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RE: The Steemit Daily Dose: A qck @mindhunter review of DTube.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I'm really really excited about the potential of Dtube!!! It's not the potential for earning Steem, but for me it's simply the principal of not having my work plagiarized by an all knowing centrally controlled Corporation. So far, I haven't been able to watch even one video there though!!!! That's the big problem!!!!! I like that the "Home page" resembles the Youtube "Home page" in the "Old days" (Before Google.) I like that you can much more easily find an Author (I refuse to use the Google made up "Creator" moniker.) that you like.


It doesn't work!!! It's 5:30 am as I'm typing this, I've been trying to watch a 3 minute video on Dtube for half an hour, and it won't even buffer. I gave up and told it to "Download" thinking I could watch the video later - off line. After 20 minutes of not really downloading, it came back "Failed, server problem."
So even downloading it failed.

I went to, and pinged a nearby server at 2.14 mbps. It's not a problem with my ISP.

Dtube is a new platform, and I'm really REALLY hoping that the bugs get worked out.

As someone who's devoted so, so much time to developing skills of the "Video Arts", and who is used to working in that format, I'm excited to have a block chain video platform option free from Corporate censorship.

I'm really hoping that the "Bugs can get worked out, and I REALLY appreciate the effort that the developers have made, in creating the platform. Hopefully in the future, we can get it to actually work so you can watch it.


Yes, I've had these buffering problems as well @goathollow watching @exyle's videos. Sometimes it buffers like crazy, and other times it's really smooth with no glitches at all. The site deffo needs to get some consistency going, but that will come it time ... just like it did for Steemit! :D

I can't even get it to buffer.... Not even a "Circle of death". It has 1/2 second of play then quits. stops, won't go any further. In time yes this will be fixed, and it will KILL Youtube!!!

I've had a few 0 seconds of play too! i.e. a white screen of death!!

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