Do we have any interests aside from what is going on in the cryptocurrency market!?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Sure as hell feels like there is nothing else to talk/see on Steemit other than speculation about the Bitcoin hard fork and its effects on the market. Pretty much everyone is saying the same thing, let's just wait it out and buy now when everything is cheap. While we do that, could we perhaps talk about something else? I am fucking bored.


What interests you? What have you been up to today? Is anyone else freakishly excited about the new Game Of Thrones season which is about to start in less than 12 hours!?!? I got lucky and I have the day off tomorrow so I can watch the first episode as soon as it airs approximately 4am in Finland. I need someone to keep me up until that! Actually I don't, I'm a night owl.





Pictures taken in June 2016, with my old Nikon D60 and my favorite lens Nikkor 35mm f1.8, no Photoshop.

ps. It's totally fine if you came here just to look at my tiny boobs in a fancy bra.


What if you posted your regular photos and said what you had to say for the day...

But then also talked about Bitcoin and the crypto markets in general?

That would be insta-m00n for STEEM and would bring all the crypto nerds to your blog!

What a great idea! It's not like I have to know anything about the cryptomarkets, as long as I remember to mention in the end that I'm not a financial expert, these are just my opinions and everyone should do their own research and make decisions based on that.

Now I'm starting to wonder the same thing. Aside from your blog, which I'm thankful for its popularity and thus higher up in my Trending feed, it seems like everyone's talking about crypto, blockchain, and anarchy-related topics. Which is all fine and good, given the context, but it does make me wonder whether a health or education-related blog would get upvotes at all.

Maybe I should try setting up a second account and start posting my thoughts on my other interests and see where that goes. I'm glad to see you're doing pretty well with your blog. :)

Have a good one!

It sounds a bit lame but I really think you should post about things that really interest you. I also think this community will grow more and more and have people with a lot more interests other than crypto etc.

Thank you for your nice comment :)

I'd say the major reason why crypto articles are so popular is because if you're part of steemit, you know and care about them. This means that posting about cryptos instantly gives you one of the largest audiences on the platform since it's a common interest of everyone.

If you go to places like YouTube or Facebook, crypto talk doesn't do so well since most people don't understand or even care about it.

I've personally discovered quite a few helpful tips and gained insight from some of the well written articles. However, there are a ton of "OMG OMG How low will Bitcoin go today" articles, that are just bullshit that we don't need here. I personally don't give a damn on the day to day of bitcoin or any crypto. I'm only interested in the long term viability of a crypto.

Here's a good way to look at short vs long term thinking: A lady takes her dog for a walk. The dog is zipping left and right and forward and back, sniffing here, running there, chasing a squirrel there, etc.

Tracking every motion the dog does is like looking at short term price volatility, but if you zoomed out, you'll see the dog stays within 40 feet of his master, and follows her as she walks SW at an average pace of 5 mph. The average pace of the walker will tell you where the dog will end up.

The moral of the story is, don't watch the dog, watch the master.

lol I need quick recap of all previous seasons, btw u look stunnin :)

You're running out of time! xD

I forgot what you wrote, I was distracted 😂😂😂

Haha, that's alright!

Your nipple interest me: No nipple, no nickel!

My nipples say sorry for hiding from you!

Thank you for addressing the steemit bias towards financial topics! I am also straining to find other content here. My interests are varied but "Game of Thones" isn't one of them -- yet.

You're a beautiful woman who has intelligent observations to make and my upvote will be cast when it's most effective (about 20 - 30 minutes after publication).


As long as you have some other interests other than altcoins. Thanks for being honest about upvoting when it's the most beneficial to you ;)

the combination of those pictures with the text is just awesome, I feel you. If we are ever close to each other, let's do a shooting ;-)

Very nicely related to each other, right? ;D I'm really hesitant on letting anyone shoot me but I think I'd make an exception for you! :D

nice, if you ever come to germany or bali, tell me.

I love Berlin in the summertime so I wish to go there some time again! :)

Some of us like to post about such ephemeral things like politics, philosophy and interpersonal skills. I have to wonder why cryptocurrencies trump all. Someone else has noted that the dominance of cryptocurrency articles can't be all that good for Steemit.

Hopefully, after August 1st, things will settle back down. You know, to earth.

Refreshing to see someone who hasn't succumbed to the "cover myself with piecemeal tattoos" syndrome.

It saddens me when I see it on women in excess, on the arms, upper chest, and elsewhere. Its like they rolled in a pile of samples after smearing glue all over their skin.

It ends up being a visual minefield of hasty choices, and tends to clash with anything they're wearing.

Oh I'm only getting started ;D But yeah, I don't think I'll ever be full of tattoos.

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