards per year, 15,000 users, Average Payout per user per year = $2,000

@erinb I actually got that wrong. It's 25,000 users now. Edit Done... 500% in user base in less than 1 month. Certainly impressive

If you ever want to keep up with user numbers, see
Take 10,000 off the total, that represents mining accounts.

That leaves us at 25,600... wrote about i here. great post man! i remember a post from you 2 weeks back, hilarious :D

Looks like me a you are kindred spirits :) I will be sure to follow you from now on. Thanks for the replies!!

that assessment for corporate entities is not farfetched, the fact to you were able to think about it means that this option would present itself to this entities

It's only farfetched in the sense that, getting 50m+ users is farfetched. Thanks for sharing your thoughts @tjpezlo

i couldn't agree more

"Could we see a future where corporate entities purchase large amounts of Steem in order to reward customers, or for subliminal brand advertising? "

IMO yes, and its a good thing. the future of steem is in its utility as a medium of exchange for attention.

I like the fact that, the cost associated with holding Steem is high for accounts not participating enough, and it's up to the users if they would like to engage with the Corporate Entity or not (obviously now with adverts, everyone gets forced to engage, whether they want to or not)..

there is a third way besides corporations advertising and corporations holding steem or steem power (which wouldn't be appealing to them because of the 2 year commitment) . like you said SP is a unit of labor. But corporations don't normally buy the ability to do labor. They rent it.

I think a lot of people will hate it, but the key to integrating steem commercially is small and medium sized users renting out their steem power... Im actually writing now about how something like that might be done...

@sigmajin Interesting. Prompt me when you have posted...

After I give up couple hours a go you make me dream again with this info in your post , thank you

That made me smile. @ben99 don't give up just yet. If user base does swell, you are still very early on this movement...

Thanks for the advice, i will try to change my strategy on steemit

After looking through your posts. The topic are great. This one in particular;

I would suggest increases the content contained within your posts. That post in particular could have been far more detailed, and would have potential to do very well.

Thank's God you have see my blog, what make sad that people don't try even to read, I love blogging and love talking with people but an article some time take 2 hours to write it , you can check this one : or this one : , and you can check results

wow amazing power (part 2)

Thanks @angelinaalba It was the 'unit of labour' bit that came to my thought recently and was the difference to Part 1. We all forget the money in our pockets is just paper representing an amount labour...however with no ingrate value whatsoever...

Hold your Steem Power I say! At least that's what I'm doing for exactly the reasons you've pointed out. I think this platform is going to see massive expansion and with that will come a huge increase in the value of Steem Power.

We are still firmly placed in the innovators stage of the adoption bell curve. I certainly think that if users now stick with Steemit, they will be compensated handsomely...

Ooohhh.... I love that talk. :-)

Forgot to write... IF Steemit carries on growing and hit's a significant user base...we will all be compensated handsomely. It's very easy to not talk about the risks involved in investing in Steem(it). Those risks of coarse exist..

I am advocating donating as much time as you can spare to Steemit, not necessarily investing large amounts of your hard earned cash. It's a great platform, and I'm happy to be here early and have the opportunity to grow with the platform... Imagine Facebook shared their success with the early adopters...

Great article man thanks. Upvoted and followed.

Hopefully one day I will have loads of steam and be in this position, fingers crossed I don't have to wait too long

@karenb54 If Steemit takes off like we all hope, you are still VERY early to the party. We are at 24,000 users, you will benefit greatly if Steemit hits 1million in the next few years.

It depends how my good my work is so doubt it lol

You'll be just fine @karenb54 everyone has a different prespective on life. Opinion pieces are great place to start..

I'm not holding my breath as my first 2 haven't done very well, I must try harder :)

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