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RE: I'm All In, and I Call; Resteems Too!

in #steemit7 years ago

Quite a ride, indeed! Sometimes life pairs us with bad people just so we know a good person when we see one. We haven't allowed those bad ones to disrupt the positive perspective, you're absolutely right. However, you know I was close..haha after reflecting for a while, realized my greatest mistake - working with individuals that do not share the same values and principles as I. It is a risky endeavor to work alongside those that are awaiting opportunity to take from you or to exploit your willingness to help. It ends in disaster and I've seen that train wreck in slow motion quite a few times unfortunately.

That is why I feel that Liberty Professionals community is more necessary today, than ever. The people that stole from me and attacked me maliciously are still out there doing to others somewhere. Those people do no share the same values and they would never align with those that appreciate honesty, truth, and trust. Thankfully, I know exactly who they are.

Liberty Professionals is something that we need, for all of us. Working with others that have aligning goals and values is vital. Why wouldn't someone who values trust and Liberty want to work alongside thieves and those who operate a dishonest life & busines? I cannot think of a reason. I'm all in, brother.

I have some ideas to chat about! I love the idea of badges here and I think that's just the start. We're at the precipice now my friend! I'm all for open use of the emblems, badges, logo, etc and as an artist I have no problem waiving copyrights for my efforts. You know I've done much more for pay and never got however, People that misuse it should be met with some recourse, but maybe not court - maybe social recourse via a collective community effort. Those who value the Liberty Professionals community will likely want to uphold a reputation that aligns with the name itself..

I have to say it is just as interesting now as it ever was to me. Since the very first time you brought the idea to me, I had a feeling that it was something special. Years later, it remains a burning flame just waiting to roar. You know I'm in. No better time than now.


It could be structured like a guild perhaps in addition to the networking aspect. That way people who violated certain ethical rules could officially ostracized. We couldn't stop them from continuing to use the logos and stuff, but anyone attempting to look them up would find out the bad information.

Speaking of ethics, I'm in the middle of a disaster right now. Someone who I trusted completely has revealed themselves to be very inconsistent. They were attempting to defraud me and others. It's a real mess, but I have an obligation to do the right thing.

As my earlier post stated, I'll defend my friends. If you betray me though or prove yourself to not really be a friend, I'll defend myself and the interests I'm involved in leading. We'd have imposters within the group therefore, so there would need to be a way to resolve such conflicts.

It would all still have to be voluntary too though. hmm

That's another reason I keep my network small and close by. There is no shortage of people willing to defraud others. It seems to only grow in number.

I've made the mistake of allowing that sort of activity to continue and it has tremendous consequences. I have always helped others when I can, but some see that as a way to defraud me - an easy target. Some have learned that I'm not the type to cower away and some others are soon to learn. Do not be a doormat or you will be tread on.

It's hard to define a reasonable recourse for individuals that abuse others - they are likely the same abusing the mechanism in place to protect their victims as well. The court system is dysfunctional as hell and the police serve and protect only those that vest power in them. They never recovered any stolen goods for me, not once. They never kept me from being robbed, not once. So how then do we protect our dignity, professional lives, and personal property if such mechanisms function in a way that is not intended to help us?

I have done so much work that is being used by others to make money, yet I remain without reward for much of those efforts. I've been punished for helping people. And still do it. However, there comes a time where we must bite and bite hard.

Do not take those that betray you lightly. You must match the with great opposition. If there is anything I can do or a way to support you in this - my ears are on.

I tend to believe in karma as the post about loyalty ended with declaring. I just cut those people out of my life and drive forward again.

I like to believe in people and give them the benefit of the doubt, but you're right about that meaning you'll get suckered more.

It's hard to trust people, but the longer you know someone the better likelihood that they are who they say they are. By long though I mean years. I've been fooled by people who wore a mask for six years.

I've been betrayed by my own family after my entire life of 40+ years had past. You just never know, and that's why shared core values are so important.

We know our core values are the same, so being loyal is simple. I have very little to fear from people who will die for the same causes I will die for.

Even then though, people can fake just about anything. I've seen that happen too. They make themselves out to be a consistent liberty loving person, but over time inconsistencies start popping up.

They are like little cracks in a wall. At first you don't notice them. Soon though they become gaping holes. The person has to move on to find other people to sucker.

Karma's a real bitch though, and I believe she gets everyone in the end. :) I take comfort in that belief at least. I hope I'm right. haha

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