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RE: Steemit Home Page Redesign Part 1

in #steemit7 years ago

I love seeing the community give their feedback on what they see as rooms for improvement in the form of prototypes and drafts and not just talk.

But why is half your post a signature with all groups you are associated with? It just looks silly.


I’ll be posting a revised wireframe with more explanation. I was going to mock it up but realize there are many comments that are helping shape my wireframes for build. Between my current Sr ux role here at the studio and scuba teaching on the weekends i didn’t have as much time as i thought to prep a more informative post. But i wanted to get my work out there quickly to here where the ui was lacking. Now i know and with your comments about the footer that helps me too. I’m a month new! Still trying to understand how to post and to not leave anybody out. Thanks!

I get you. Just wanted to give my honest opinion, although a bit blunt perhaps ^^
Keep it up!

im going to work on the revise 2nd version after work today and try to have it out tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for the comments. you make me a better designer for the target user. Ive only been here a month. would love the continued support and comments. Ill add you as well. thanks :)

Eh it’s just a rush footer i put in today. Sorry for that. Just happy to support all kinds of great communities

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