Pinkielady is so right!!!!From a very frustrated 'newbie' steemian.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have just read pinkieladie's post and I so agree with her comments.  I try and pass on information in a very interesting and well formatted way; I never just have the information itself, I always add other content to make it more interesting for the general reader.  I post twice a day and enjoy doing so.  I actively involve myself with other's work and communicate positively.  I always reply to comments made and interact fully with them.  What happens? I get 9 votes!

Pinkielady stated that other's posts are viewed consistently, and get many votes.  I cannot believe at times some of the regular 'established' 'posters'; they put several images on a post with insignificant content and get hundreds of votes, and post several times a and more importantly, why?

Be careful steemit.  You say that you want a developing sight which brings in good content.  Well, I am frustrated and beginning to think I will look else where because it seems only the established 'old timers' are given any support.  I would be happier if they took the time to read and vote on 'newbie' posts to encourage them, instead of 'hogging' the voting site. Please understand, the money element is nice, however, I am more frustrated by the lack of people viewing and voting on the work I have spent some time developing and posting to the site.

I leave this with you.


Steemit life is sometimse really hard:)

Thank you for your reply. Yes, it is. However, I would just like the established 'posters' to make an effort and help along the committed newbies, and not just post. Then I would be happier with this forum. X

See even if every one says oposite all are here for the money and the progres , is sort of best posting autors vote for best posting autors :)

Of course the money is nice and very welcome, but not the 'be all and end all'. Do the best posting authors take the time to read 'newbie' posts? I have my doubts. Please show me I am wrong and I will take back every word I have written and offer a full apology!

The well payd posts also dont get big amount of reeders you can easy see this from the amount of views they are geting right ?

Thank you for your reply. Because the pay out voting is so complicated, I never go by how much they are earning from their post. I always look and read the posts which interest me and also, the votes cast for that post. Look at posts from that perspective, not earning power. One of my posts had over 200 views, yet earnt little. I was really happy with the views - the money element, not a big deal. I think when a post has a lot of votes, it should be good and well worth reading? Many are and I am in awe of their ability. However, my point is, why do they post so often? Could they not spend a little time reading and supporting 'newbies'? X

If you ask me the trending page shud be based on views not $ just because a post have 500$ upvote dasunt meen its the best one .
And no top autors are busy to make more money no time to read the post of the small people . Also if you look most of them resteem just the popilar posts .

I totally agree with you. Thank goodness I am not the only one with concerns. Thank you for your reply. X

Ps. I don't, and never have, expected to make money immediately. You have to earn over time. Without developing a following you will never achieve. A week of low viewings though is very frustrating. X

Join my last challenge and you can at last win 5 SBD

As a newcomer you can get views or get paid. But quality content is no garantee.I understand your point though

Just keep trying

Thank you. Perhaps there could be a way of monitoring new content and star'ing good content posts! X

Thank you for that. In my initial stages I want to build a following. Any recompense is just a welcome bonus. It is the lack of views which really depresses me. It makes you think, why make such an effort? X

I feel you, but dont give up.

Follow you now:)

Thank you so much. I am not giving up! I will certain follow you. X

A lot of the votes are from bots. If you look at some of the posts you'll see 200 votes but only 4 views.

Really, I had no idea. What is the point? I am now even more disillusioned! Thank you for that though. My naivety is showing through. X

They upvote either their own posts, the posts that will make them the most money (posts by whales), or posts that have been upvoted by the whales. Don't be disillusioned; this is a business, not some Utopian co-op. If you want to maximise your effort, I'd suggest getting a personal website you own and cross-linking to/from it using your Steemit blog.

Thank you for this, I have but my twitter and facebook links have caused me problems this week. Perhaps that is why I am having problems with votes/views? X

I don't think so. The only thing that's different this week was the one day the Steemit server was having problems.

Thanks @get-baking, for naming me. And I am glad we can help eachother out. Thinking the other way around is not for everybody ;)

Hope your frustrating is going away. I need newbies around here!! So we can grow together!

Certainly will. I always follow your content and answer where appropriate. X

Thank you so much! I'll do my best to publish nice content. Same here for you :-)

Thank you. You always do publish good content and nice! X

@get-baking, That's why i wrote this Venting for steem
Never despair, we are in this together!

Thank you for this. I have just read your post and I so agree. Voted of course and, I like your style so shall follow you. Just found out too that a lot of votes these others get are 'bot' votes, many have not even read them! Not impressed. X

thanks @get-baking ,i followed immediately @pinkielady ask me to read your post.

Again, thank you so much, I really appreciate this. pinkielady is a star! X

I know how you feel, but I think that if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll find the community and support you're looking for. FYI -- I just followed you. Us newbies have to stick together. 😀 Also, if you see an upvote from me, it means I have read and enjoyed your content.

Thank you so much. Yes we should stick together. I am immediately following you. I do intend to continue - I have gone this far so why not? I think though I will alter how I am doing things slightly. Have just found 'steem-trail' and am posting there too, and interacting also. I think that is the key, interact fully and publish! X

Don't give up ! I did not and I am here since June 2016. Keep on going and express your message without thinking too much in payouts. Focus on the beautiful stories first of all. One day many more will find your stories

Prophetic words, thank you. X

I mean it 😋

I agree to a certain point with you. I also noticed that some people always get upvoted and others don't.
I am not so sure it has anything to do with being a newbie or not. My friend just activated his accound this weekend and 1 of his posts made it already to $65. And he is no celebrity or something like that. He did not even have more than 5 followers at that moment.
He posted a Dutch video blog that very little people here even understand. But somehow it attracted a lot of voters by his introduction text and his video still only.
I like to think we all have equal changes here.

What's his link ? Interesting

You'll read that in one of my posts soon! :-)