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RE: Believing In Yourself Pays, But Believing In Others Sets You Up For Life -- [Life Story]

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey streetstyle, I'm sorry I found this a day too late but regardless I just wanted to tell you how inspirational it was to me! I just got started on here and at first, all of the how to blogs were suggesting I go around and try to get myself some followers... I didn't know how to do any of that as I am pretty new to this type of thing so I just began reading. Reading for hours. I didn't know what I was doing at all- didn't know what my votes were for, didn't know how to navigate... I started to stress out. I had joined this space as an outlet to set my ideas free, like a balloon, for someone to see and maybe feel a bit of happiness inside from what I was sharing but I started thinking (based on what I was reading) that I was failing because no one was even seeing my posts! I stayed on here for almost 2 days straight... reading and reading and what I realized was that the content on here is straight up incredible. I found myself thoroughly enjoying reading other people's posts, thoughts, ideas, artwork! Then everything hit me! It's a beautiful community of sharing and support and I love that so much about this place! This post is just another example of that (sorry for my long winded comment) but I just wanted you to know I value this kind of outlook, it's refreshing to see all the positivity that exists in here. Thanks again, looking forward to hearing more from you! All the best,
Heart-to-Heart <3


Thank you @heart-to-heart Great name by the way. And yes, this can be a great place with many generous people. I take it you haven't heard how the community came together for @darthnava and helped him pay for emergency surgery. Also another great here is @papa-pepper , also inspiring and when need be, physically putting himself and his cash out there where there is need.

Yes @heart-to-heart you can this place is beautiful and mostly positive. You will do well here, just give it time, you will see.

full steem ahead!

Me? I was just lucky I guess, because God, @papa-pepper and the Steemit community heard me and my family's cries for help.

I don't think it was luck @darthnava I think it was the community appreciating you for being you, that is not luck, although it might feel like it.

I hope things are better for you and continue to be better. Take care!

full steem ahead!

ps. and yes @papa-pepper and his Peppers are Amazing!!!

I deeply appreciate your support. Thank you, buddy!

Hey @streetstyle thanks so much for the lovely reply :) My name is inspired from my personal blog, I like to have heart-to-heart discussions about various real- life topics. I hope to bring that here in the future ;) I have not heard of either of those you mentioned, but I will definitely look into them, sounds like a truly heart-inspiring story. Thanks for the welcome, hope to see you around! :)

@heart-to-heart One more thing, and that is that you should consider doing an #introduceyourself post. This helps verify your account, and usually leads to more community support. Since you already have a blog, that might be another way you could verify your steemit account. Any questions, let me know.

@streetstyle I did do an intro post when I first logged on, I'll post it in so you can check it out if you'd like :) I guess I didn't tag #introduceyourself as someone told me not too... but regardless, this is me! Thanks for the tip!

I did see it and you can use that tag. Since you haven't used it though, I guess you can still do one, but the ones that hold a sign like this usually fare better...

let me know if you do another one ok?

Awww... I get it... you want to make sure I'm not a bot :) I'll find some paper and keep you posted! Thanks again! I'm enjoying our new friendship!

hehehe, yes that's it. It isn't just I but the Steemit community in general I think that just like to see it @heart-to-heart You can also just link to your site and from your site back to steemit as another form of verification, but I personally don't think it as effective.

Alright, well good thing I bought crayons for a different project! I will post tomorrow :)

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