How Technology Has Advanced Learning

in #steemit6 years ago


How Technology Has Advanced Learning

The easy access to automation has largely induced the advanced learning among the present-day students. Most importantly, it has bridged a much-needed gap between the pupils and information. Tons of data are now available on the mighty internet, which has played an essential part in augmenting how we acquire that data. Then again, the synergy between a digital software and students enhances the learning ability of the latter. Since playing around a software offers much more than just staring at a hardcopy, such as advanced learning via pragmatism. The experimental approach assists students discover what exactly needs to be done. In brief, the more the students cooperate with automation, to the greater extent their understanding will go.

Subsequently, most of the institutes that previously prohibited the use of smartphones are now encouraging students to carry one in their academic sessions, for the better knowledge of the subject. At the same time, the portable learning is proving to be extra effective for the younger generation that is encircled by technology. The 24/7 access to a wide range of data encourages students to learn faster than ever. Not only that, the availability of cloud-based applications has actually freed students from the hassle of carrying their laptops everywhere. The mobile-based cloud applications offer the same functionality and features as of desktops. With that said, the use of smartphone has alternated the primary part of the instructor’s job. They have now become the facilitators, rather than the central source of information.
Given that automation has been prevalent in most aspects of the academia, let’s study the top-of -the line services the technology has been rendering.


  • Virtual Class Rooms
    By making an effective use of technology, the online learning carries a number of benefits, one of which is the flexibility offered by the Virtual Class Room. Besides, it provides many perks as compared to Conventional Class Rooms, such as instant availability to unlimited information, efficient time-management, quick assessment, and non-parallel conversation.
    The major part is the non-parallel conversation. In physical class room, the instructor does not answer after the teaching time is over. However, in online class-rooms, everyone is free to post his/her query, irrespective of any particular time duration, on a given forum, and it will be answered without having to wait for another class.


  • Digitalized Judgement
    In most of the schools, the appraisal process has been digitalized, which has primarily helped institutions in determining students’ results. This has definitely reduced the human effort that was previously necessary for appraisal process. Subsequently, a number of institutions have developed certain online software to upload the examination results, for which, previously, students had to visit their respective institutes.
    Additionally, students giving online examinations have a very steady evaluation procedure. They get their evaluation report right after the exam is over. This saves them from having to visit the physical place on every exam day. In brief, the online evaluation tests primarily fosters advanced learning which is yet to prevail in most of the traditional institutes.


  • Introduction of Multimedia
    Prior to technological advancement, the class rooms used to have white and black boards followed by a chalk and duster. That was the primary equipment needed to teach the students. However, since the technology began to spread across the world, even the undeveloped countries replaced the white/black boards with Multimedia Projectors and LEDs, for the better understanding of the students. After the multimedia arrived to the class-rooms, the other inventions followed its footprints, and technologies like Microphones, speakers, and digital pens were brought in the class rooms.


  • Motivation for Needy Students
    While many students can afford going to traditional school or college, there are students who are devoid of funds to enroll in those schools or colleges. Owing to the Modern-Age Technology that has advanced the learning process by enabling special students to study from their homes. Because the online schools/colleges are pretty cheaper than traditional ones, the needy students are able to continue their schooling virtually.

Therefore, the discussed inventions are some of the prevalent technologies that are advancing the learning process every day. In effect, the time is near when the education will be widespread across the world, and majority of the people will be able to pursue their desired educational career.

Let us know your stance on the following in the comment section:

  • What do you think about the Virtual Learning? Is it better according to you? Or it should be reversed to Traditional Learning?
  • What is your opinion of the online evaluation tests? Should we rely on the automation while risking the educational career of students?

We are looking forward to hear your opinions.


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@tts you guys are doing great work

thanks for so many information about tech.

@premhenderson Thank you my friend

Yes laptop and smartphones are very useful now a days without laptop and smartphones are basic need have a look at my post also upvote and comment on my post so i back to u

@shivapathak1 Sure my friend. Thanks

You got a 7.05% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @flash07!

interesting and informative blog sir it help to get some knowledge so thanks for sharing :)

@sanjugangber Thank you very much for your kind comments.

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Thank you friend

Yep. Smartphones and laptops enhance the learning process but are also a distraction.

@wstanley226 Yes my friend. Thank you for reading my article and your kind comments.

Nice article and keep posting such article more post.

Thank you for your kind comments my friend.

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