Staying On Steemit For My Twins | A Response To @dragosroua's Writing Challenge (Day Six)

in #steemit6 years ago

I've missed the first few days of this challenge, but this seems like a great topic to jump in on! Plus, it's a good reminder for me (and an update for any new followers) about why I'm writing my blog.

My husband finally convinced me to join Steemit last July and I was just figuring out how things worked when we got a call from a friend. She wanted to know if we'd be willing to care for twin baby girls.

They were born prematurely and had been in the hospital for two months. Their birth mother wanted to relinquish her rights. And the hospital was ready to discharge the girls. By ready ... they were going to hand them over to welfare in 24 hours if no one was willing to step up.

My husband and I said, "yes!"

The backstory

Come to find out, lots of people had been to the hospital to "look" at the girls. (ugghhh, that sounds so horrible - like they were up for auction or something.)

Most of the "couples" who came looking were human traffickers.

Because of that, the hospital spread rumors that the girls, especially the younger twin, had serious medical complications because they were preemies. The "couples" weren't interested then, though a few asked if they could take one twin and not the other. (My blood pressure goes up every time I think about that!) Thankfully, the hospital refused to split up the girls.

Other families looking to adopt were deterred by the cost. Because they'd been in the hospital so long, there was over $8000 in medical bills!

Blogging again

It took awhile to get used to being a work-from-home mom of twins (did I mention that Matt was gone for the first two weeks and we'd just moved into a new apartment?). But after about four months, I started to think about recording the twins' milestones and our life together. As a mom, I have so many questions about my early years and the decisions my parents had to make ... but they are now lost with time and faded memories.

I started thinking of places I could blog in case the girls ever want to read about their past. Steemit seemed like the perfect choice!

Not only would there be the accountability to write regularly, anything I earned from my posts could slowly be used to pay off our debts from the medical bills and maybe even saved up for the girls' futures.

So in January, I picked up blogging again.

My main reason for staying on Steemit = Support

My reason for blogging is my daughters, but my main reason for staying on Steemit is because of the support I've found here. Early on, a group of great Steemians started following me and supporting my posts. For a tired mom who barely has time to hang out with friends, the Steemit community was a great encouragement. Sharing about my daughters became even easier as I realized how much others have come to love hearing about them too!

I have high hopes for Steemit ... not just because of the technology behind it, but because of the amazing people here too!

Special thanks to the those who are reading this and have been following along on our "living life squared" journey! <3

And thank you, @dragosroua for hosting this challenge :)


In the 10 months that I have been on Steemit I have seen many people come and go. Some very talented people were discouraged by 'the lack of support'.

I am so happy that you have stayed and continue to stay even if the support may sometimes be lacking! Yes! We love this amazing story you are sharing and would be sad if you 'dropped off.'

Drooly hugs back at ya and your whole family. Lol

I'm still here!!! though I know you weren't talking about me! :-P

IT is a great platform, but there is still a lot to be desired in terms of support/ followers/ etc. Lots of room for growth. This year is suppposed to be an interesting one... have any of Steemit inc's improvements started to fall into place yet? Some weekend I really need to get caught up!


No, I wasnt referring to u. Funny.

Good to see you on here, it's been a minute huh!?

I too havent seen any updates. I thought SMTs were supposed to hit by now. But as far as I know, nothing has broken yet.


Okay, so I haven't really missed much!

Yeah, I'll be back in 30 sec. Keep holding down the fort! lol

Cool writing challenge. I can't do it, but they do help people when they aren't sure what to post about!

Glad you are hanging in there! I hope my tiny bit of commenting and all may have been a tiny bit of your continuing this long! Keep it up!

I hope my tiny bit of commenting and all may have been a tiny bit of your continuing this long!

Absolutely! I mean, who doesn’t like having The Doctor stop by their blog? 😉

Not to mention, "bow ties are cool!!"

Thanks so much! I'll not be a stranger!

I never knew that was how you got the twins. I mean, it was kind of horrible for those kinds of "couples" that came checking on them at the hospital. (I salute the hospital by the way for their effort to protect the girls.)

Well if it's the support that makes you stat in here, you know we've got your back especially when it comes to the twins. So just hang in there and keep on creating awesome posts. Will always be on the look-out :) Take care always. Kisses to Squish and Squirt.❤

Thanks for all your encouragement @filnette! :D

We were really happy with the hospital's efforts too. There was a whole team involved in protecting the girls and making sure they found a safe, loving home. It still blows me away all that they went through before ever making it to us!

Squish and Squirt say hello (at least I'm pretty sure that's what they're saying) and send drooly hugs back to you! ;)

I'm amazed as well with all their (the hospital's) effort for the twins. One day soon, the twins will be back in there to thank all those who paved the way for the twins towards your home.

Hahahhaa. Drooly hugs from the two works for me :D

Thank you for sharing this amazing story. I became stunned to follow the path that was delivered.

I never imagined how the human trafficking condition, Once again thank you.

From here I was so believe, steemit is an extraordinary media

greetings from Indonesia

Irman Syah || @mpugondrong

Thank you for stopping by Irman Syah! Yes, it is very sad ... human trafficking is a huge problem and children are often “easy” targets. 😔

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