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RE: Steemit: Whale Votes, Whining, and Why Gratefulness is Your Ticket to Success

in #steemit7 years ago

Like anything in life having the right mindset can help make things better or easier. I am rather still new here and thus I follow a lot of newer people like myself. I often see them writing blogs about how can they “get a whale vote” and other less graceful things.

I try and remind them that a whale vote could be an upvote or a downvote. Annoying the living daylights out of someone is not the best way to go about things on a platform like Steemit. Spend time creating content you enjoy that benefits yourself in other ways then what ever monetary value you are hoping to get out of it. People often forget your first goal on a site like Steemit is not to bring home bags of cash. There are lots of other more rewarding things out there. Knowledge and friendship being on top of my own personal list of what I wish to gain. Some of the richest people in the world are the loneliest. I’d rather have friends that I can trust; then, a swimming pool full of $100 bills any day of the week.


I loved this comment. Thanks. Honestly, with that approach, perhaps counterintuitively, you'll probably do really well on here. I love that things are so incredibly different here, and that we have such a distaste for cheap shots (I've even been called out for that once, even though I didn't intend it that way!). As a singer-songwriter, I've never found a place more supportive of my work. It's really the very best. All the best to you, friend! Xx, Kay

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