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RE: 7 Questions For Steemit Success!

in #steemit7 years ago

Rad! This is the kind of angles I love to hear. I did you a very broad stroke with labeling Steemit a social media platform like Facebook. I actually consider it more akin to Reddit.

I like how you mentioned Dtube being an extension of Steemit.
It's proof that Steemit can branch in many more directions. The Dtube angle could just be the first door that opens.

Really we can look at Steemit as a platform from which to build all kinds of social interface.

A trustworthiness or reputation provider is yet another angle.

So, in reality Steemit does have a very large portion of a small market. They are one of the only blockchain players in a market that is being invented as we speak.

Cheers. Thanks for your insight.

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