Are SMT's Just A Joke? Is The Platform Ok With @haejin Abuse? And How Our Witnesses Are A Joke!

in #steemit6 years ago

Are SMT's Just A Joke? Is The Platform Ok With @haejin Abuse? And How Our Witnesses Are A Joke!

It seems as though as time continues to roll by that the platform itself is ok with @haejin pillaging the rewards pool. @ned made a post half a year ago about SMT's and that was about as far they got. I'm not sure what the intentions are from Steemit Inc. but the lack of news isn't very heartwarming.

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I have tried about as many methods as I can possibly think of besides actually purchasing 1.5 millon Steem for around 4.5 million dollars which I obviously don't have. Since so many people seem to be more obsessed with circle jerking and self up voting then putting a stop to @haejin then I don't see how the platform will be able to continue on for years to come.

I realize that there are a lot of Steemians who feel that Haejin is good for the platform and he isn't harming it at all. I don't and will not ever be able to understand this ridiculous logic. It seems that some little fish care but not enough to make a difference. There power is to weak to make a difference. Some large fish care sometimes but not enough at the same time to shut Haejin down completely. We have idiots like @jerrybamfield just raking in the dough as well. Scammers collecting payouts on the daily and new users continuous quitting do to lack of recognition for their blogs compared to regulars.

Steemit Witnesses are basically a joke. I haven't seen much of anything from most of them that makes any difference to the platform. I will not bash them all of course there are a few who are doing something. You know who you are. You are terrible witnesses but you don't mind me saying that as you still continue to cash in on your blocks. We have witnesses who are not willing to stand up to Haejin since he has bascially bought them off with his witness vote for them (Including Rancho's) since he is Ranchorelaxo's proxy.

Witness List - What Are You Doing?

Haejin's Witness Votes

My New Witness List

We have users who have delegations who are afraid to flag Haejin because they don't want to lose their delegations. We have users who don't want to flag Haejin because it will affect their blogs or rewards. We have users who don't want to flag Haejin because using all their power to flag will not allow them to upvote in their current circle jerk resulting in loss of votes in because of their lack of votes out. We have users who team up together in groups of 10 to create the perfect circle jerk. These users all upvote 1 post each per day and all 10 upvote eachother resulting in 1 $200 ish post for each of the 10 users everyday. Why would they quit that to flag Haejin? That's right they won't.

Ned is a useless Steemian and I wish he would power down and sell off all of his Steem already. The bid bots are brutal for the community as well. I do understand the point however the abuse is incredible and the money generated to the user(s) who delegated to the bot are raking in the profits. Blocktrades Steem Power delegation service is a piece of shit. It is so expensive that it doesn't even make sense for users to purchase any Steem Power from that. Users do purchase the power though and Blocktrades continues to rake in the dough and in turn create more Steem to sell again. It's unbelievable how much money users make when they delegate to services like Smart Steem which make curating a garbage and useless task.

I constantly see posts of people complaining about the platform and nothing being done to fix it. I see users threatening to rape the rewards pool as a solution to the issues at hand. I see users who agree with the rape and say that's why they do it. I see users who say it's all about ROI so it's fine.

So with all that being said this confirms that the platform will ultimately fail. The lack of effort to create a platform that will work will be the main reason for it's collapse. I see users pretending to make efforts to care by creating posts which the profit largely on sometimes. Keep pretending if you'd like but without actual changes made to the platform or users stepping up to the plate and making the difference I don't see how we will survive.


I’ve tried to talk to other witnesses and whales about the problems we have (at the protocol level), but nobody wants to acknowledge the sources...or even listen at all. The culture of cheerleading and the current disengagement and unaccountability lies directly at the feet of STINC.

I’ve been saying for a long time now that STINC is leading this platform straight into the gutter...and I’ve been vilified and essentially blacklisted for it.

How long do we need to witness the failures until the invested users decide that we need a better direction? Why do we let the “leadership” around here off the hook just because of irrational crypto pumps?

Steem could be so much more than it is today, but it’s hampered by utter incompetence at the top. The fact that I’m mostly alone in my blunt criticism of STINC and most of the whales and top witnesses tells me that nobody really gives a shit as long as they’re still “making money online.”

Honestly...I think pretty much everyone is to blame here. And I don’t think much will ever change.

Also, the funny thing is that the same stuff @ats-david has been vilified and blacklisted for saying in the past is now becoming the cool thing to say, and certain whales are more than happy to reward that now that it’s someone else saying the same fucking thing.

They can all suck my dick.

Upvoted this post anyway because it’s a good post.

Lol what the fuck is wrong with this place. Most of us came here because of activism and truthing posts get you silenced but you come here and get flagged for it. Lots of us came here for a decentralized platform and a chance to earn some money/crypto only find out how she really works here. I hope they like DP cause I'm not down for the bullshit either

...and certain whales are more than happy to reward that now that it’s someone else saying the same fucking thing.

Yeah...a year later. So if I was right a year ago, and now people are starting to see the very problems I’ve been pointing out, but some of those same people are now the ones using my old criticisms...

Where the fuck are all of the apologies to me?

And if they aren’t going to apologize for being absolute spineless douchebags, at least credit me for the original work. Damn plagiarists.

Yes. I agree with you. One step at a time. They are definitely the main problem but yes we as a whole are also to blame. I feel that a lot of the top is more to blame then the majority of Steemians. We all know the trending pages never change, the top witnesses never change (regardless of their action or no action), the bland beta website is still near the same. A lot needs to be changed but there is no one taking action.

Steem could be so much more than it is today, but it’s hampered by utter incompetence at the top. The fact that I’m mostly alone in my blunt criticism of STINC and most of the whales and top witnesses tells me that nobody really gives a shit as long as they’re still “making money online.”

So how many witnesses does it take to make changes around here? Let's play some fucking Jenga here then. Some witnesses from the bottom and put them on the top :)

I have an idea which some may find will really help the platform. Implementing these ideas and harforking and not simple action for regular users. We rely on witnesses and Steemit INC to make the changes which majority seeks in order to have a better platform.

Yep its Stinc that has refused to do anything to fix the site all for the quest of the ephemeral SMT!

So with all that being said this confirms that the platform will ultimately fail.

I will go down with the ship if I have to.

You're the only Steemian I know who bought in but doesn't use it as an excuse to pillage. What makes you so different, and can we clone you? ;)

Shouldn't impersonate.

That's our lord, an exemplary Steemian, talking! You are truly an inspiration dear @fulltimegeek sire! Thanks for being just in judgment and the way you relate here.

Yours ardent follower,

I think Haejin is the iceberg which has put a hole in Steemit.

Lol. Yes we will be as well. :)

The sad part is, while someone like you will go down with the ship if you have to, the cowards will scoop up as much as they can before they hop off into the lifeboat with all their pillages.

Completely agree. The platform governance is awful. I wrote a similar post last week about it. You know what's really tragic about all this? It all becomes exactly the same thing we're trying to escape from. Steemit has just created more people at the top pissing on people at the bottom. Social wellbeing wasn't factored in at the creation of Steemit so it's broken from the start. The wealthy can simply buy a huge stake and drink everyone else's milkshake and that's exactly what's happening - with impunity. Solutions: a separate fork with egalitarian values at its core. Or the community come together and downvote (unlikely). It would be cool if some of the people at the top, who do absolutely nothing, got involved.

On the other side, there are people who abuse the flagging option, as well. I don't like how they just let anything and everything happen, whether it's good or bad.

There are a lot of issues. The issues are not as much the problem as doing nothing about them is.

If an account obtains so many flags in a short period of time their account should be reviewed by the community to determine if there is a problem. The problem could be fixed by lowering rep or rewards being removed up to being banned for good. A random draft of community members along with a bot check and good old peer review.
If their fruit is rotten, cut them down before the rot spreads.

I think it is better to warn them than to cut them. Besides, steem's policy is to not delete any account. However, they could suspend an account for a week, for abuse. That would be my suggestion.

Removing an accounts rewards is a warning compared to taking away their ability to obtain rewards at all. It's like receiving a fine. My main point is there must be consequences to what is not acceptable in the community. Especially for those with more power and responsibility.


That truly is the biggest problem. Personally, I don't care that haejin makes a lot of money. When I saw how much he was making daily, it inspired me to try harder to make more money. I researched to find out how to form a better strategy. I did not complain. Instead, I believed that I could do better and I am doing just that.

I guess Steemit has shown a serious flaw with decentralisation :( we need a stronger unified community that no whale can intimidate.

A very good article on that (flaws with decentralization) was written recently:

I agree with you.

The whales are not the problem. The problem is that there is no one to police the site to keep people from abusing it.

Yes. Changes need to be implemented very soon. I will check out your article.

Spot on Bro! It’s a shame too, because the Steem blockchain ( not website) is probably one of the best created to date. Feels like it’s being wasted.

I think so too. It's an incredible thing that was created. Crypto's in general are game changers. Why we sit here on an outdated beta version of somewhat pyramid scam is beyond me. Let's fight for change.

What game has crypto changed, exactly?

I think it’s been business as usual.

For me the game changer would be mostly hope. Since cryptos haven't crashed to $0.00 if you got into them early enough it was something worth investing in that wasn't so fucked up like stocks. It seems as though they are starting to be manipulated now more then before. I still think that they're good though. I like your negativity it seems you hate everything as much as I do.

it's a good rant @hendrix22, but a bit depressing as fcuk

you guys really need a laugh.... Go Check This Out:

@comedyopenmic / #comedyopenmic

The whole concept of people buying Steem and then using the power it gives for alteristic reasons is a little bit hopeful I believe. If you ban self upvoting, prevent circle jerking (not sure how) and ban all bots, I think that the majority would leave.

Great!!!! Let the majority leave. Let the minority take over and treat the whole platform with some integrity. Not that religious but I believe it was said.."and the meek will inherit the earth" ..So let the minnows take over and create some basic guidelines ...Or is that too rose colored for the slimballs reaping the rewards. Every business has them. Loopholes for the rich. If steemit goes down there will be another platform and another, since this is the "New Age" and Facebook is slowly losing it's FACE.

Then hope lives, you gotta meet @fulltimegeek.

I have an idea on a way which this could be better. I'm working on putting it all together. I will post it next but I unfortunately have no power to make the changes.

This is sad, but you are 99% correct @hendrix22

The platform does not always care. Minnows and small dolphins care more since they are the ones growing and actually going around reading and taking part. Most whales are just concerned about profits and when we analyze their voting behaviors we can easily see that they love self-voting, giving themselves way more than the rest of the platform. The greed is real and as long as they get paid and earn a lot they care very little for the rest...

The circle jerking in the top 20 witnesses are crazy and no one will ever be there unless they want you there. All the votes are from the good the bad and the ugly, this shows you that as long as they get their witness votes they do not care voted for them, as long as they get the votes.

Don't get me wrong, we have some good witnesses that really try their best, but a lot of them are just in it for the money.

Too much drama for Qurator though. We are a witness too, but honestly, I would never want to be in the top 20. Don't want to be involved in that level of politics. You asked what some witnesses do, I cannot speak for all of them but I can speak for Qurator. Around 230+ days, over 1300 members manually approved by a panel of moderators. You post crap and spam, you are out. Post quality original content with the right sourcing and zero plagiarism and you can become part of our little community. Daily support and upvotes. Community project through and through.

I know this does not sound that impressive but at least we can have the peace of mind knowing we are supporting good original authors. We can motivate them to keep posting and to know there is a support system in place for them. We are not the biggest and we are only scratching the steemit userbase surface, but slowly and surely we will keep growing and become stronger to only promote what Steemit needs. Real people, real bloggers, real posts and original content.

Maybe not what you expected since you want someone to fight H We are just not that strong, thus we are playing the support game. We all have our roles in this steemit marathon. Thus most of our votes came from the people who we support, the people of steemit.

Yes to this:
"promote what Steemit needs. Real people, real bloggers, real posts and original content."

I am new and know not a thing. I am enjoying searching out what I like and following and offering up my tiny upvote, and If I have something to say that adds to the conversation then I will do so. If a fraction of the new users just participated in the platform on these most basic principles then perhaps there would not be so many "dead" accounts. The promotion of Steemit off sight must have something to do with the unrealistic expectations of new users. What kinds of new community members is Steemit attracting?
Who is the face of Steemit attracting these new accounts? How are people hearing about Steemit? If everyone who wishes to promote original content found ten new creators in a month to join would that make a difference? Again. I know next to nothing about this sight. I am taking my time and meeting some interesting creators via their work and commenting. Right now this works for me. Better time spent here than elsewhere online for me.

What a post from a reputable steemian, you have just increase my respect for you.

Most people see these happenings on the platform and do nothing about it, it now business,business, business.

As a promoter of steemit offline and on other platforms, i get discourage to see these newbies suffer in the platform.

I wish other whales will join the likes of @fulltimegeek to sanitize the steem blockchain and make it a better flatform.
Thanks for this post.

Unfortunately the most generous people here don't have the ability to help very many, and the ones who care the most about the future of STEEM don't have the power to change anything. I'm never going to rape this place, I'll keep STEEMIN the way I always have. I'm not naive enough to think I can create any changes by myself, at least I have a clear conscience knowing I use my small power and earnings to help others.

Ditto. I will keep doing what I am doing. If I am in a position to help a minnow or a red fish I can and will. If I fight the big bad whale I have made my point and I become part of his flagging culture and I may just be out of power to help anyone. My power lies in my ability to encourage fellow Steemians and hopefully bring more to the platform. We the people as in small people can eventually make a change.

I'm really glad you're here Marion, and you're doing awesome encouraging discussions and engagement on the platform <3 Love seeing you out there!

Thank you for taking my hand and showing me the way. xx much love and missed you all at the Beach

Ok, so you've listed out the problems it's about time we find a solution.

I feel like a have a solution and I will be posting it next. It's a matter of getting the solution hard forked that will be the problem. Of course this is based on if the solution is well liked or not.

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