How Many Posts Do I Write Per Day?

in #steemit6 years ago

For Now, Mostly Two

At the moment, it's been less about the frequency as it's been about exposure, or rather, finding and gathering an audience.

Halfway through my fifth month on Steemit, the best things that have been happening to gain exposure have been @abh12345's Curation and Engagement Leagues, and the May 30 Days Writing Challenge which is now on day 15, and of which this post is a part of. (The writing challenge is brought to you by @dragosroua.)

Pumping out a bunch of posts a day without exposure/audience, hoping that something will be seen amidst all the other posts being launched out there has not proven to be a very practical idea for me. However, in gathering the audience, I've needed something for the audience to see, which are the posts. So, in my case, audience gathering and posting have been walking hand in hand to some degree.

Image source—Pixabay

Basically, I've been running out onto other people's posts, trying to add value through comments in a kind of mini-auditioning process—through giving people an opportunity to see how I write and engage through the comments I leave—and at the same time I've been trying to determine value through curating. Somewhere in between all that come my own posts.

Posting Schedule

At present, I generally have one post in the morning and one in the late afternoon/early evening. The first post happens as early as I can pump it out for now because of the writing challenge, but I like the results I've had doing it this way and want to maintain it beyond the challenge.

The evening post Monday, Wednesday and Friday is an installment of The Maya, my speculative fiction work in progress I started writing back in 2014 and simply didn't finish. I've been serializing it for three months now, give or take a week.

For a while Tuesdays and Thursdays were filled with a graphic novel I created 32 years ago which I published in two page increments for its run on Steemit. Now those evenings are filled with whatever else I can come up with, but mostly things happening in my life.

Eventually, though, I would like to settle into a schedule where I'm publishing three posts a day during the week, while doing the commenting and curating. I would hope to rotate through an array of different topics, since I seem to have more than one or two interests. Topics could include, but not be limited to sports, entertainment, science, current events, politics, faith, cars, culture and of course my own creative works.

In the meantime, I will continue to comment on posts with topics that interest me, I will continue to curate said posts and comments that add value in some way, and I will work to provide posts that I hope add value, too.


Good thing you're a permanent writer at steemit. I am also on that path, since I am retired and I have all the time to do it. I still have the doubt of whether there are better and worse hours to publish, I still do not know. I only publish when the article is ready and I am encountering God to be liked by the people. I hope you continue to have many successes in steemit. Greetings from Venezuela.

I'm not sure if there is a set time to post. With so many people from all of the world on Steemit, it really depends on who ends up seeing and liking your work. Then, try to publish when they're around. All of the different graphs with peak times of when people are voting is hard to decipher, and a lot of people who have higher voting power automate, so they autovote when you post. So, it's probably best to do what you're doing, publish when the article is finished.

I'm publishing morning and early evening mostly because that's when I have the time to do it. I am trying to accomplish other things in between.

Oh, and I'm not sure there is such as thing as a permanent writer on Steemit. We're not hired, right, and we can come and go as we please. I'm trying to be consistent, if anything.

How are things in Venezuela today?

Well, things in Venezuela are going from bad to worse. The economy is very bad and the inflation unbearable. The president acting as a candidate for his presidential elections that will be on May 20 and of which there is a great abstention. We have not really found a way out of this bad government. God help us. Thanks for worrying.

I am also posting two to three times a day and I find it to be the best rate. I've tried with four, but it's not for me.
Regarding topics we're quite in the same both as my posts have also different topics everyday. Don't have a niche and don't think will have in the near future. There's much that I want to discuss about for now.
Great place to create your posts btw, near the lake with such beautiful nature.

It is a great place. Unfortunately, it's not me. I do all of my posting from inside my home office, which doesn't have a lake. One of these days, though. Actually, I'd probably prefer doing it nearer the ocean. That would be good.

Yeah, I tend to get bored really fast talking about the same subject every day. Unfortunately, that's more of where I've been than not, but I'm going to see where I am at the end of six months and see then if I've got enough audience built up to try a transition to more emphasis on posts and less emphasis on audience building through comments. I've been enjoying it though, so I might just keep the ratio I have.

Looks you have worked out a plan, I think I need to one of these days, a posting plan, a steemit plan, a what the heck am I doing plan. I don't do to well at plans. I just kind of drift through steemit, through life, and try not to get bogged down to much, although I do get stuck sometimes.

Well, plan may be giving me too much credit. I think I have a direction to head in, but that's about it. But I've been in business, and so it's hard to really accomplish or succeed without some course of action, or several of them, so that kind of transfers over to this.

There probably needs to be a happy medium between no plans ever and all plan all the time. Spontaneity is a good thing now and again, and so is having some kind of a framework to build on or jump off of. I used to tell those who worked with or for me that it didn't really matter how the work got done, just that it got done and done well.

So, you know, do what you got to do if it works. :) If it doesn't, and you want to change it, do it. I know that's an oversimplification of things and that there can be mitigating circumstances, but generally, we have to move ourselves out of our own way first. :)

Spontaneity is a good thing now and again

Yep, but at some point it becomes planed and then is no more. I do sort of have a steemit plan, it just changes sometimes, I learned my lesson about "help" and running thin, so now I plan to try to be careful of overextension. And trying to keep my "required" post to a minimum, right now about 4 post I need to do a week, and one that I am re-thinking. No way I could to one post a day, well that's not true I did do it once I think, I'd have to go check my badges to be sure, but it is for me something that is not sustainable. So far, my plan works for me, and that is a nice thing about plans they can be altered, and when you are the only one the plan affects, it is super easy.

It is tricky to figure out when the best posting time is. For me, right now, I am happy to get it out there and to get it out at a certain time is more than I can do...

See, that's just it. With autovoting, either solo or as part of a curation trail, I don't know if time of publication is all that important. It might be if followers are actively reading and curating your posts, but if they've got you on autovote, then I guess you could consider the times that more people are on Steemit. But there's so many different time zones, and so many different tastes on topics, what time is better than others?

Lately, I've been having a little more luck with posts I do in the mid-morning, Pacific time, but that's more because it's a part of the challenge than it is because of the time of day. So, I think the way you're doing it is great. As it is, you're not the only one.

Some people are good with figuring algorithm and all of that. But as you said, there are people all over the world - so, technically, any time should be the right time for someone lol.

Basically, I've been running out onto other people's posts, trying to add value through comments in a kind of mini-auditioning process—through giving people an opportunity to see how I write and engage through the comments I leave

This is the slow but steady road to success in my opinion. It is the way to keep the scammers and spammers away, whilst tempting in the folks who appreciate a well-written comment.

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