The most basic guide for new Steemians in 8 pointssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The latest days I've been inviting friends and I realized I have to explain each one some very basic points about #Steemit which are very important.

So I worked on this to have a pre-written guide for my friends to share to them when they ask me about Steemit; and also for all the new people who wants to start but has no idea how. You can also share it with your friends and save a lot of explanation time ;D

1. Create your account one day you're not in a hurry

You must pay attention to the steps you have to follow. Steemit will send you an email to be verified and also a message to your cell phone. 

After following this steps you will receive another email in about one day, maybe a little more, and pay special attention to this one because you will get your password which has a lot of characters. Don't forget to take a screenshot! And also keep in a word document, an email or somewhere you think is safe.

Steemit doesn't have the option to recover your password, so if you lose it you'll never get it back. Also, you won't be able to use the same cell phone to create a new account.

2. Follor your friends and interesting accounts

For this you should check the profile you want to follow, example: /
and click the upper right part in the button FOLLOW. This will make when you you visit your Feed the latest post of that user will appear.

3. The Upvote

If you want to express you like a post and want to support, you can upvote it by clicking in the small circle outlined with a blue arrow at the end of the post, IT'S FREE!

Everytime you upvote the author will get a reward. When you are new in Steemit (you are a minnow) each of your upvotes is worth something like .002. That's why when you upvote, sometimes you see like the amount doesn't increase, but when 3 or 4 minnows vote the ammount will increase by .01.

NEVER UPVOTE IF THE POST HAS ALREADY BEEN PAID, which happens after 7 days of being published. The author won't get reward.

If you clic the arrow in the right of the amount and it says: Pasts payouts, it means the author has already been paid for it, you can also know this if you see the date shows something like "last year" or "19 days ago", it was paid.

4. Publish!

When you feel ready to publish just click in the upper right corner where it says Submit a Story, and the neccesary blocks for this task will appear.

5. Parts of the post

Steemit keeps it simple:

  • Title: It's obvios, create a good title ;D
  • Content: There you can write whatever you want, add images, format it, etc. There are just a few options for text formatting but at least you can use bold and headings.
    Before start writting make sure the format options appear, they will make everything easier. If they don't appear, click in Editor, just above the  text block.
  • Tags: You can use up to 5 tags. The first one will be your main category. Example: If you will upload a photo use the tag photography first, then more tags to describe it, like nature, landscape, etc, use only lower case letters and it doesn't accept special characters.
  • Rewards: This part is very important!
    Default option is 50%/50%; this means a half of the amount will be paid for you in Steem Dollars and the other half in Steem Power.
    The option Power up, will give you 100% in Steem Power.
    Decline payout means you don't want to receive anything.
    Expert steemians and whales reccomend to set it to Power Up in the beggining to grow much faster, I will explain better in future posts or you can look for more information :)

6. Add images

I will explain the easiest way I've found so far, and that's to add them as the last thing you do with your post.

When you finish writting, clic above the text block where it says Raw HTML. It might get confusing for you because source code will appear.

Just read carefully and find the place where you want your image to be; click right there or hit enter and click below the text box where it says Selecting them, then just select the image you want to upload.

You can also add the image by dropping it in the text box. Or you can look for it in the internet and then right click/copy image, and paste in the post. Easy!

7. Be carefull with plagiarism

Everytime you use an image or text from others you must tell the source. Some recommend if the entire post comes from another source you should select the optoin Decline payout in the rewards.

8. When you're ready click !

If you want more information here are other of my posts talking about Steemit tips and stuff

These are in English:

These are in Spanish (If you want me to translate any of these just let me know):

As I've been learning I've been trying to share my knowledge.

ATTENTION: Now that you what an upvote is and how to use it, remember if you like one of my posts which is more than 7 days old is better not to upvote it. Always check if they've been paid. So if anyways you want to support me you can upvote a newer post n_n

Leave your questions if you need to know more about this topics and I will create another post if neccesary or I'll answer right here. Thanks for reading!


Thank you!=) I hope it helps

oh, hi.. again.. I had to come back to warn you... don't upvote your own comments. It's a waste of voting power :o you should better upvote posts that you think are very cool :) and if the posts becomes very popular you will get a great reward in Steem Power.

lol thanks for the advice

Thank you @fabiyamada. Valuable tips for us newbies, I especially like the power up option tip. It makes sense and I shall be applying it right away.

Right! And I just realized like a day before making the post xD Couldn't wait to share it n_n

Vengo del grupo de Facebook! Ya lei tus post, me parecen geniales! Te seguire para seguir atento a tu contenido :) En Facebook me veras como Ysmael Rodriguez, ya hemos compartido un par de comentarios. Saludos!

wuu! Si sabes Inglés ya la hiciste en Steemit xD lo digo porque comentaste en este post, me imagino que leíste... Hay mucho info en inglés para aprender a usar la plataforma :)
Estamos en contacto por aqui y por allá entonces ;D

Clarooo! De hecho, le mande este post a algunos amigos que estan comenzando! ;) Por ahi he escrito algunos post en ingles, hay que llegarle a la comunidad anglosajona y a la comunidad hispana jajajaja! Un abrazo :)

La verdad es que los hispanos que también manejamos el Inglés tenemos mucha ventaja por acá.

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