Speaking of Ants...The Germants are Endangered here

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

When I read the hilarious saga of Shredlords trip to downvote oblivion and back to steemit heaven and his story about ants, it just felt that articles like these are what make the community so special and unique. This is an amazing and inspiring socio-economic real-time experiment 😊

But talking about ants...I have a tale about a poor German(t) SteemiAn(t) to tell you.

The german speaking steem community so far is so tiny that yesterday a whale megadownvote of one of its members by an english speaking whale had eradicated quite a proportion of it and caused a certain stirr, with other german speaking steemers posting the letter of the downvoted guy in solidarity  and protests of censorship on Steemit risking to go viral in Germany before Steemit had even got viral itself! 

The dark spectre of Antisteemitism rose its ugly head. 

The injustice seemed immense after all. As a german steemian, you don`t get any attention or rewards anyway. You just blog and try things out and experiment a bit on your own, as there are hardly any fellow german(t)s around so far. Oftentimes you toil like a poor immigrant in a foreign language, just to get some dolphin dust. Life on Steemit is already hard enough, for most german speaking steemians, so to be degraded from peasant to the equivalent of a SPAM bot, felt simply outrageous. As a so far pretty fortunate german author here, I did not want this to escalate, so when it got to my attention, I quickly checked the original supposed Enemy of the Steem and what he might have done wrong, because he himself was convinced it was because of his critical analysis of Steemit. My best guess is, that he got downvoted for some trashy looking post, only featuring a weird thumbnail. I watched the video and it is actually pretty interesting, if you understand german, and not that trashy after all. But I get why some english speaking whale might have decided to downvote him on the appearance. 

The problem is: such a harsh measure is pretty devastating. I fortunately was able to reach some benevolent and concerned english speaking Steemians who swarmed to the rescue of the small german(t) community and to make a long story short, a diplomatic incident was avoided and poor @uwe69 was resurrected after all. He now displays a healthy reputation of 6 and his rant has earned him some 350 SBD. We can thus look forward to the follow up he announced in the english version he posted and I think the community will  agree that he better contributes to the german channels. ;-)

“ I wish the Steemit platform definitely much success. How did this text is rated me quite frankly does not matter. You know: Is the reputation is ruined schreibts be totally frank. But perhaps the tide turns were yet to positive. However, I do not think so, because to pull me out of this reputation hole out, the Upvoting already would fail violently. If it happens nevertheless, I will also write my article announced on the very positive view of Steemit and publish outside Steem." @uwe69

Please don`t tread on the few German(t)s! And maybe the Whales and Dolphins could encourage foreign language articles more, like they did with some of mine, which I`m very thankful for! 


Excellent post!

Actually that the problem with steemit, you get downvoted and everything get out of proportion, considering the down/up voting which count (you know those which comes with a bag of dollars attached to them) represent only a tiny fraction of the community, nobody should really care. Actually people are almost too polite here lol... (are these really the same people trolling like crazy on bitcointalk ?! well don't know about your german guys though...) What I like about internet in general is the fact it is international and you can meet with people from every horizons, places so I think it is a bit funny that german only community supporting germans getting in trouble, but ok good for him... I guess

Schöner Artikel :) habe gerade auch nochmal meine Meinung zum allgemeinen Downvoten zum besten gegeben. Kannst es Dir ja mal ansehen. Deine Meinung dazu würde mich interessieren. Ich finde auch das die Deutschen mit den upvotes hier etwas geizig sind, um es etwas direkter zu sagen. Ich denke nicht das diese Plattform nur für Hochschulprofessoren gedacht und Berufsautoren gedacht ist.

Riesen Danke für Dein Engagement!

Ich kann mir inzw. sogar schon 10 Cheeseburger leisten, nachdem mein Coffeeshop-Artikel von vor 3 Wochen mit 0.10$ gestern Nacht innerhalb von ner halben Stunde plötzlich 8 Votes mehr hatte und auf 10$ gesprungen ist. Yay! Weiß der Geier warum...
Koks und Nutten wenns so weitergeht! Quasi... :D

Koks und Nutten, that's why we are here for after all 😂

What a fine GermanAnt you got there!!!
A German cap and moustache
Ain't it hilarious 🙊🙊🙊🙊🐒🐒🙊🙊

Thanks Fabio, very kind of you
🚀🚀🚀 Return back to you

Hi, bin grundsätzlich ganz bei Dir, aber etwas Verständnis für die Gegenseite wäre fair. Du musst hier nicht posten, wenn es Dir nicht passt und niemand schuldet Dir die Hilfe, die Dir zuteil wurde und für die ich das "Danke" bisher überlesen haben muss. Poste mal weniger Trash und Du musst Dir weniger Sorgen um Steemit "Polizei" etc machen.

Sicherlich wird an den downvote oder Falg System noch einiges geändert in Zukunft. Habe schon einige Artikel dazu gelesen, die echt gute vorschläge dazu gemacht haben.
Kann nur besser werden!

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