Just Refreshed My Steemit Wallet—Got This

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I Think I Saw That In A Movie Once

Black spot of death from Pirates Of The Caribbean maybe?

Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 9.36.14 AM.png
Image source—steemit.com

There were actually two of these enormous black dots/spots/filled circles. I went ahead and refreshed again and the normal wallet page reappeared. Just keeping me on my toes, I guess. :)

Not sure why I got this. I guess it could be related to some residual after effects from the spam attack earlier in the week, or it could just be the way FireFox sees the page when it's not quite right.

It would be kind of fun to know why the huge black dots, though. What are they supposed to contain or represent? Maybe that's supposed to be where my avatar photo goes? If so, why two dots?

Anyone else noticing any kind of oddities, other than some general slowness and 504 gateway timeout errors popping up here and there?


Weirdly odd. It would have been great if you had saved the html page. Maybe there could have been something to deduct from it. Most likely not, but one never knows.

Not loading the CSS styling sometimes happens on many websites. Maybe this was the case. Though, with steemit it is never good to get surprised since we have all invested our money in it.

Also, the two dots may represent the "search" and "write a post" circles. Maybe not including the one with profile picture, as it seems the pictures were not loaded at all.

I especially don't like it when it's on the Steemit wallet page for that exact reason. Always seems to rebound with all my stuff, though.

Whatever it is, you're right, kind of curious. Normally when CSS doesn't load it's just the white page with the list of links and all the text, so it was kind of weird and cool to see at the same time. :)

I've been refreshing to see if it would do it again, but so far no luck. Probably don't want to push it. Kind of feels like I'm poking a bear or trying to purposefully break it. I'll see what I can do about saving the html if it does come back, though. :)

This is really strange. I went over to your wallet to see but clearly this is a situation with your browser. Super weird though.

Something else weird I noticed while I was there was that you send money to yourself every few days. Is there an accounting reason you do that? Sorry, not to be looking lololo... but I just was so curious why that is? I've seen another user do this. Is there a reason? Can you teach me why?

I popped over to read your blog after reading your questions about HF20 on thedarkhorse blog post. Did you ever find out about the new base vote?

I think you're right about the browser.

re: pay myself

No worries. Can't hide anything from anyone even if I wanted to. :)

I think you must be referring to how the wallet records when I power up STEEM. I generally convert the SBD that I get into STEEM and then power it up.

Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 8.56.03 PM.png

So, here there's the bottom transaction that came first when I bought STEEM with the SBD I got paid from a post or comment (it was actually a combination of a few of each), and then the top transaction is where I powered it up so it became a part of my SP.

re: new base vote

I was getting the dust payout threshold and the dust vote threshold confused. I didn't know there were two dust thresholds, actually, so what I'd read about in HF 20 was the dust vote threshold and what Tim Cliff was talking about was the dust payout threshold.

As far as I know, the plan is to basically eliminate that dust vote threshold still. I don't have any other information about it, though.

Yes and no; I'm a bit slow, but I'm catching on as fast as I can. That said, yes and no...

hhahaha,,,Lolzz...thanks ,,
you are so funny,,
your smile is also beautiful

Thanks for the laugh! It looks like the style sheet hasn't loaded properly.

That appears to be the growing consensus. I've refreshed a few times now and it all seems to be back to normal. Now if GINAbot would only catch up. That might not be for a while, though.

Here's the bottom part of that first spot and then most of the second. They just showed up again. :)

Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 10.11.04 AM.png

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