My first month of Steemit comes to an end ! I have gained 1000 plus of Steem power into my wallet ! ; - )

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Hi all !! So my first month of Steemit membership comes to an end ! I joined on the 7 of August powering up 10 Bicoins to buy 2853 In steem power for having curation power. I have recently powered up a further 1331 steem power as the price was too good an oppurtunity to miss I felt ! A good decision as it seems my abilities as an author seem to be lacking. But then i have only myself to blame for this I know. Will be trying harder now to write more my personal story and adventures of a pirate on the ocean of life on the recommendation of @zaebars.

But to come back to my original point i wish to make for you now, that powering up big in Steempower is a good idea if you are like me and believe in this project and the social media on the blockchain !!

If you look to my wallet you will see that my personal investment totaling 4184 Steem power in all, is after just one month now 5000 plus and counting !! So i am very pleased to announce to you all that i have managed to bump up my investment by exactly 20 percent or one fifth in one month by curating and commenting !! Pretty cool no ? Sure its surely alot less than many authors here, that have clearly hit success here by writing great posts which are upvoted strongly. I hope this will be the same for me too once i get my teeth into my own true writing, only my work and investment to this end can change this I know.

I am just waiting now for the price to rise up once more to a point where i may power down a little, maybe a while longer for sure. But then it is to be expected as when you invest like i have in Steem Power, its for the long run and the greater benefit of the community here.

I am now i believe a true Dolphin of Steem and will always do my best to help good hearted and well meaning minnows i see around me to get going here !!

So keep on Steeming to your dreams and believe in this Blockchain that @dan and @ned have provided us with their vision, diligence and planning.



sorry for asking cos im new here, do we have to deposit some steem to be able to earn from curating? if it is, what is the minimum amount to deposit to have a good curation rewards?

for voting power you need only steem power. I would really recommend if you are here for awhile to invest here in this manner. The amount is for you to decide alone, depending on your level of belief and ability financially speaking. I do not wish to tell you how much as this is your decision only. I came in to play hard and it is for me paying off, once the price goes back up of course, which i am confident it will !! you get 10 percent per moth holding steem dollars thats good , but with Steem power when played correctly can bring 20 percent, the proof of this is my case i think !! steem on !!

is there any tutorial you have made of how to earn effectively here? ive read the comment above that were limited to 4 posts a day before being considered as spam, does comments and replies counted as that 4 posts limit?

no he was talking about my beginning here before i knew the rules !! I posted many things like i had when i was a " facebook !! " user beurk !! here the posts must be original content and yours !! i do this now !! the commnets on others posts are unlimited and i recommnend that as they can reward you by others votes on them, but also more importantly you meet people that will like you and follow your posts. So win win situation !! AS for posts do good stuff and not too much. Find a subject you like and believe in and go !!! you will see it can work !! but yes no spam ie empty posts with links to material which is in fact not yours !! look at my earlier posts you will see many of things like this, the things not to do !! , - )

haha such a great inspiration ! i followed you :) perhaps u have a look at my blog and see some graffiti u will like <3 kalipo

thankyou very much, this post intention is to encourage people and see my experience here as a truth in a concrete sense !! steem on @kalipo, i have seen your stuff and do like it and upvote it already, i am sure you have seen !! ; - )

That is awesome, I too powered up with a little BTC. Not nearly as much as you but I believe it was worthwhile. I have about half what you have in SteemPower and started about 2 weeks before you. It takes persistence and patience that is for sure.

yes it does and belief of course. But we do believe dont we when we buy Steem power ?? Thank you for you comment and support. Maybe Steem up now while its still cheap like i did ?? up to you @hilarski ! ; - )

I will as well continuously power up. This community has a future. Happy steeming.

yes i good plan trust me, thanks for your comment !! I am happy to bring hope to the community in these seemingly dark times of Steem. But be confident and think forward and not in fear, it works !! ; - )

Great post, good to see it's working well. I'm still new. It's a fun platform. thanks for sharing your story.

thankyou very much !! i shall follow all that comment here on this post to see where we are all in one month !! good luck to you too !! steem On !!

thank you and welcome to Steem community the best there is on the net no doubt to my mind !! Steem on and Up !!

well you did write 20 posts a day. i thought the limit was 4 a day before its considered spam

well in the beginning i fell into this trap without knowing the rules. You will see that since i have ceased this behavior and all my posts are my own. Besides my posts have not been particularly rewarded as you and I will surely agree. This gain results i state here come from just curation and commenting on other posts !!

I'm really wait for your stories. And I want to see at least one story a day!
And you so inspired!
Your investments will back soon to you :)

yes i know @smailier !! i am getting there real soon. I have noticed a feature on scars and their stories will start this procedure here i think. We will see. Hope you are not drinking too much coffee eh ??? )))))

Just 1-2 cups a day.
All other I try to share with some one :)

ah ok, well i hope she is pretty like your beautiful creative coffee,s deserve !! steem on @smailer.

She is awesome! :)
But I share coffee with friends and good people too.

i knew it !! lol ! good for you, beautiful people need each other to enjoy good coffee !! ; - )

I appreciate this informative post and I can tell by your heartfelt comments that you give time and effort to your replies to others in this steemit community as well as encourage all of us minnows to stay active and keeping our eye on our own goals through persistency. I wish us all the best of success. We are indeed a social community so we should definitely inspire one another towards our own greatness. I don't know much about powering down and all the steemit lingo but I'm learning more everday. I too, today have seen a bit of success being on steemit for about 2 weeks. Very grateful to have made the connections I've made thus far and "a man of gratitude and many favour" goes a long way in any aspect of life. So thank you. Upvoted and will continue to follow and support your endeavors. Time to get back to writing!

wow thats so nice of you to say @verbal_d much appreciated. I do try to help others sure !! its what we should all be doing here i think. Helping one another up and on to this great social media dream of free speech on the blockchain. Where yes we are rewarded for doing so !! Yes we both need to write more for sure !! i am a little dyslexic and its real hard for me to express myself correctly i confess, so i suffer when writing things with passion as my thoughts wander to quickly and my fingers do not follow. Resulting in Grammarly hours of chaos !!

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