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in #steemit7 years ago

Don't know your story, but I know mine... Yeah, bots will take this platform right into oblivion. Seems the creators of this site just don't care - they have bots raking in the money for them. In their opinion, everything is working just fine!


Exactly, well this is going to be a blood bath & very public stay tuned

Please be aware that this user has not verified his identity. It is unlikely that he is Adam Dahlberg aka Sky aka NetNobody who you followed on twitter on youtube.

Is that the reason you are flagging him? Please respond to this as soon as possible.

@samstonehill I would love to see you respond to the accusations in his video. I am a truther, personalities are of little concern at this point. I agree with this guy, the bots are out of control and they will destroy this platform if they are not reined in. Yes, my opinion but it is not hard to look down the road and see bots with all the power on this platform, while humans are crunched under their little botjackboots. This guy is a little foul mouthed, a little "chip on his shoulder"-ish but he is not wrong... not that I can see. Just hiding his post does not fix anything. You have a lot of pull and a great rep, tell me the "other side" to this story, please.

I am going to write an article about this subject. When my rep turns 71 in a few days.

I know this guy. He reached out to me in his excitement when he first joined Steemit. Like you say, personality is of little concern. He did make some mistakes and he did react with anger instead of following the recommended procedure. Which is never going to make you fiends here.

But clearly there is something more going on.

It feels to me like the current whales are not so interested in newcomers achieving whale status through investment. A voice can be heard using Steem Power. Or a voice can be deleted. As we can see here. And this is a power they would rather keep for themselves.

They, as the group are flagging content for exposing them. Like i stated within the Facebook group we are not investing the $500K on December 1, 2017 as scheduled. We as a group will make a public statement after the meeting, once Adam is back in country...

All you have to do is see all my accounts and both of Adam's account went from a over 40 rating to where they are now. They were attacked for no reason, all content is either our own or clients content. The BOTS and the pussies that run them need to have their balls taken off. I am not the only victim, the sad thing is that they are fucking it all up not only for US but for themselves. The investment of our content, celebrity status, plus a financial investment would make this community stand out, it would cut the growth time down to mere months instead of years. We as a group have a fan base of almost 1 billion people, imagine what those numbers and traffic would do for the community. And really who gives a fuck about policing this community? Since when did anyone get elected to be the steemit cop exactly? They create a bot and have free roam to fuck off anyone under them just because they feel like it? The idea was not to censor content we thought? @pfunk was also maybe trying to help but until you ban these account that really do nothing good for the community it will not prosper it will die off and then you can thank all those fucks that killed it just because they wanted to. You know maybe we should drop that $500K then go around and destroy all the bots on here, just spend a week flagging all of them. We make $500K in a week maybe less time then that...I doube i will even verify the 15+ other accounts for my clients on here, why should i waste the time just to have them destroyed by some fucking kids & their BOTS! All of with such high rankings on here need to cut down the fucking fags fucking this shit up, grow some balls, fucking take control flag their useless content take there power away before they completely ruin all YOUR hard work. I would expect all of you who give a fuck should maybe talk about this, plan that shit out. We are fucking new i took the time to investigate this community, thought it would be sound investment another stream of income for my clients & their fans something that other platforms don't offer... Sadly all of their fans would probably be attacked for being fans lol... Sam, do US a favor talk to who you need to, all of what i am saying can be proven, it's all in the records, you will see who is at fault, then come back, with their heads and tell me it's safe again.

Now by DEFAULT anything that i UPVOTE that bot is downvoting, for no reason... Look at the records, put me in touch with someone that can fix this, it's obviously broken, you need to delete those bots, they are fucking this up, if that's all that need to be done, get it done, i will get the investments, we can all be rich as fuck, simple... @pfunk where you at? Look at the records, all that i have said here & within the groups on Facebook can all be proven, everything i post on any of the accounts is automatically downvoted, that's wrong, censorship, etc. even comments? really? WHY? Get this shit under control.....

I see cheetah downvoted this. I thought that bot was supposed to downvote stuff that was plagiarized. So... the bot cannot think or feel, but it can seek revenge...?

It's not a bot all the time the piece of shit that created it, uses it himself, and all the other accounts. That's ok this community is doomed we as a group will expose it. I am sorry for the good people on here but we don't take being fucked with lightly. This is fine they can keep there failed platform, once the world knows to stay away it will die off the BOTS will run everyone else off. Plus the so called steem will be worth nothing in time. We will focus on building our own community, currently being tested, and use our social influence to populate the new community and destroy this one. I appreciate your support, your obviously extremely smart. You can email me to keep in touch, whatever at anytime listed below... #SteemCensorship is trending now on social platforms and will grow over the rest of the year. Thank Again!

EMAIL: [email protected]

Yeah... never mind the point he makes, lets turn the conversation to an assumption that he is a troll.

Your lack of response speaks volumes.

Please review the reasons why posts should be flagged.

Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 03.57.15.png

Do you see anything here about personal feelings regarding identity?

Disagreement on rewards covers a multitude. As you can see this list is not exhaustive merely some common reasons to flag.

Thank you for responding.

On this particular post I cannot imagine his rewards were particularly large? Perhaps a few cents. What part of this did you disagree with?

As an investor in this platform, I'm helping to shape its future. Plagiarism is stealing from the community's reward pool to reward content that is not legitimately earned. This user has multiple accounts stealing content from across the internet for a quick buck, posting porn that is not his to post and riding on the coat tails of the real NetNobody's brand. Can you imagine how Adam would feel to find out his content is permanently associated with this racist, sexist, vitriolic scammer? What we post on the blockchain stays on the blockchain. I'm not censoring Tim. No one can. His posts and comments are still indelibly inscribed on the block chain. However I can use my voting power to make sure he is not rewarded for this thievery on

As someone who has been living on Steem for 7 months I can assure you we have the same long term goal for this platform.

I have been helping people join steemit for over a year and am consequently connected to a huge network now. Like many, this person reached out to me when he first joined and I did my best to help him. Which is partly why I am involved now.

I am curious to know what proof you have that he was plagiarising and not connected to Adam?

Happy to take this conversation to a more private arena if you prefer.

Hey you stupid cunt here you go bitch

You made a fool of yourself again @reneenouveau.
The video uploaded would throw your logic out the window.

I wasn't as harsh to the guy in chat the way everyone else was because I did believe there was a possibility that he really was who he said he was. I was trying to reason with him but you all ganged up on him and gave him no chance to express his issue. He was even calming down and starting to be respectful when you had him removed.

You and all your snowflake companions however asked for his head to be decapitated essentially. As foul as his mannerism first was, he deserved a fair hearing. Not the harsh treatment he received from you and the rest. Even after he was muted, the other girl was angry that all the accounts weren't banned. That's very vindictive.

This video uploaded makes very good points. This place is full of over-sensitive nothings that think they are some authority here only because they sat here for longer than others. Steemit is doomed because of individuals like you.

Don't reply to this. I'm not asking questions or care for your opinion. I'm just putting this here so everyone can know what happened.

It looks like you have not replied to anyone else anyway. You probably feel like you have egg on your face. So if you reply to this you prove my point that you have a very fragile ego.

Oh and again.. thanks in advance for the flag.

Who the fuck are you to say anything? Who dies and made you a cop on here? Your status does not dictate anything, your no one & nothing. You status is only because you post content, your not anyone of authority on here. To think you are, you need to take your head out of your asshole! You have no idea what the fuck your doing... @pfunk is very aware of what we are doing, put your nose into our business again and we will have you deleted, erased. You can fuck off cunt and i am being nice. You have been warned! AGAIN you are NO ONE nothing, your poking a BEAR keep out of grown up business and no i don't give a fuck, i have put in the work i have proven who the fuck i am that's why i fuck with who i fuck with, etc. Your approval is not needed or wanted, again fuck off suck some cock, get your pussy stretched, i don't give a fuck about your feelings, take that shit somewhere else. Go back to Facebook be a cop there, they will actually pay you for being rat bitch that you are. NO ONE likes a tattle tale, got it?! Besides if you did have a brain, you wouldn't even want to question Adam on anything, if you know so much, you would rather be kind and inviting, your dirty pussy would get more attention with sugar around the rim other then the salt your using now...

Tim Clark (SNN), CEO
Something New Now Media Promotions
Skype: somethingnewnow

My investment in the platform means I have a say in it. :D

Well i guess @pfunk & @samstonehill are just too scared to do anything, typical. We on the other hand are not afraid or a bunch of pussies lol... We eat pussy for breakfast! lol... Anyways... Keep in touch!

I doubt we will bother signing into these accounts any further. We will create new accounts after the BOTS are deleted, peace!

Add Tim on Facebook if you want...

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