
Every innovation on this jpg for the last 20 years has wound up extractive for capitalists.

and your point?

What happens to the workers that the capitalists extract the wealth from? They get paid the wholesale value of their labor, if they're lucky, and the capitalists take all the profit from those efforts.

If the workers HAD the wealth why are they working for the capitalists?

They never had the wealth, they had the effort that produces the wealth. They do the work of producing the wealth, but they don't get to share much of it.

mean old capitalists...they should pay those poor workers
(the ones that they've trained, the ones that they give benifits, vacation, healthcare to)
get a workforce that is cheaper.

Getting a cheaper workforce is why jobs get outsourced to other countries.
As for training, they have to do that in order to get the production they need to produce the product. It has nothing to do with the worker, it's part of the company's overhead.
The benefits are part of the pay package, if you wish to get technical about it. However, the capitalist gives the least pay that it can get away with, it's the only way to keep the profit margin up. If they could pay less and keep workers, they would. This is all simple economics.

exactly right.
very simple.
the reason a business exists is to make a profit for the owner.
if not...then the owner will use his money to do other things.
jobs are just a bonus...NOT the reason.

capitalists developed the innovations...your point?

The amount of anti government people on here is staggering, the majority of you would phone police in any dispute guaranteed, read my article if you dare about bitcoin, you brainwashed pussys, if banks and western government is sooooooooo bad then move to the congo you dumb fucks, and take your fake steem dollars with you. oh, wait, many blessings if your upset with swear words xx

.my fake steem dollars
have paid the rent for the last three months.
bought me some power tools.
some materials to work on a houseboat.
It paid for the houseboat.
and a trailer.
you point is?

First of all father Christmas, I respect that facial hair and I was not having a go at you, I was replying to someone else but my fat fingers hit the wrong person to reply to, you, however after looking at some of your steem dollar posts I don't see how you bought all this you state with steem dollars, and I don't even need an abacus to add that up, never mind a calculator. I mean no disrespect either. How do you transfer steem dollars into say, cash actual GDP ? many blessings

it's obvious that you won't believe anything I tell you.
so I won't bother.
the data is visible if you look for it.
might I recommend
as a start?

No, no, i will check this out. Thank you for replying too me. No hard feelings. Many blessings

@thehansman, if you have anger, please try to maintain it. I'm asking you PLEASE not to use profanity on my posts. (I reserve that for myself :) )As for calling the police, they would show up, and shoot someone, or beat the tar out of someone to make themselves feel bigger. If I am in a "Dispute", where I feel my life is in danger, the Police would NEVER get there in time anyhow. (That's why I have a conceal carry permit.) As for "Crypto-currencies / bitcoin Yes I read your blog on it.... Wash your darn socks!!! Remember that ALL currencies are conjured out of thin air!!! Doesn't matter if they're ""Crypto, or fiat."" The real difference is that fiat currencies are ""Conjured"" as debt. Every US Dollar (Federal reserve note.) is created as debt. It must be paid back to the conjurers plus interest!!! In this way a cartel of banksters, rips off everyone else with the blessing of Government. They are no different in their criminal intent than a drug cartel. All currency is not wealth, but merely a medium of exchange. Either labor, or goods exchanged for something else. Currency is just a way of agreeing on value. This is why Gold, and Silver are used as currency. Where banks or Western Governments are so bad, is that they manipulate, so that they gain more than everyone else. Inflation is nothing more than a hidden tax. It's enforced by people with guns. (Try printing up a few $100 bills in US Dollars on your computer, to see how this works. The enforcers reserve this for themselves at gun point. you cannot conjure fiat currencies yourself!) As for ""Moving to the Congo you dumb f$%ks."" The Congo has been raped by capitalists for hundreds of years. This has been done with mighty, and powerful armies. Libya isn't Congo, but Africa nonetheless. It's leader merely threatened to back his currency with gold, and OMG!!!! They made up an excuse to take him out. Libya is in much worse shape now than the Congo. Pandemonium rules, as killer drones circle in the skies above killing indiscriminately. Banks Western Governments, and Corporations have a long history of using military force to rob third World Countries. (For example..... Hawaii, is not a part of the US..... It's an occupied foreign (Sovereign) nation. Google "Hawaii overthrow, Sanford Dole".

You are the one thats angry, festering away like a 9 week old turd. Your writing is stale, uncreative, laced with paranoia and disillusion , you think your bug out bag and tinned spaghetti will save you from nuclear fallout and that crypto currency is the saviour, your more of a pussy than i first thought. Many blessings. You down vote different opinions, you are a lot like the government's that you swear you hate for all theyre ill wills . HYPOCRISY of the finest order. You saviour your bitterness, where only YOU can use profanity, because you only have the right according to you anyway, YOU downvote an opinion just in case it rings true with other's,so you stifle the voice of others freedom of speech so YOU sir are an inflamed pussy and are just like the Government's you bad mouth with your double standards,i dont much like what the west has done and do, i also dont like what the east has done and do, but when a "free man" and prepper and advocate for freedom and free speech it looks pathetic when you try stifle others, you look a lot like what you proclaim to hate, your a hypocrite and a nob, and in that order. Many blessings

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