I tried @randowhale; here is what I think.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The past few weeks I read a lot about something new on Steemit, called @randowhale. Randowhale is a way to get random upvotes on your post in order to get a higher payout. You pay 2 STB to the wallet of @randowhale and you will recieve a random upvote between 1 and 50% of the vote power.

I think I should give it a try; lets see!

So, based on the post i have read I was thinking, lets do this, lets give it a try, why not? Sure, there is a chance that the payout will be way lower then the investment, but what if.. If that is true, I tried it. A colleague of mine told me once; "nicht geschossen ist immer da neben." It is a Dutch saying translated in very bad German, which means something like, If you never try, you will never win. Just like a lottery, not a big fam, but still; if you never buy a ticket you are sure you will not be winning that jackpot at all.

So, here is the way to do it:

1. Create a post

Lets start with creating a post. In order to receive an upvote you will first have to make a post.

2. CHeck the Voting power of @Randowhale

If you aresmart you will first check the voting power of Randowhale on steemdb. Do that by clicking here.. When I did it the first time, the voting power is low, so in the end, your investment of 2 STB can be much lower then normal. In this picture you can see i took the upvote with a voting power of 40%


3. Copy the link of the post on which you want the upvote

Copy the link of the post on which you want Randowhale to put the upvote on and then browse to your wallet. In your wallet select transfer. Transfer can be found in the drop down list behind the amount of Steem Dollar you see in your wallet. **make sure you have a minimum of 2 STB in your wallet in order to proceed.


4. Add the To, the amount and the link.

As you can see there Opens a small pop up screen. In this screen you can see information about the transaction your are going to make. You first see the from. This is already filled in. Then you see the "To". Make sure to put randowhale behind this. Watch out! don't make a mistake in the name, as your SBD will not arrive! i have heard people put in "randomwhale" instead of "randowhale", but if you that, your money will not arrive and you will not receive the random upvote!

Behind amount you will put 2; make sure the drop down list is on SBD. Finally you put the link for the upvote in the Memo field. Again make sure you will put in the right link, otherwise you will not receive the upvote! Now push submit and you are done. The SBD will be transmitted to @randowhale.



5. And now wait..

Now the waiting starts, but it does not take very long! I was happy to see that it only took a few seconds, and as you can see, the first upvote I received was 25%! Thanks @Randowhale!



I decided to wait a little to see if the upvote of Randowhale also influences the rest of the upvates, maybe you will get more viewers because they see your post has a higher velue, but to be honest I did not see any direct link between the upvote of Randowhale and some other upvotes.


So, would I be doing this again? Yes I would. I think it is a good way to "reward" the post you just made. Especially for the new Steemians I think it is a nice way to start up some earnings, but please also keep in mind you can get an upvote of only 1%, instead of the 25% I got. But on the other hand you can also get an upvote of 50%.. And to be honest, I like the gamle a little.

Hope you enjoyed my post. Greetings @gindor


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how much of the $2.76 was from randowhale? 25% is a lucky spot because it shows the average (in theory) so if the 25% is worth more than $2 then it's good to use it more

Hi @alphacore, it was a little more then 2 dollar, 2,35. True that it is good value for money then, but on the other hand it also depends when the payout is. If Steem is going down it is not that good anymore, But if it goes up it is only getting better.

It's good to see a review on @randowhale

I've seen a lot myself and was unsure about it. Sound good and worth a try at some point, once I have transferable SBD to send to it.

Thanks! I did my best to put a good review online. Hope people enjoy it and it helps them deciding if they want to do this

that really helps me understand and i will give it a go when i earn some steem - for now i am learning and apparently my writing isnt very good so i need to do a lot of work on that too. i followed you and hit upvote too -- keep rockin -David

Well, A little off topic but Steemit is not only About writing. I yesterday made another post About commenting which i see as one of the most undervalued ways of building up followers and your first earnings. Check it here: https://steemit.com/help/@gindor/how-to-get-more-relevant-followers

I suppose you ## didn't work because you use < center> text </ center>.... Try using < h2 > < /h2> instead of ##

thanks, I adjusted it!

The randowhale is making a fortune.

I think it is more like a way to help other steemians. Sure it requires stb, but i think it is a Nice way to benefit on both sides

i used it 2 times and it delivers very promptly. its well worth-it. make sure you transfer SBD and not STEEM ... they accept both.

You are right. When you transfer you can choose but be sure to take the correct one

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