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RE: Is Steemit Run Like a Third World Country?

in #steemit7 years ago

Good suggestion. I've sponsored a few contests targetted at minnows and have delegated SP to a few minnows who are particularly active community builders. I also sponsor three different bots that are targetted at minnows. Right now I'm working in my own income producing bots and those will reinvest a back into my minnow building enterprises. I'll unveil another community initiative later. Others things going on too. Quite busy actually. Tomorrow I present ideas about marketing in steem to some digital marketers. That should see more vslue flow into the community - without corrupting it with ads.
Not really leaving myself much time to write.
Good on you for networking with the whales. I don't think many want to keep this a third world economy, but neither are they charities and they don't need to be.


You are a shining light in the steemit community. Had no idea how active you are to make this place "first world". So interesting to learn from someone like you that knows the technology.

I'm About to post some fun info about the incredible value of the resorts here in Ko Phe Ngan, Thailand. Wait until you see the beachfront place I'm staying at for as little as 9 dollars a night for a fan room.

Then another one about Ecuador being an up and coming country in South America.

Keep up the great work!


You've got the X-factor!

Very informative.

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