Will Cryptocurrencies be the death of direct taxation?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

There is a saying that there are only two certain things in life - death and taxes. The former is inevitable but what about the latter? Taxes have been around from the dawn of civilisation as we know it - there are various references in many ancient texts including the bible and it is well documented that taxes were well established ways of raising money in ancient cultures of Egypt, China and India.

What does vary between civilisations is how they went about taxing their citizens, for instance the Greeks didn't have any taxes on income! Indeed for large public projects the money was raised through the philanthropy of the wealthy who benefited from the prestige, honour and sense that they were doing something good for their fellow man rather than being forced into doing so by the strong arm of the law or a dictatorial ruler. The ordinary citizen of course benefited from the new bridge, temple or civic festival such as an ancient Olympic Games! Aristotle himself was said to have given away vast sums of money.

Due to encryption and the blockchain, cryptocurrencies will make it increasingly harder for modern governments to keep track of their citizens' incomes - after all, the reason why they love fiat currencies so much is their ability to control them and in doing so their people!

When cryptocurrencies become increasingly adopted by the masses, governments may have to rely more and more on either indirect taxation or maybe society will once again turn to the generosity of those prepared to engage in philanthropy such as Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet and JK Rowling.

Steemit itself is already allowing many good people to raise money for a myriad of worthy causes in ways we wouldn't have imagined possible not long ago...


state should create a steemit Account and I ll pay taxes by upvoting one post a day ... seems fair to me :D

Or solar roads with a built in miner that pays for itself.

What a great idea @elbiasto - I like it!

That would be a dream come true.

Certainly possible - your dream could yet come true

Nice write up. I have been thinking of the effects of the government on this space for some time. The thing is, I think your
assumption that cryptocurrencies will survive may be to premature. I did a write up on how the government could shut these down quickly. Have a read if you like. https://steemit.com/steemit/@thehutchreport/are-governments-ready-to-defeat-cryptocurrencies-here-are-10-ways-they-may

Ever the optimist - I'll read your report - thanks

We have to be optimistic, there is really no other choice. Let me know your comments, I would be interested to read what you think.

As promised, I've read your post - I think that your points 9. and 10. are already in operation - the government, banks and vested interests already control most of the media so they will use the powerful tool to convince the masses that cryptocurrencies are the new public enemy number one and to be avoided and scorned at all costs. The US seems to be pretty heavy handed in their approach however many other jurisdictions have adopted a more welcoming policy and are embracing the likes of Bitcoin - we live in very interesting times my friend!

Man lets hope so... Taxation is stealing

State theft - pure and simple

Thx for the info

Upvoted and following, not sure George Soros money is going towards helping people but lots of middle class people are giving money to charity.

We can but hope

Whatever it is, government will shrink considerably when (not if) the flow of money through government wears thin.

I am mostly concerned that a one time wealth tax will be instated for crypto millionaires, because unfair.

I hope it stays that way. Governments don't even use tax funds properly anyways. Let's keep the hope that encryption and blockchain keep it difficult. Of course, I'm sure the governments will catch up and hire those to keep track of these. We'll see.

We have to hope that Blockchain technology can stay one step ahead of those who wish to control it.

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