Decentralized Autonomous MesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Decentralized Autonomous Me

In my last post I mentioned a few ideas and I brought up a few points. Let’s revisit a few of them. In crypto-circles you hear the term DAO, which stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization. What would happen if the organization part (meaning many people) was dropped and replaced with the ultimate person.


(Or from your perspective it would be you.)

Suppose that all of the ideas about flag/tags, various types of flagging, sorting and muting were to be totally on the receiving

Suppose that I could do ALL of that stuff, and more, but no one else could see it...just me.

Suppose I could ’tag’ a pornographic post, a religious one, a psuedo-science one, a conspiracy theory one, anarchy, economics, real science , fake news, which might NOT be any of those things to anyone else except

Suppose that I could dispose of it the way that I wanted to. I could put it in a safe seeeekret place for later viewing or I could toss it into the trash. No one would know what I did with it

Suppose I could tag individuals, build up a data base, developed from a personal block chain user interface in which the other stake holders were identified, sorted, pigeon-holed, muted, color coded, foot noted or what ever I wanted and no one else knew about it except

Which opens up something else, so really nasty, that I’m almost ashamed to even think about it much less mention it. Something SO ugly that it makes porn seem tame. Suppose I could get paid, individually, for looking at (gasp) ads. It’s an attention economy right? The advertisers want my attention? What am I bid? How much Steem will they pay me to look at their ad?

Each. Individual. Ad. (payout immediate Steam Power Please)

On an individual basis of course. No one else needs to know my shameful secret. No one else (except for the advertisers I assume) needs to know what I see.

Attention Dev(eloper)s...are you listening?

I’m pretty sure it can be done. One of my favorite apps is SteemStat...can you do that @Jesta? Anyone? alluded to earlier. We could(would?) become a decentralized autonomous ME!

Each one of us.



collective bargaining is a phrase which becomes an automatic follow-on does it not?

I don't understand what you mean. What I'm suggesting is the exact opposite. No collective and no bargaining...

In that case, you are minimising your revenue. As an advertiser I would love to divide and conquer. As a seller of receptive minds I want to sell as many as I can together to get a better deal for my open receptive minds

but my mind is not receptive.
sturgeons law...99% of everything is crap.
I don't want to see crap.
how much are you , as an advertiser to pay ME, to look at YOUR ad, which I think is probably crap, depending on how much you are willing to pay. If you think it's pretty'll pay pretty good...right?

That's fine...I probably don't want to see it anyway.
However...suppose I DID want to see something...I could display a profile.
"I want to see an ad about boats" (white male, graduate degree. over sixty five. retired)...what am i bid to look at your ad?

How wonderful to see another adherent to Sturgeon's Law!

Not that simple, I would not buy access to you without profiling. The concept is simple but the roll=out is not! I think you might be right - a discussion - I leave it in your hands and am happy to contribute if desired - worked in digital media which could help

to extend on that idea.
This is the block chain. If you have my user name you can look into my wallet. You see how much it's worth. How much are you willing to bet that I'll spend some of that Steem to buy your product if you pay me to look at your ad?

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