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RE: Some Burning Steemit Questions

in #steemit6 years ago

"Is true freedom possible with the blockhain technology like Steem?"
I'm here to stay and i brought a lot people (content creators, normal people, indie devs and more). And to answer the real question, with steemit some people i brought here including myself we are making more money than working at "a real job" in Romania 8-12 hours/day. But some of the money are going back into Steem Power.

"Can you make it on Steemit with a Lone Wolf mentality?"
Not really, but i didn't use networks i just make some friends by commenting on steemit posts :)

"Is pure Altruism possible on Steemit?"
It's hard to say...but in my case i post one post per day i upvote myself and the rest of the Power Vote is going to other posts and not only friends but i upvote a lot newcomers.


Times they are a changing.

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