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RE: I'm Sorry. I Can't Support You.
Holy Hell! I haven't heard the words "baleen and blubber" used together in a sentence since maybe 6th Grade biology class. Great post! I like that schooling minnows gif. @cristof Can I use it? Resteemed and #followupvote
I had never heard "baleen and blubber" before! I just may have to use that sometime!
@jessicakluthe hahahah get your Steemit Whale Speak on point!
In a world of dolphins, orcas and whales................I remain a trout.
If you're a trout... am I a... crustacean?
You be whatever you want to be girlfriend!
Why Not Zoidberg..............
Obscure Futurama reference.
OMG Hole-E-Crap!!! Not much can make me actually lol in my office! I hate even typing the letters (l-o-l) but top marks to you @clevercreator! That just made my day!
I so want to get a Zoidberd tattoo! I have lot of work already and all of it has a story behind it. I don't have any "throwaway" tattoos that are just for being funny. I think Zoidberg would be perfect.
thanks... and i cant even take credit though... someone said I could use him and it just seemed like the right time
Of course you can use it. You can use anything I post. I didn't make the logo, either, but it's a pip, no?
Hail and well met.
Thanks homie. Pip gif png......I dunno the difference anyway........... I just figured out how to use emojis yesterday..........