in #steemit6 years ago

For the last few months the views count has been missing and that used to be very useful to know if an article was being seen at all or if it needed further promotion here or on other social media platforms.

Without it we are getting virtually no feedback whatsoever!
We already get virtually no pay outs because most voters have zero ratings.

Steemit finances are going through the floor and do not appear to be recovering.

GIVE US BACK THE VIEWS COUNTER so that we can at least monitor some modicum of success in this dismal corner of the blockchain.

I note that this steemit post explains that the counter was not accurate anyway and, since it was posted over 2 years ago, you have avoided resolving the issue completely by removing the counter altogether!

Lazy and very unsatisfactory!


I have a view counter on my Wordpress blog - and it is fascinating - BUT - the views have nothing to do with my content which is very consistent - I only do one or two new ones a week - I think it shows google manipulations of search results driving traffic!

Some pages are heavily censored, so seeing which ones get no traffic is of interest - that pretty much tells me which topics are being covered up

Thanks for linking your Wordpress blog! I had never seen it before and I love the colour scheme, the simple layout and your choice of topics. I have shared a link or two to facebook.
Do you think I would be best served if I started to publish on Wordpress rather than Steemit?

The Steempress thing is new - it's only been in the past two weeks that I've been able to post on Wordpress and have it go straight to Steemit.

And it sorts out my image sizes - my photos are way to big to upload directly onto Steemit.

Wordpress also has much better formatting so it's easier to write posts there.

But Wordpress isn't a blockchain - you have to provide your own server space - and there are no payouts, and no community.

We have a huge server for our business and could potentially post many thousands of web pages, and so long as we pay for the server each year they can't be censored.

I like Wordpress (but not their latest development - Guttenburg - which is badly designed, but there are already workarounds to avoid that)

On my blog, it all looks how I want it to - black background, white framed images, coloured text - stuff I'd like to be able to do on Steemit.

At the moment Steemit it a bit of a mess, but I do think it will get through this and recover.

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