
Yes, but how would you like your journey to be?

lotsa fun.
I disagree with your contention that the main reason to be here is to make money.
The main reason to be here is because Steemit is a SOCIAL media that means interacting with people.

I post five to ten times a day...sometimes more...seldom less. JUST LIKE I was doing on face book for many years. I post things that I find interesting and DISCUSS it with people. I'd be doing it ANYWAY...Making money is just a bonus.

Why did you come here in the first place? Why not continue posting on Facebook?

I'd be doing it ANYWAY...Making money is just a bonus.

I never said it was the main reason, but that you are here to make money. If you weren't you would just post it back on FB or on a blog site.

I got rilly rilly TIRED of FaceBook trying to make me do things I didn't want to do.
I got sick and tired of the ads.
First I used a program...don't recall it's name right now. It would allow me to block most of the FaceBook generated content on my page that I didn't want to see. It had about a hundred boxes for blocking stuff...I checked most of them. Facebook didn't like that..they gave the author of THAT program hell. It got so bad that facebook wouldn't even allow the name of the program to be posted. I tried another one...FaceBook Purity I think...same thing..then another and another. Each one would work for a little while the facebook would mess it up.

It got to be a constant FIGHT with the platform...just to do what they advertised that I could do....engage with people and talk. They neglect to mention that I had to talk about approved subjects and waste my time with about a million ads.

I heard there was another way. I saw an ebook on Amazon Kindle about Steemit...I bought it...the rest is history.

Well, interesting.

However, I assume that if I wasn't on STEEMit and I wanted to shoot the breeze on particular topics, I would just join a forum/message board. Just like the old days with BBS, however I didn't chat much with the BBS, I just looked for games I could play.

and people are building that very thing on Steem Appllications as we speak.
ChainBBS for example...a BBS.
and there are games galore...
and other stuff that I don't understand..

It doesn't have the same feel or smell.

Build one yourself to be what you want it to be?
OpenSource and do that....GitHub..Utopian (catchy name?)

Note: You do know that facebook has a LOT of their employees that pose as 'users' ? They infiltrate the various 'rooms'( conservative topics) and agitate?

I lost 3 accounts at fb, freedom of speech is what brought me here. The snow flakes lefts can not stand anyone that loves the Constitution and guns.

that's correct.
they hate Cruz too.

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