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RE: Benefits of a 30 Day Challenge

in #steemit6 years ago

Well, I'm glad to have met you, too, and it's true, it's primarily happened through the writing challenge. However, we're both in Asher's leagues, so it was bound to happen and continue to happen through that.

I agree with all of your points. I kind of ran out of STEEM on both these challenges because while I don't mind giving my opinions about STEEM and Steemit, talking about it nearly every day is a little more than I care for. Gratitude is something I could probably talk about more, but again, it's not what my principle motivation for being here is, and I feel like, even though I've continued to publish posts from my WIP throughout, I've been neglecting it. I did seem some financial uptick and more people seemed to actually comment on the posts, so that's all positive.

Overall, a good experience, just would like the subject matter to be a little more diverse. And since I've been trying to post a couple of times a day, too, who knows, maybe it's impacted followers? I don't think the vast majority are reading, anyway. :)


And that is the truth - many are not reading the posts LOL

I have often found it frustrating that if I do a quick steepshot post with a cute dog, chicken, or kids picture, I often get way more comments and upvotes than for articles I spend a long time writing.

Oh well. Such is life :)

I often wonder how people choose to spend their time. I know in some cases it's work and family and other responsibilities and so the quick image, meme, short post or video is what they go for. But then there's just a bunch of people who hate to read, or who have short attention spans, or have something else they'd rather be doing that isn't any more important, just more important to them. So, since they want to vote on things as fast as they can, they jump on whatever. It doesn't help really.

I've been trying not to do my very best work in the beginning, but do my next best work so that I at least get people interested in what I'm writing. At whatever point I can say I have a sufficient following, I'll start spending more time on things. There needs to be a balance, and a lot of it is psychological. Do the best that you can with posts that don't need anymore than an hour and a half, and build from there.

I try for a mix of things. Of course, the writing prompt and the reading of the freewrites takes a lot of my time. But ideally, I like to have a good mix of different topics and media - video, audio, photo, and posts...

So do you think that having the different media helps? If you're already going for different topics, does how people consume it seem to be helping as far as engagement and upvotes go, or does it tend to dilute things because you're not concentrating on one form or another? Or would you say results are mixed? Trying to cover the bases here. :) And i don't have any particular bias or opinion here. Just hoping to get your personal thoughts and observations from doing it.

there are some that really like video, others like posts with some pictures and not much writing, a few like long articles. I am trying to do more Dlive.
It seems to me that it is a minority that actually likes long articles. For me, I spend most of my effort with the freewriters. I am a bit niched there.

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