A Strange Dream

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemian's

I had a strange dream two nights ago. I didn't plan on writing about it, but the dream just keeps replaying in my head. I'm not sure why. So let's just delve right into this short, strange dream I had.

It begins with me in a rickety van, with two gentlemen from Mexico. They are both composed, quiet.
Something about their demeanor is somewhat strange, but intrinsically I know, they are both high ranking members of the Mexican drug cartel.

I am not a captive, nor do they seem to wish me any ill will. It's a quiet ride, with an older gentlemen driving, and a younger gentleman seemingly fixated on me. The younger gentlemen is probably around 40 years of age, the older gentlemen maybe 55.

We are driving to Mexico, but I am unawares. This photo is a good depiction of how the roads looked in my dream:


It was slightly overcast, but sunny, and we seemed to ride for quite some time.

Then everything is a new scene, seeming to skip myself getting out of the vehicle, crossing boarders. I am just all of a sudden, somewhere else.

This image, for some reason, also seems to be a really good depiction of where I ended up next..Strange


At this point in the dream, I am crouched on the floor in the housing. The older gentleman keeps pacing back and forth, and completing different tasks of which I am oblivious to.

The younger man stay sitting six feet away from me, fixated.

The fixation did not seem bad. It was a look of caring concern, and something more; as if I was the key to something very important that I did not understand. There was a definitive purpose for me being there, and within the confines of my captivity, which of course was willfully given, I felt safe with them, albeit terrified of the outside surroundings.

Outside of a dream I would not feel terror like this, and I have been to Mexico on several occasions in notably dangerous areas, and still had fun.

In the dream, everything going on outside sounded like a distant party. Hooting and hollering, laughing and cheering. Everyone was having a great time. I could not understand the language. I can minimally understand Spanish, and this was apparent in the dream, as I only understood bits and pieces of phrases I heard, and could minimally communicate with the two gentlemen who were my willful captors.

I was afraid of being ostracized, perhaps murdered. I am not sure what the complete root of my terror was, but it was immense, and the look on the younger gentleman's face, suggested I not be afraid, but I couldn't help it. His fixated gaze, as weird as it seems, was actually quite comforting in the dream. That is the other strange aspect here. I don't like people staring at me, but in this case, it was completely fine.

The entire dream I just wanted to go home, I felt like I didn't belong where I was going, but I knew that I needed to go, that my presence was a necessity, and there was grave importance to the travel. The purpose was bigger than myself, and therefore, I needed to face the fear of being there. In the dream, I persisted against my fear, and I stayed.

The dream ended abruptly and I awoke, feeling strange.


Thanks for reading.

Much love,



Very interesting dream, and the photos you chose really add to the telling of it.

Thanks! @bananamemos

I was going for photos that had a somewhat eerily attractive appeal, because the dream was somewhat eerie in it's nature. I am happy I was able to achieve the effect I was looking for. Thank you for stopping by and commenting!

...you really have a bunch of strange dreams. Not sure if it's a good thing or not :P the strangest part here is, you can find images that represent your dream pretty well. I can't really find scenery images that resemble my dreams, they just look off in some ways. Strange.

Having a dream that ends like that is really...cliffhanging. REEEEE. Anyway I quite enjoyed the read...lmao.

...you really have a bunch of strange dreams. Not sure if it's a good thing or not :P

I'm not so sure either! I try to find the metaphorical meanings behind them, if there are any lol.

the strangest part here is, you can find images that represent your dream pretty well. I can't really find scenery images that resemble my dreams, they just look off in some ways. Strange.

Yes it was kind of strange that these images just popped out at me as resembling the imagery in the dream. I was kind of shocked myself, as I didn't really expect that to happen at all.

Having a dream that ends like that is really...cliffhanging. REEEEE. Anyway I quite enjoyed the read...lmao.

Hahahaha Yes, I just woke suddenly and was like "Well, that was odd".

Sometimes I have dreams that are continuations of other dreams..I wonder if this is another To be continued...., dream.

Thanks for stopping by @lilacse :)

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Two months ago, I wrote Have you considered writing down your dreams (not just your goals or aspirations, but your ACTUAL DREAMS)? because of a scary dream that I had, that which reminded me of a book I read as a child.

My opinion about dreams is that sometimes they are an extension of what happened in our real world and the events just continue to play in our brain whilst we are sleeping. Our real world can be something that we watched on TV, what another person has told us, or just random things that we may have encountered during our waking hours. Then a fragment of what's happened continues in our sleep through our dreams. How else can we explain our dreams?

Or maybe dreams serve as a forewarning to us. Not all dreams don't have meaning. Ancient kings and rulers would also have dreams that bothered them and they had to ask "wise men" to interpret their dreams. Interpretations became prophecies which eventually would take place and become part of the history.

Maybe your dream says to take care of yourself, and be vigilant at all times. Be wary of people and stay away from people with questionable character. Haha!!!

Anyway, thank you for sharing! Your dream was quite detailed and you were able to give us an idea of the actual setting in your dream.

I'm also a believer that dreams have deeper meanings than the face value we generally see in the dream. I think it's especially important to consider the dreams that play heaviest on our conscious awareness, and try to decipher what they are trying to tell us.

Oftentimes, I am not always certain of what my dreams are trying to tell me, and this is one of those particular dreams that I believe carries multiple meanings.

I think the first, most important aspect this dream is telling me, is that there are some major changes coming in my life that I need to mentally prepare for. I don't think they are bad changes, just major one's.

I think another aspect has something to do with your analysis of :

be vigilant at all times. Be wary of people and stay away from people with questionable character.

This very well could be a partial message of this dream, and the thought had crossed my mind actually.

Very intuitive @evlachsblog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. You know, sometime's my Steemit friends even pop up in my dreams (maybe because I am on here so much?). Who knows, you might pop up in one of them next...haha
┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴

* --- In the dream, everything going on outside sounded like a distant party

Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. Pablo Picasso

I like the quote :)

Thank you for stopping by!

Hey @futuremind, you just received a random 100% upvote for your activity at the @minnowsmith project! Stay tuned and keep mining. :)

Yeah definitely good, @futuremind
Would love to read more!

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