Steemit: The Good The Bad & The Ugly #2

in #steemit7 years ago

Welcome to the second part of this series and today's theme would be the Bad & The Ugly so don't expect any kindness in here. If you are an optimist then i suggest to read my post about the Good things here on Steemit by clicking here 

The Bad

With the rise of new members here on Steemit the bad things that have happened really fast are:

1) Fake-Dead Followers: Many people may have joined steemit but most of them are inactive or just try to earn money and followers via other ways, and one of them is the tactic of just follow you and expect the same thing. In other words and i'll take myself as an example, i have 800 followers and my posts have upvotes from 25 to 100 so as you can see in the best case scenario i get 1/8 of my followers in upvotes. 

There should have been an option or something that you can hide all those inactive and spam people from your follower list

2) Plagiarism: This is another thing that happens analogically with the rise of members. Basically, people that wanna earn money with ease just copy/paste articles and posts they found on internet as theirs, or just steal other's posts and photos without any mentions and expect everything to run smoothly. Thank god we have steemcleaners a team dedicated to solve this problem! 

i get that some newcomers may have no clue about what Plagiarism is but they are willing to learn search some basic guides in here i am sure they will find out the do and don'ts of this platform

3) Annoying People: That is a thing i hate so much and i believe everyone in my spot hates it the same. A lot of people tend to believe that they will earn followers and upvotes with comments like ''Good post'' , ''Keep it up'' ''follow me follow you'' and other crap like this. Some of them don't stop there and send private messages via steemitchat that ask for upvotes and even Steem dollars. One of the stupidest thing that have ever happened to me is that after i posted something that needs about 3-5 minutes for someone with an average knowledge of English to read and maybe more minutes to understand it perfectly(it was scientific), at 33 seconds i receive a comment that was like ''amazing post keep up the good work'' i repeat in 33 seconds, at least have the brain to use the same line after 5 minutes.

Mostly any Author can tell if you read their posts based on your comments. Even, more smart comments have the same effect on us. We know our audience and we know who indeed read the whole damn thing or even cause of lack of time read a part of it. Lying and trying to deceive others in order to gain a 1$ worth of vote only lead in your destruction so i suggest to interact with people, read their posts and build honest relationships. I know sometimes you may not have the time to read it but others you will!  

The Ugly

So we come down to it eventually!

The Ugliest thing here on Steemit in my opinion is the Abusing of the Reward pool. Just to let anyone that doesn't know it, the rewards we can earn as a whole are limited and that means there should be a balance. There are so many that abuse the reward pool with so many different tactics (at least they are creative). Some of the tactics i have seen and remember so far are:

1) The simplest of all is for people that have votes that worth over 20$ to keep voting their own comments :P or make posts with one phrase like '' Nice Day Today'' and upvote it!

2) A smarter thing i came across a couple of days ago is when you are a person with a significant amount of steem power and you create a second account or make a deal with someone for a % to delegate some of your power to him (delegate=lending in order his/her upvote to worth more) and that person keeps uploading random videos from YouTube every two hours and upvotes himself. Now that one could be accused of plagiarism as he just uploads videos of others without permission, spams those video every 2 hours and the only upvotes he gets is from himself that worth more than 20$ so you can imagine how fast he can grow. If you make the maths and i did some, per 24 hour, only by his upvotes he has about 200-250$ worth of posts x 7 days a week 1400-1750 not bad ha?

The exact same thing is when someone uploads shitty posts every 1-2 hours with content that helps none and just take advantage of the whole reward pool system and in plain words YOU

3) Bots: If you don't know what bots are go to the trending page look the highest earners, click at upvotes and now you can see the mess. Basically, what happens is that people pay a bot or multiple bots with sbd and the bot provides them upvotes which will lead to exposure and after that, they are visible in trending and hot page. It doesn't matter if your content is quality or not to the bots even though some spout out excuses like that, your post will gain more and more exposure. If you think that this whole bot thing is good my opinion tends to be different. Except the fact that all your money goes back to them, the only thing you earn with the exposure is new followers and sp power. Most of the followers you will earn that way, probably will be dead followers and don't expect votes from them while those things could be earned from creating quality posts, so you haven't really done any progress at the end of the day.

Also, by following that method, the quality content sticks to the bottom and those people eventually leave steemit for something more fair. Is that what we want? I know life isn't fair but Steemit was based in giving the power to the people and most of us try to make this community different than Facebook and Instagram. Using bots only leads into making rich people richer in my opinion. I have heard a saying and i made some changes through the years:

When you give humanity something pure and good with potentials of being great, they just fuck it up instead, for the sake of Greed!

Don't be like that, screw the bots and every other thing i mentioned and screw those people using them. Instead, i will say it for the millionth time try to make quality posts, engage and interact with other people, find those you  genuine like their posts and build relationships. That way not only you will earn money,reputation,steem power but you will love and get addicted to steemit and the whole process behind it. I could say way more but i am afraid i would need again 2-3 different posts

images and gifs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I truly enjoyed your pair of posts on the users of Steemit -- Steemit: The Good The Bad & The Ugly #1 and Steemit: The Good The Bad & The Ugly #2. I think both of these deserved higher payouts than they got. Sadly, I only saw the second one of them submitted in our post-promo section. And it was several days old by the time I was able to work with it.

One of the most frustrating things on Steemit to me is the limitation of the 7-day payout, an arbitrary and unnecessary deadline, in my opinion. If a post still had excellent value on day 7, it likely would have value on day 30 ... or day 120 or 270. That would certainly help all of us promote our growing body of work and reward good content whenever we find it.

I was able to put your second post mentioned above in my new curation project The Inbox Runneth Over. You can find your post showcased at this link. Stop by when you have a minute and see what else I found along the trail. Your companions here are all interesting in their own way.

I am also several days late managing to notify you of this on your blog, although I do note the people I include in our Discord group when I announce a new Inbox issue. Look for future acknowledgements to appear with you tagged in the announcement of publication in the railway post office channel. (Running behind in getting comments written is pretty much standard for me. There are just not enough hours in the day.)

Anyway ... to applaud and reward your exceptional work mentioned here, I have arranged a small financial boost on your recent post about food. You'll see a vote for about $1 done by imgroot in your list there. That's from me. That is well above what I could give you in a simple upvote myself ... and I want inclusion in Inbox to be known as a "rewarding experience."

Also, there is an individual in Steemit who has made my ability to do this work and reward it this way much more difficult, but we work with what we have. Keep putting out quality posts, and I'll keep finding creative ways to encourage it. As I tell my husband when he yells at our pets, "It helps if you're smarter than the cat."


First of all thank you so much for this and in general for the work you've done and keep doing! Hmm where to start! I am bit realist in my life so i will say that i think too that this post should have earned more :P but being about a year on steemit i can totally get it's a matter of luck to so i am used to it! ( i have other posts with so much greater rewards, that may don't deserve so much so in a way there is some balance :P )
About the 7 days payout i don't know if you know this but a couple of months ago ( i really don't remember how many) there was a payout after 7 days and after 30 days too!

Finally, i followed you so that i can't miss anything you post and i think you a really working hard in there. Everytime you make a post either yours or for the engine ( the curation posts) and i mean this, i am thinking how she make time to write all this, at a certain point it must be really tiresome and not easy at all!

can't any other members help you through this? I don't have much time but watching you doing all these makes me wanna help a bit so if you want me i don't know during weekend? to search posts for your lists or anything else let me know! and once again thank you and i really appreciate both your comment and the gift of 1$

Amen! With our heads put together instead of hidden in the silences, I am confident that ways to ameliorate the bad will emerge.

i hope so too!

I have alwsys thought of that thing, i noticed a particular person alwaus have all the comments they make upvoted by three difference accounts which makes them earn about 40$. Thsts cheating.. U are supposed to upvote others comment not your comments u this robbing cunt. Lol.... That day she even replied to her comment and three different accounts upvoted her reply immediately 😂😂😂

yes this is a very sad phenomenon that a bunch of people following. When i see a person like that except the fact that i consider it a trash i bookmark the account :P

You hit on some pretty good points, in the good and the bad posts.
I think that there are enough genius people on here to come up with solutions to these problems, and I know from experience that success tastes best when its from your own hard work :P
Thanks for the great post and your time :)

great post with a lot of insight. i see the bad and the ugly, but @skycae is right.
people should be smart enough to solve the problems. if not, it's what we deserve.

we're always gonna have people who abuse the system or come up with creative ways to beat everybody else. but i don't think it's all that bad. it's part of the free competition. any kind of enforcement will only make things worse.

at least steemit is fresh enough that new people still have a chance. eventually it's going to be ruined by marketers and bots and abusers. it's what all platforms go through. then there'll be some cool new ones that catch people's attention and it's a fresh start all over again.

Success indeed taste better when it is based on your hard work and in general the whole journey much better ( new friends, new things to learn, new experiences) but those people abusing the system don't care at all about that :P Indeed we have many genius people in here and we are still by far better than other communities but at then end of the day in order to stop those kind of people we need vast amounts of Steem power ( so it's a power game after all) or if the devs make a hardfork change instead.

I tend to think that competition is good when it is healthy competition. In other words if you work hard to make your posts and are quality ones you need to be seen and paid more and if i want the same i must try to reach you by working hard too!

All in all for now, those kind of actions don't affect us directly and probably not in the next 3-4 months and as you mentioned too new people can succeed but as more people joins, the problem will be more visible and i would prefer if we could cut it from the root than let it grow more and more.

Thank you both for taking the time to read and comment it!

i hope it goes in the right direction too. yes when i say competition i only talk about healthy competition. the problem is.. the line's not so clear. maybe someone could use bots AND work hard.

but yea. don't we all hate those who simply cheat. the community should be able to filter them out. let's hope it goes that way. let's hope we both have at least some chance 😃

I think most of these are typical on any platform. As for people with big VP and only vote themselves. This is almost counter productive because they can make much more by using that as influence to get more people voting on their posts, well over what they can provide. As well as you should want others to do well because if the platform and people do well, your investment here will grow bigger.

exactly those people thinking sort-term instead of long term. They believe they will make so much money by following this logic but if they actually wanted more money they would want the platform to become better and better

Amazing post @filotasriza3!
I learned so much dear sir, I upvoted now please upvote me too and follow me :P

I loved your presentation and will resteem it (later on, I just posted and want my post to breath a little bit)

I copied you on the 'gifs' on my new post, I hope you don't mind :)

Regarding the

There should have been an option or something that you can hide all those inactive and spam people from your follower list

I think you can mute them, but this will only cause you to not see them, they will still be visible from anyone else and will be able to comment on your posts.

Have a great day!

hahaha the ''dear sir'' part killed me :P

gifs are for everyone so help yourself! About the muting part yes you can mute them but what i was talking about was something like completely deleting them. For example when you clicked that option the number of the people that follow you to move down, so you could actually have as followers those that are active and loyal

Lovely post here👍👍👍
Thumbs up

Ditto! I agree with all of these. I feel like once these are removed or at least greatly reduced, an influx of new amazing content would flood Steemit. If only more users gave more of an effort instead of just shamelessly milking the system.

but then again apparently that's human nature, they keep trying to find the easy way without caring much about everything else, that's why i believe in ''law'' ''enforcement'' and not complete freedom, even though it may sound harsh we keep repeating the same and same mistakes

I totally agree. But, we can't generalize. There are some who rise above that nature and exemplify the best in our species. If we could only spotlight the good and almost be rid of the bad, we'll all benefit from it.