Steemit you know that it was on August 5?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

5th of August

In 1583, the English explorer H. Gilbert declared the property of the island of Newfoundland Britain.

In 1687 the first Russian embassy arrived in Paris.

In 1699, 5-7 August passed the first review of hits and the first maneuvers of the Russian fleet in the roads of Taganrog.

In 1709 g.vyshel decree of Peter I «On the guest dignity, the Assemblies to be having."

In 1727 due to the intrigues of Prince Menshikov daughter of Peter I, Anna Petrovna, who is rumored to Peter wanted to appoint his successor, ever left Russia and moved to Holstein.

In 1772 on the basis of a secret convention, signed in St. Petersburg, Russia, Austria and Prussia divided the territory of the Republic of Poland. For Russia withdrew from eastern Belarus city of Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Polotsk and Polish part of Livonia (Latgale). By the end of the century there were still two partitions of Poland.

In 1775, Spanish explorer Juan de Ayala became the first European in the San Francisco Bay.

In 1858, at the bottom of the Atlantic telegraph cable is laid, linking the UK and the US. Queen Victoria exchanged greetings with US President James Buchanan.

In 1861, the US Army abolished corporal punishment.

In 1861, the US imposed its first income tax (3% of revenues in excess of $ 800).

In 1884 he laid the first stone of the "Statue of Liberty" in the United States at Ellis Island.

In 1905 in Belgium Sunday announced a day off.

In 1913 in St. Petersburg its first flight made the world's first and largest multiengined for the time the plane 'Russian Knight' design Igor Sikorsky.

In 1914, the world's first traffic lights regulating the traffic, installed at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and East 105th Street in Cleveland (pcs. Ohio). They switched the red and green light, and made a warning sound. Now, the only place in the world where permitted running a red light, a Rio de Janeiro. And then only if autodriver prove to the police that he was trying to escape from armed bandits.

In 1916, the first American chewing gum presented in the French market.

In 1921 in the US city of Dayton (pcs. Ohio) successfully tested the world's first car radio controlled.

In 1924, from the workshop of the Baltic shipyard came first Soviet locomotive.

In 1939, during the battle at the Halkin-Gol Soviet pilot Mikhail Ilyukhin first in the world sent a burning plane on the ground target enemy.

In 1940 the submarine "Sch-423" went from Murmansk to Vladivostok along the Northern Sea Route. 11 September she arrived at the destination. Until now, only the above-water ships able to go this route.

In 1948, Grigory Fedotov became the first player who manages to score the 100th goal in the championships of the USSR.

In 1953, the first hydrogen bomb was detonated at the Semipalatinsk test site.

In 1962, there was a mysterious samobiystvo Marilyn Monroe (Norma Becker) American actress.

In 1962 he was arrested in South Africa, Nelson Mandela. Finally, he had to spend 27 years.

In 1966, the Beatles (Beatles) released the single "Yellow Submarine" and "Eleanor Rigby" at home.

In 1966, John Lennon (John Lennon) said that the Beatles (Beatles) are more popular than Jesus Christ.


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