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RE: WHAT A GREAT COMMUNITY Steemit Whale steemitsunday

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Exactly. You are new here. No other social media even pays you much less gives you a safe place to store your value and a censorship free chain.

However, because of a test that attacked a person who has put nearly 15k (actually rounding down quite a bit) into trying to make steem better for minnows and others (instead of creating whale wars) and who just so happens to think MAYBE if i prove to people I am a good steward for what i earn and use it to save me from having to Pay Out Of Pocket to support Steem with my skills, knowledge and platform...just maybe they will support my efforts with whatever funding they can.

You know what most people who were new to steem and bitshares have done with the stake they have earned/mined in steem? Sold it...

Why? Because they are not oaks who you can seek shelter under because they weathered storms and sacrificed for something. Many whales and overnight dolphins still remain but many left us for the next new thing. Many of the dolphins are GROWING INTO whales and being oaks in the community!

I wont give up because i know we NEED TOOLS to make it better on minnows. And we need to consider the HONOR of EARNING Steem through the long held trust of an entire community as a RESPONSIBILITY. I need the money cause I refuse to keep paying out of pocket for things I know need built. Why? Not just because im helping myself. Indeed I do what I do at great risk to myself.

As you are learning which is fine. But at the same time know where you are walking and when your words are based in ignorance...they can light fires you cant put out.

I didnt like having to put you in a situation that shows the hypocrisy of this post...but I was forced to by seeing people pumping this idea for whales to attack posts all over the place. Id much prefer abit simply DOESNT VOTE AT ALL and thus gives some of HIS stake away (since he is a Kraken...not a whale). can fix steem better by UPVOTING MORE MINNOWS @abit and other whales!

Spend time doing benevolent things.

This isnt rocket science. But you have an excuse @pitterpatter new guy...

These whales doing this "test" should know better...

Not saying they are openly being malevolent. But their behavior nonetheless is more than a bit ridiculous.

P.S. i dont joke when it comes to have likely met very few people who have worked for free as long as I have. Enjoy everything and try not to get caught up in the bullshit of judging someomes intentions. We never can. But mentioning your mr double standard is merely stating a fact: "double standard" which is displayed for all who read this...forever on the blockchain. Dont take offense. Instead be honest with yourself and change it. I understand I mess up at times and am willing to admit it. Ask my wife ;)
But this isnt one of them. I simply call things out based on logic.


I have been spending time with the community and the experience I've had with the minnows and dolphins have been great along with a few whales like ned and others. That is why in all my ignorance I find it refreshing to see a whale care about minnows because a good bit of it has been so bad with a few whales. I know there are more but these whales seem to be silent when the smaller fish are being downvoted and stripped of their rewards. Sorry it's hard to understand especially with your belittling tone.

Great question. No parameters or variables were established for this "experiment" so there is really no way to even establish a set of guidelines with which to establish a baseline.

Like i said...if this is an experiment...they did it ALLLLLLL Wrong..

Id much prefer abit simply DOESNT VOTE AT ALL and thus gives some of HIS stake away

That way the experiment would work even less, 'cause other whales would keep on upvoting.

(since he is a Kraken...not a whale).

How much SP to be considered a whale? This is still not clear to me.
Sure 1,000,000+ SP is really big fish.

I upvoted this not because of the "belittling tone" comment....

But because your heart is in the right place. Still being wrong is being wrong.

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