How to get more relevant followers.

in #help7 years ago (edited)

By only commenting


I wanted to write about this for a while now, but over and over again I got new ideas for posts so I decided to write about those other items, until this morning. This morning, something weird happened on one of my posts. I wrote a story about @randowhale and my first time trying to get a nice upvote from randowhale(check here if you want to know more about that). But I will show you what I mean at the end of the post(bummer, or just scroll down!)

When I started at Steemit, I had no followers at all, just like everybody else who started. I did not know anybody here, nobody who showed me how it works, and nobody who helped me by resteeming whatsoever. So I needed to start building followers. I started on the 11 of may with no follower, at this moment I have 108 followers. Are there Steemians who grow faster in follower count? Sure there are, but I try to build up a relevant, nice quantity of followers.

But Gindor, how did you do that? Tell me, Tell me!!

Well, I started off the wrong way. I started posting my "hello Steemit, here I am" introduction post very fast. I was hoping to get some followers there, but Instead of that, I got some upvotes(thankfully for that!), and a small quantity of followers(also thankful for that!). But what did I chance since then? I started reading a lot, and I mean a lot on Steemit. I spend a few hours a day with reading on Steemit. One big benefit; I like reading the stuff people post. I am not following people who talk nonsense to me, or follow people to get followers back, I do not believe in that strategy, as people who do that build up followers fast, but not the right followers if you ask me.

After reading post a good comment, something you mean.

I started posting comments to people who write good stuff, who make sense in a blog or a vlog. Two advantages; the Steemians who write the blog, or record the vlog, are interested in the same stuf as you are, if you follow the people who you are interested in.. Sounds confusing, but what I mean is if jou follow people you are interested in, you can automatically put in a good comment. This means that the blogger feels appreciated if he gets a good comment, and he might be in for following you, especially if you post vallid comments over and over again!

The other big advantage is, people who take the time to read the post, most of the time also take the time to check out the comments. And this can give you some good upvotes and followers on your comment.

Back to what i saw this morning

Ok, here is what you all have been waiting for; why did I decide to write this post today...? Well, check this print screen, which shows what I mean with commenting can give you good relevant followers, and will make you earn your first upvotes, i am sure about that!

Schermafbeelding 2017-06-15 om 21.23.55.png

**As you can see, the first comment shown in the prinstscreen got more upvotes then my post did! ** How come? I have no clue, only thing it tells me, is that what I am telling you, is true!

Good luck on posting comments. I will upvote all comments I get bellow, just as I appreciate you taking effort to read my post and starting with commenting on the post that says you have to do it!

Hope you enjoyed my post. Greetings @gindor


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I'm pretty sure it's some sort of bot-driven cluster. I think they are very rude. They follow various peeps around and upvote their comments BUT they never share a vote with the author. Super Rude.

I'm following the same path you are. It's tons of fun and very much "keeps it real"

Lol, same here. 16 votes for the reply and 6 for the author. Not sure Why and to be honest if you ask me, I Am against bots. But Thanks for the reply!

O.O They've started following me around! ... uh weird. LOL well I dunno who or what they are but as to bots and botting and etc ... I understand. And I'm frustrated with them because it leads to a lot of weird voting without interaction. ...

BUT ... here's the thing ... as @lovejoy pointed out in one of her recent comments on a troubling post ... each person's vote is a reflection of how they choose to spread out their shares of the voting pool. It would be a bad practice to start meddling with how people choose to vote their shares.

(The short short short explain is that STEEM Power represents the USD amount that is needed to buy your vests or shares. ... as I currently understand it. I reserve the right to be wrong.)

So basically when it comes to botting around ... someone has decided that some other account (bot) can vote their shares for them. Every bot has different reasons and groups and etc.

Very weird that they came and upvoted me for calling them a group of bots LOL

Anyway ... the bots are a faster, generic way of upvoting with somewhat blind trust ... Which often works something like this ... a member of a group will tell the bot "I want this upvoted." The bot will then take off with all of it's assigned voting shares and go vote.

Sooo ... In a group like that, member #10 has to trust that member #2 in the group has the same taste in media and reading material that he does.

There's probably a million variations on that.

I've run into several "contest" type versions ... .... hmm is that how I invoked a visit on myself ... I dunno.

ANYWay ... I can camp here all day trying to figure it out or I can go write. I think I should go write on my own blog. I'll try to make a list one day soon about the various botting activities designed to up new folks survive.

Have fun enjoy. Keep on keep'n on
PS I found you in the Telegram upvote channel.

Engage with the community, and time will tell! We are all here to share knowledge. Great post anyways. :)

Thanks for the compliment and Enjoy!

Do people promote the comments? I'm still trying to understand steem as well. But I agree with your post, keep it real, follow good people and be cool! Peace out and good luck.

Thanks! And as you can see I Am able to upvote your post. Good luck with your first steps. I try to post a lot of tips for new users so I hope you will Enjoy them!

PS You'll actually make more creating content either via posts or comments that way you'll be able to get the upvotes.

Curation via giving upvotes to get $ is an advanced form of gambling ... which is beyond my ability even create a short explain for. ... search for "curating curve" or "upvoting curve" ...

The best use of upvoting is trying to get attention for the author of the post by and maybe give some of your shares over to the author. At my level that's about 0.005 per upvote ... but it all adds up! AND besides it's may way of saying "I Like"

i am learning everytime i read an article -- this is top stuff and i appreciate you linking up with me too -David

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