Warning Steemit Users Do Not Do as I Do!

in #steemit8 years ago

To Float or Swim is the Steemit Question of the Day.

The last few days have been some of the most up and down emotionally that I have had in a very long time. When Jeff Berwick wrote his post on the Steemit platform that performed so well it renewed my vigor for the possibilities of the crypto community. I wrote my introduction to the platform and it also performed well, but that is not why I am writing this.

Contemplation of Life and Direction.

I recently returned from, "Freedom Fest" in Las Vegas where I met some absolutely amazing people. The conversations I had were so deep and informative that they lit a fire in my belly. Life could not go on as it had over the last six months. You see I began to float through life. The client that asked me to go to Freedom Fest had literally taken over my life. Sure the money was nice but the emptiness I felt drained all enjoyment of life from my soul.

Then "The Steemit AnCap Weekend" happened and floating through life was no longer an option. I saw the people I consider part of my family collaborating and working towards a goal that was inspiring. Finally a community where Anarchists could express themselves without the censorship of Facebook, Google and Twitter. On top of all that our community has been a huge supporter of Crypto and the Blockchain. Steemit is the right platform at the right time. This is the beginning of a new dawn on the internet and Steemit is just the first.

Swimming Through Life.

Yesterday I contacted my friend and client Ira Miller of the GitGuild and set up a meeting. He happens to live here in Panama and we needed to talk shop. We have a myriad of projects that we are working on together. His energy for life and the world of crypto-currency always keeps me pumped up. We discussed our projects and my questions of direction then he laid the question on me, "do you want to float or swim?" He spoke of a letter from Hunter S. Thompson to a friend who asked about finding their purpose.

"And indeed, that IS the question: whether to float with the tide, or to swim for a goal. It is a choice we must all make consciously or unconsciously at one time in our lives. So few people understand this! Think of any decision you’ve ever made which had a bearing on your future: I may be wrong, but I don’t see how it could have been anything but a choice however indirect — between the two things I’ve mentioned: the floating or the swimming.

But why not float if you have no goal? That is another question. It is unquestionably better to enjoy the floating than to swim in uncertainty. So how does a man find a goal? Not a castle in the stars, but a real and tangible thing. How can a man be sure he’s not after the “big rock candy mountain,” the enticing sugar-candy goal that has little taste and no substance?" -Hunter S. Thompson

Time to Start Swimming Steemit Users.

Let's make the community one that will be the envy of the social media and blogging world. I know my Bitcoin, Crypto and AnCap communities are enjoying what the team has built. Now it is time that we spread the word far and wide across the interwebs. That is what I do for a living and I look forward to sharing your content across every centralized social media platform as a warning shot that the AnCap world is here and their censorship will be their demise.

Choose to Swim Through Life!!

This is not our house. As far as I know we only get one go at life and we need to make the most of it.
Check out my Introduction to Steemit.

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The whole letter he wrote to his friend was eye opening. I can't believe he was only in his 20's when he wrote it!

Thank you for stopping by Mike.

My pleasure. I've had several passions in my life and I've swam hard for them. But I think most of those within the community will agree, there are those things that when you come face to face with alter our perception so greatly we struggle to reorient ourselves to the reality. And we end up floating. I believe your understanding is correct when it comes to Steemit. It's something we can and should rally around.

I tried so many platforms over the years and work my butt off maintaining a presence on social media but only this one and hopefully the forthcoming Synereo reward us for doing it.

If you have the life jacket, a kayak that can take you through the waves up and down being on steemit and the paddle that you can move will make you survive the up's and down of steemit and you will enjoy your experience...thank you @hilarski for this excellent article...I enjoyed reading it and I upvoted so others also can join the streem.

I appreciate it, believe me social media is rough and has plenty of ups and downs but if I can stick it out for 5 years on Google Plus I sure can do it here.

I am with you on this...patience is virtue...we can prove that we can survive.

Invigorating article Randy, too often we become comfortable floating and time is ticking with so much to do and share. Knowledge really is valuable irrespective of how little you know or how much, someone is always waiting to learn.

Keep swimming harder and harder Randy. Got introduced to Hunter S. Thompson`s writings when I was about 13. The Great Shark Hunt and Fear and Loathing. Awesome reads!

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