KRAKEN more theft and cheating

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

why me.jpg

Well I made a post yesterday talking about how I wired $21,000 to my Kraken account - which is a Bit coin exchange house in Japan. I was really upset because I was not getting any responses from them. Today I went to my account and saw that I was rolled back to tier 0 - meaning I wasn't even allowed to deposit any money into my account period. This seemed very strange because I had already waited for all of May for my account to be verified. Here is even a email from Kraken saying I was Tier 3 in early June.

June 03, 2017 11:00
Your account has now been verified to Tier 3.
Happy trading.
Kraken Client Engagement
Tutorial: Add 2 Factor Authentication to your account today!

Please note that support is backlogged at the moment. Our ticket numbers increased fivefold over the past weeks and we are doing
our best to catch up and resolve the situation. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Now today I go back to my account and see this.

fuck my life.png

Something is going on here. I've have been trying for almost 5 weeks now to get trading and it seems like the crypto world just wont let me . I do not know how a established trading platform like kraken can get away with this . I have missed out on so much it is making me sick.


geezus! That is every persons' nightmare! I am new to all of this but I am terrified to even transfer anything, that it might possibly just dissappear into vapor.

And here 6 weeks ago I thought It was going to be a few day process and I was going to buy ether at less then $100 a coin. Now ether is over $300 and I don't even have access to my original $21,000. This sucks so much

Now ether is over $400. FML

i joined kraken but never completed their verification process because they wanted more documentation than i had available. however, i found that coinsbank is ok for me so far:

Ya I used them to buy a small amount of steemit. I had been getting emails from Kraken for years and for some stupid reason I decided to use them.

glad I researched 1 final time before completing a transaction.... Holy Hell! they want so much information just to get verified..... I was pulling my hair out getting mad. went to my ether wallet and was about to move some crypto, and saw this. My review.... I've had an account with kraken for 20 minutes, and I've been cussing at my computer screen the whole time. Don't waste your time or money on a kraken account. there are much easier ways to get the crypto you are wanting. I give kraken a negative number if possible, and they haven't even stolen any of my money like these people above.

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