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RE: RE: Fast Reply - Why Not Take Things Even Further? Let's Automate All Replies

in #steemit6 years ago

I looked at the "Fast Reply" service this morning @schattenjaeger, after all the buzz in my feed about it.

I decided against using it, especially since there seemed to be such an outcry against having to wait 20 seconds between posting comments.

This is just going to make the crap comments problem worse, in my opinion.

It seems like for every good thing that gets designed something on the crap side comes along and balances it out and we're back to square one or maybe even minus one.

The sad thing about this one is the a lot of people I consider to be good for the platform have jumped on board this one. 😢


You actually make a good point about the increase of spam. I didn't even think of that one, but you're right.

I think it may already be happening @schattenjaeger. On my last post I noticed I got two comments, straight away from two different accounts that left comments that had absolutely nothing to do with what I'd written.

It happened so fast they had to be automated. 😢


It really breaks a heart, by the way. You work on something, you see a comment and you get excited that someone liked something you created, and then the truth comes out.

I think the worst thing is when you work on a post that you really like and it doesn't do as well as the ones you spent way less time on.

That's the hardest thing for me @schattenjaeger. 😊

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