Pareto's Principle on Steemit.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

First of All What is Pareto's Principle?

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Here on Steemit that would translate into 20% of the users receiving 80% of the reward pool or put another way 80% of the users are receiving 20% of the reward pool.

In the world since the beginning of time there has been an ongoing battle between those that have the wealth and those that don't. Here is a graphic taken directly from Wikipedia showing the wealth breakdown across the world.

The Pareto Principle doesn't only apply to wealth. It can be applied to nature, work, life, education or almost anything you can quantify. We used to swear by the Pareto Principle when I was in the Navy. I knew as a supervisor that if I had 10 sailors working for me that 2 would do 80% of the work while the other 8 would be just wasting space.

Pareto's Principle on Steemit.

Guess what, this applies to our glorious Steemit as well. Sure, 80% of the rewards are given to 20% of the people on the platform or maybe less. I guarantee one thing though. Those 20% have been around since the early days of Steemit and have stuck with the platform or they are great writers. How many people on Steemit blog everyday? My guess is about 1% of the the total users. On top of that we have the Pareto Principle applied to those who engage, upvote, comment and Resteem. These people are the beating heart of the platform.

Whenever I hear new people complain that they are not getting traction after 2, 5, 10 articles I just ask them to scroll through how many I have written. I am not gloating, but dammit I show up every day and support this platform. I also share the content out to over 200K followers across social media. How many people on Steemit are sharing their content outside of Facebook or Twitter? Not many, I know because that is what I do 12 hours a day. Social media is my domain and I am not seeing Steemians utilizing social media.

Pareto's Principle is here to stay so folks should get used to it. If people want to complain they should come see me in 5-6 years after they have been blogging as long as I have. Are you saying that I should shut up and get to work? Dam straight!


Great post ! I totally agree ! I am one of those you list as being a beating heart of the community and platform , I also post at least once per day sometimes twice ! Put alot in , and at times it feels like I dont get much out of it ! and other times are great which makes up for it ! I started with nothing and in 1 week It will be 6 months here , Im up to 4,500. ish steem , then some people come on and in 1 month have more then me ! I think all the work we put in should at least raise our reputation , not just how much money is made ! if someone joins with alot of followers they automatically pass me , by really doing nothing posting a picture etc! while alot of us work for it and contribute ! Just saying ! steem on👍😉

Interesting principle. I never heard that before but i can see it in many things now. Cool.

I do use twitter and fb to share my posts sometimes. I don't think has made a difference. When I don't tweet/fb it sometimes makes a great rewards. And vice versa.

I see when some people post on twitter a @twitterbot sometimes leaves a message in there comments. I don't remember ever getting that. Also @steemland i think never retweets my posts, which is fine, I just wonder what criteria they have for retweets.

In conclusion I'm not convinced off site marketing of posts is needed. It may help some people not me and I am ok with my rewards. Always want more but I, like you, put in lots of time on this amazing platform and we get what we deserve. ^^

Everyone gets what they deserve here, fair or not.

There are many tools that you can use to make it easier like and TweetJukebox.

I simply LOVE the irony as well as the healthy dose of truth of this article filled with a powerful truth I had never heard the name of before today. Thanks for the education and the easy smile as well as the comment on being the beating hearts of this community. All for one and one for all! Keep on the good work and good courage. Namaste :)

Thank you Eric!! The people who are active daily are going to really reap the benefits once Steemit goes mainstream.

A nice way to apply Pareto to the world here on Steemit - thanks. I have just started the process of sharing my posts onto my Social Platforms. My last investing post (TIB10) went to my Forex following on Twitter ( It garnered only a single retweet which went to 69 followers and got no likes.

I did get a little more reaction when I posted it on InvestFeed which is a new social media platform for investing and trading. It got 4 likes which is more than any I have had before. I will keep working on it

Try adding some hashtags and make sure to mention @steemit rather than the hashtage #Steemit. It has a better chance of being noticed.

Will do a little more work in that direction. First cut quick analysis for trending hashtags in investing area on
Tweets per hour
Money 1000-3000
Investing 150-200
Stocks 200-300
Cryptocurrency 50-100
Bitcoin 400-800

Will try out 2 of these tags and test how responses change.

Investing tends to do well for a few of my clients. I personally use Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency daily.

Thanks - I will start out with Investing and Bitcoin and track that. Then i will step it up to Money and Bitcoin to test that. Best get down to writing the next post for Friday's investing.

Could not agree more! I see the quality posts you and your wife are creating each day and it is no surprise you are both succeeding on this platform. Keep up the great work!

We appreciate that, I let Anabell know.

You raise some very good and motivating points!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Well said my friend :)

Hi Mate, great post as ever, though you know what I am going to say and so shall allow you to say it to me, should you prefer.
And yes, I do and I do and I do - though not as well as you do.
I am newer and am busy making mistakes from which I learn my parameters. The lessons in life tend to pervade into every nook and crannie!
Great work, amigo.
Hasta pronto.

Thanks for stopping by!

My point I did not make is that it would be nice if Pareto was even close! I shall leave it there for a Sunday eve!

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