'Bots are bad for SteemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago


There seems to be a lot of them lately.
they are like a swarm of locusts

they contribute nothing but they take all that you have worked for.

Those of you who have been reading my posts know that I do NOT like bots
or Flagging

I seem to be in the minority
(nothing new)
I've been told repeatedly that flagging was necessary for Steemit
and that nothing could be done about 'bots.


So what can we do about bots rapacious pests?

Recall the Whale Project some time ago?

A group of whales decided to down vote OTHER whales for reasons
I didn't much like it when it was happening.
I lost a lot of Steem during the process.
But now I can see the benefits...


it set a precident.
if it's OK to downvote whales
(if you have the SteemPower to survive retaliation)


If it's OK to HAVE bots on Steemit.
Then it follows that it would be OK
to program a bot to downvote other bots.
(they set the rules)
In another thread Could this kill Steemit bots?.
in the comments I said

  • @everittdmickey
    I agree with you. I've said often and loudly that 'bots have no place on Steemit. Unfortunately I've been told , often and loudly, that the solutions you propose (I said much the same thing) will not work on the blockchain.
    I agree that it's a SERIOUS problem...perhaps as bad as Flaggin (another bad thing)...
    BUT...the powers that be...LIKE bots...they do what you say..they make them easy money.
    I couldn't agree more and I have definitely seen @everittdmickey discuss this before on some similar posts, I believe the problem with implementing this on the blockchain is that Captcha requires a "Centralized Validation", I believe Dan commented about it Here, this problem means that the system would no longer be "Decentralized" as all upvotes and such would have to go through a central system for verification and hence would defeat the purpose of the blockchain.
    I believe the way to deal with this would be to have bots with higher SP (I know Ironic) which would detect bots in terms of their behavior (would detect similarities with comments and be able to identify spam-like comments) and to flag their posts, this is absolutely possible and I have seen and experimented with first hand AI which has sufficient enough language recognition to be able to perform this task.
    I think that would be an EXCELLENT idea. I can see it now...Killer Whale..someone write a 'bot like you speak of...then people who think the way you and I do delegate SteemPower. Then it hunts 'bots.
    Make 'bots unprofitable.
    Great name for it! I just made an account with the username;killerbotwhale, Not sure if it will be used for the purpose yet, but if we could get enough support I would definitely be willing to program a TensorFlow AI In order to perform that task
    I think it's a great idea.
    Program it to search out and downvote (flag) all spam( follow me and I'll follow you) other beggars and vote-bots. I'd delegate some SP to the project.

So there you have it.
A way to get rid of bots.
Of course this is going to make a great many people unhappy.
Perhaps unhappy enough to remove flaggin
bots from the code.


I'd consider delegating a SERIOUS amount of steempower to support this project.
would you?
If you would then support @locikll54 with his project.
send him some $$$


It seems like bots are taking over steemit.

yup I agree ...... and people seem to be stingier with there votes .... also lets not leave self voting off the table ..... not sure about that either..... but as the beta test moves forward I think they will be forced to deal with things ...especially if the new whale suggested here was to appear in the steem waters... lol

i will not be investing in steem until that flag is removed and my freedom of speech respected by steemit ;)

can't blame you there.
BUT..since you have an account (obviously)
there's nothing to stop you from being active on steemit then using the rewards that you get for doing so in any way that you deem fit.

I haven't invested a thin dime myself...I've just been active.
With the rewards that I received I've done things and bought stuff.

you can too.

I'd hope that you give to some thought to what I said in the post.
the rest is up to you.

I agree with all of what you said mate, its just very hard being motivated to remain active when 99% of the things I post are not even worth a penny in British pound sterling. :/

you might consider supporting the killerwhalebot then..drop @locikll54 and tell him what you think.

hmm...he has no account.
I suppose he must be accessing the block chain by some other means than Steemit.

I have no idea how they are doing it, but I have come across a few accounts that do not seem to be real. All is not well in the cryptoverse :(

We never had these problems when finance and politricks did not invade the internet. This is all an elaborate ruse to strip us of our rights :(

Some bots are useful and add cool features, some vote bots not so much, Though I am not against them people overuse and abuse those bots!
Steemit is not about easy money as they believe, it is about freedom and justice, other social network abuse you to use them and to create content, Steemit rewards you for that in a transparent way just like no other does

Well, this is on thing we both agree on Everittmickey. This explains why my steem accumulations keep vanishing. Im still new at this and fumbling my way around here. There is surely a method of finding the source of the bots and introducing "various forms of malware" (without using any specific terms) in order to keep them busy doing other useless things that will prevent them from harvesting the fruits of our labor and create self inflicted damage to their creators hardware. In my opinion- bots themselves are a form of malware, and their ability to take from others without a human hand involved, is malware, in itself and should not be tolerated and erodes the confidence in the Steemit project.

yup...we agree on this subject.

I barely have enough STEEM to give myself $0.05, but I unfortunately agree that a KillerWhaleBot is needed.

do what you can with what you've got.

@locikll <--- typo in your post?

could be..thanks

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