Back From Vacations & Ready To SteemOn!

in #steemit6 years ago

Hello everyone i hope you are all fine and had awesome vacations!

I relaxed so much during these 2-3 weeks that i was out. As i mentioned i was in my village so don't expect any fancy lifestyle, clubs, exotic beaches and stuff like that. Instead it was the exact opposite but in a way i really liked it. My village is a small one and the location of our house is a bit "far" from the center so it's quite peaceful here, you won't even hear a single car only the sounds of nature and the screams of my mom for not cleaning my room!

Also the climate (at least for me) was way better than in my city and i didn't even bother to use a cooler or something. During night the bed-sheet is a must and sometimes even a blanket is appropriate. That cool weather motivated me to go for a walk each day in the mountain without worrying to much for the heat. 

Now that i came back i honestly sweat all day without even doing the slightest move :P Anyway during these past weeks i thought quite a bit ( i didn't have internet so i had to do something :P ) and i set some goals which are:

  • To Spend More Time In Steemit: That means not only to increase the amount of time i spend in this platform but to engage more with other people in here, make more comments, take part in contests, be active members of some groups i am in in discord and if it's possible make my own team-group(name it as you want) in there(i already have an idea).

  • To Study More: That doesn't mean University or something. It generally means to study and learn new things along the way. I am usually easily bored to read even though when i am researching for something i find the info i want, i open 20-40 tabs and then the one they call boredom hits me :P
    • To Start Working Out: This is one of the ''mega goals'' not because i consider it something hard as 3-4 years ago i spent half of my day in the gym but cause i keep postponing it and now believe i reach my limits without exercising to the point i feel every inch of my body weird.

    Starting tomorrow i"ll start posting daily or at least for the most days of the week and i hope everything will go as planned! Great to be back and right away i am gonna check the latest posts i missed from you guys! 

    images gifs 1 2 3 4

Welcome back bro, funny coincidence, your return marks the start of my temporary inactivity (well not exactly today but the day after tomorrow) hope I can return on groove quickly too.

NoOooooo! No No No No No!

I'll be back haha

Posted using Partiko Android

so nothing is a coincidence ha! :P

Maybe it is a coincidence that it doesn't fall on the same day lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcomeeeee bacckkkkk! I'm still a little impressed going on a vacation for 2weeks+ without having access to the internet. Just wow! Must have been really refreshing and relaxing not having to think of some toxic stuff over the net :)

To Start Working Out: This is one of the ''mega goals'' not because i consider it something hard as 3-4 years ago i spent half of my day in the gym but cause i keep postponing it and now believe i reach my limits without exercising to the point i feel every inch of my body weird.

I myself have been thinking of doing this for yearssss now. Yearrsssss.

in a way i have access on the internet :P i had 10 gigabytes in my phone and if i had my laptop with me i could made my phone as a hotspot. Also my uncle has faster internet that i have in the city :P and he lives 15 minutes walking distance but i choose to stay away a bit from all the internet and relax completely.

I myself have been thinking of doing this for yearssss now. Yearrsssss.

for years months weeks and days i had the mentality of ''tomorrow i will be on diet" :P

Welcome back. Happy new season. :)

kalos sas brika!

Καλως ορισες!!! Καλό Φθινόπωρο να εχουμε!!!

kalos sas brika! episis kalo f8inoporo me ygeia

OMG you're baaaaaacckk!!! Welcome Back @filotasriza3 <3
I'm so happy that you had a very great time while on your vacation. I remember whenever I go home to my hometown as well (our house is like farmville with lots of plants surrounding it,even if we are in the city) the heat doesnt really affect us as well XD

hahaha anyway, your list is same as mine too. work out, learn and spend time to interact here. I really need it in my life whahah

we miss you too XD

great to be back!

hahaha anyway, your list is same as mine too. work out, learn and spend time to interact here. I really need it in my life whahah

the real questions is will the list ever be applied as we want? or nothing will happen :P

Welcome back! Staying away from all the buzz of the city life must have been really rejuvenating..

Great goals you have up there, hopefully you will be able to work on all of them!

yes my batteries are filled all over again! No matter how much i prefer the city over the village it will always have a special place in my heart!

Welcome back!

kalos sas brika!

welcome back! i'm happy to hear that you had a good rest because resting is just as important as hustling 😎
awesome plans btw!

hehe i hope i achieve them!

kalos sas brika!

Καλό φθινόπωρο.... και πολλά πολλά νομίσματα... :)))

xaxa apo to stoma sou k stou 8eou t auti :P

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