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RE: Prepare for stupid people on steemit! Soon I predict we will see posts like "I had NO IDEA it would take 14 weeks to get my money back after powering up! ! I am SUING the steemit!" lol prepare for this when the morons join us!

in #steemit7 years ago

This is some of the best "true" entertainment I have found in a long time. :)


ok cool then follow me and i will keep posting my mind and ill try to add images every few paragraphs! lol i will make steemit coomedy just for you! i will upvte all your recent posts now

Thank you. :)

I am following you, and I always upvote all comments. :)

even following "minnows" or steemit users without much money will pay off in the long run! because if they post everyday and with quality content they can build their way up to having many hundreds of dollars or even thousans in steempower! I started with nothing two months ago in late arch 2017 and now after saving most all of my steem as steempower and from now never powering down , i have worked my way up to over 500 dollars worth of steempower! (I would have had closer to 700 dollars by now but price of steem dropped from $1.20 to closer to $0.90 cents but I am not worried! And neither should you! Of course it hurts when you only have a few dollars, like $10 lets say and you see it drop to $8 but its just the price of steem! thats all! you didnt do anything wrong!

Back to what I was saying (I have a problem with going off on tangent THERE i go again im doing it again right now!) backto what I was saying, its IMPORTANTto gain small time followers! get attention of many many hard working minnows! some minnows are on way to becoming dolphins! and then their upvotes will eventually become morre and more valuable!

eventually all the minnows you gain as followers will have thousands of dollars in steempower, as dolphins they will be able to make your posts go up by a few dollars at atime! NOW we are cooking with steem! or as the chinese say, now we are cooking with OIL or Throw OIL on the fire! Coook with that OIL!

anyway liquid steem crypto currency really is the whole reason we can sen and recieve payments all tied into our upvote system

steemit really is a genius system and any haters out there taling bad about steemit are just jelous and envious! they wish THEY would have come up with steemit!

anyway keep talking to those small time beginner steemit users!

steeit is becoming some peoples very FIRST savings account!

peole use steempower as their savings account! and for many like me, its really their first saings in a long time OR for many teenagers its their first real savings because nowhere else canthey earn this much online this quickly if they have the talent!

seriously steemit is more trustworthy than ANY bank and MUCh better than paypal! and even easier than bitcoin!

i swear and the steem blockchain will DOMINATE in the field of payment procesor! ppeople will choose steemit over venmo everytime once we have a built in bank account or fiat mony link system!

Thank you for the information and inspiration, and your knowledge of crypto currency market. :)

90percent of life is just showing up

now you dont even have too physically show up, just "sign in"

now 90 percent of life is just logging in

OR 80 percent of success is showing up....on google

90 percent of life is showing up on google

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