Two Months Anniversary on Steemit - Ulog #5 Mission Accomplished (Bilingual)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


I didn't realize that I have been standing here on this platform for two months already with happiness and sadness memories. Sometime, my enthusiasm to write something is massively appears. On other hand, I feel tired, exhausted and bored, even just to touch my computer keyboard.

However, this is what I call as struggling. There must be ups and downs in life, just like the wave in the sea. But will we stand undoubtedly just like the coral-reef? It always be there to stand strongly, no matter how hard the wave attacked it on.

I stand for to be the coral-reef itself, where sometime this heart being tested when I saw $ 0.00 under my post. It still be like that for hours even days.

Is it hurts? Of course it is. But again, this is what I mean by that shaky thing (Feeling unsure). After writing for so long, but nobody would love to stopping by even just to say hello 😅.

Again and again. I'm trying to convince myself. Writing for learning, writing for being remembered and writing for eternity. Make sure that USD for self-motivation rather than taking as a huge obsession. I'm afraid you will be directly quit right after you get nothing to gain.

I learned a lot in these two months, especially in communication part. It absolutely not easy. You have to communicate with thousands of steemit users around the world with different ethnics and cultures.

You can't just make it same to build a communication between Australian and Indonesian or between American and Acehnese. They have their own styles and approaches that might be different.

So, based on my previous experience in guiding tourists across nations, I applied my knowledge here in Steemit. Alhamdulillah, by giving my best effort, luckily in short time, I have already increased my reputation to 4.5. For me, this is a big achievement.

Everyone has his own target to be accomplished. And here I am already achieved my mission as I planned. Hopefully, I could give my best contribution and could increase the contents to be more valuable for the next journey.

Happy Two Months Anniversary for me 😇

I thank my new friends who support me here during this time @thekitchenfairy @surpassinggoogle @kenny-crane @travelling-two @frostyamber and so much more. Thank you for guiding me sir and mam. I do really appreciate that 😇.

Tak terasa dua Bulan sudah berlalu mengarungi suka duka berada di platform ini. Terkadang semangat itu hadir menggebu-gebu untuk menulis, adakalanya juga lesu, lunglai dan letih menghampiri, bahkan untuk sekedar menyentuh keyboard saja saya bosan rasanya.

Namun, Inilah yang namanya perjuangan. Semangat itu sudah pasti ada pasang surutnya bagaikan gelombang. Namun apakah kita bisa berdiri kokoh layaknya karang di lautan? Ia senantiasa tegar walau diterpa dahsyatnya ombak mengguncang.

Saya memilih menjadi karang itu sendiri. Dimana terkadang hati ini di uji ketika melihat $ 0.00 di bawah postingan. Ia tetap konsisten dengan pendiriannya seperti itu ber jam-jam bahkan hingga berhari-hari.

Sakit? Nyesek? Sudah pasti. Tapi, inilah yang saya maksud dengan goncangan. Sudah lelah menulis panjang lebar, eeh malah tak ada sesat satu insanpun yang mau melirik bahkan hanya untuk sekedar menyapa. Eakkkk 😅

Namun lagi-lagi saya coba meyakinkan diri. Menulislah untuk belajar, menulislah untuk dikenang, menulislah untuk abadi. Cukuplah pundi-pundi Rupiah itu dijadikan sebagai motivasi. Jangan malah terobsesi. Saya khawatir kau akan serta merta berhenti ketika recehan-recehan itu tak bisa kau gali lagi.

Dalam dua bulan ini, saya belajar banyak hal, terutama dibidang komunikasi. Jelas saja ini tak mudah. Kau harus berinteraksi dengan ribuan pengguna dari berbagai belahan bumi dengan gaya dan budaya yang berbeda.

Tidak bisa kau samakan begitu saja bagaimana cara bertutur sapa antara orang Australia dan Indonesia, atau orang Aceh dan Amerika. Ia punya cara dan pendekatan sendiri yang tentunya berbeda.

Berbekal ilmu dari pengalaman memandu para wisatawan dari berbagai negara yang selama ini saya geluti, saya kemudian mengaplikasikan ilmu tersebut disini. Alhamdulillah, berkat usaha itu semua, dalam dua bulan saya berhasil memperoleh level 4.5. Bagi saya ini adalah sebuah prestasi.

Setiap orang punya target masing-masing. Dan saya sudah mencapai target yang saya cari. Semoga kedepan saya bisa berkontribusi lebih aktif lagi. Belajar lebih giat dan kualitas konten juga meningkat ke arah yang lebih bermanfaat.

Salam Menulis!


salam @fitrianizar. Semua butuh perjuangan untuk mendapat apa yang kita inginkan. putus asa bukanlah jalan yang baik bagi kita , terus mencoba dan teruslah berkarya serta jadilah diri sendiri.

Iyaa setuju Bu. Makanya Pit bilang apapun yang terjadi harus bertahan. Jangan Jadikan uang sebagai obsesi yang besar tapi cukup sebagai motivasi saja. Makasi buu guruuu💕

Sabar say

Aku gabung agustus 2017, dan baru 2-3 bulan ini mulai dapat $1-2-3 🤣

Kalau yg dah dari 2016, sudah banyak $ karena steem murah sekali saat iu cuman 7 cent, jadi orang bisa beli banyak steem dan power up

Kalau sp banyak, mempengaruhi penghasilan

Aku dari 0, hingga akhirnya sekarang dah lebih dr 1000 sp

Dont give up 😘

Ahahahahaha, iya mbaa. Ini juga semangat karena melihat orang2 disekitar Yang tetap bertahan. Mana ada sukses itu instant, kan semua butuh proses.
Makasii uda mau mendukung selaluuu😘😘😘

Thank you for the mention and happy two months to you too!

Believe us, it's tough going on here. There will be many posts that we do that won't make it over $1, but we still keep on going as we like creating content and do it for ourselves. You learn to self-improve, new knowledge and learn new skills too! Many of us forget that and often take value in how much was made. Yes, money is important especially if you put 2-3 hours dedicating yourself to one post. Give it time and see yourself in four months (at the six months mark) and then have a self evaluation. During these next four months:

• Make loads of connections - engagement with other Steemians either on Steemit or Discord

• Join and make entries for contests

• Experiment with different platforms- Steepshot (photos), DTube and DLive (videos) and DSound (music or podcast).

• Ultimately, be yourself and find your niche!


I couldn't agree more @travelling-two, it's not easy to keep our zestful will be always stable to write something. It is tough like you said. But I do challenge myself to keep posting one article or one photography picture everyday.
Ya I learned many things during my time here, I took this as an alternative way to boost my mood up, Rather than thinking of earning, earning and earning, I prefer to chose learning, learning and learning.
So by having this preference, it won't make me down when I see $ 0.00 under my post. Lol 😅

Thank you for always giving me your best suggestions. Hopefully soon I will make my D'tube, D'Live and D'Sound Account.

Stay connected and cheers Becca and Sam ❤️

That's good to hear and don't worry about the DTube, DLive and DSound accounts as its all connected with SteemConnect. So, you already have an account on those platforms, but you haven't uploaded a video or podcast yet.

All the best and stay connected :)

Ooh ok I get it. Hope I could use it properly soon.

Stay connected 😇

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